- Set up project structure
- Shadows with 1 light
- cone bottom is showing wrong colors for some angles/ranges
- Shadows with multiple lights
- Fix Cache for BVH, maybe leaf cache (removed cache for now)
- separate the header file to functions and structs
- random rotation of all objects with R key
- random movement/translation of all objects with maybe UHJK OL keys or something
- display last command in terminal that shows ie: "all objects moved to right" "all objects rotated 30 degrees on x axis"
- fix drawing of object when camera is inside the object
- restructure main.c into different parts and folders
- change all make_shape functions to take pointers as argument
- bump maps implemented
- check all artifacts between shape intersections
- correct bump map transitions from light to ambient to be a bit smoother and better looking
- camera gimbal lock when panning up or down
- only resize if last resize was more than a second (or less) ago
- fix all memory things, free when creating new lists, bvhs, destroy images/textures, destroy MLX
- Parsing of scene files
- fix hard-coded SHINE values
- fix hard-coded REFLECTIVENESS values
- -
- Implement BVH
- maybe create AABB boxes on creation of the shape and then use it for partitioning also