If you installed NPM from your package manager, you will likely suffer an EACCES
error when you try to install a package globally. The recommended solution is to install NPM via the Node Version Manager (NVM). This is what you should do:
Before we start, ensure your directories are set up:
[ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ] && echo 'export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"
mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin"
Also, if you have installed NPM globally via your package manager, uninstall it to avoid future confusion.
Next we install NVM and Node.js in userspace.
- Install NVM for your user:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
- Type
.- If you get nvm: command not found error, reload your shell profile first (
source ~/.bashrc
) and try again.
- If you get nvm: command not found error, reload your shell profile first (
- Install the latest LTS version of Node.js with
nvm install --lts
.- If you are going to use Gulp and you encounter problems with Node.js 16 or above, downgrade to Node.js 14 and make that the default:
nvm install 14 && nvm alias default 14.x.y
with the values from your shell output).
- If you are going to use Gulp and you encounter problems with Node.js 16 or above, downgrade to Node.js 14 and make that the default:
This is good enough for launching new apps, but e.g. MSBuild doesn't use a login shell. If you have a desktop environment (through a display manager), see if the following works on your system:
- Open the ~/.bashrc in a text editor.
- Open or create the ~/.xsessionrc file in a text editor. This is the autorun file for your desktop login session.
- Copy the new lines at the bottom of ~/.bashrc created by the NVM installer and append them to the end of the ~/.xsessionrc.
- Save everything, log out and log back it.
If everything went well, you can now successfully build your Lombiq.NodeJs.Extensions
-using project, as your IDE will already be in an NVM-enabled environment when you start it up. You can skip the rest of this guide.
If the above steps did not suffice, you'll need to set up some proxy commands for node
and npm
function proxy-nvm-command() {
for command in "$@"; do
cat > ~/.local/bin/$command << DONE
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.config/nvm"
source "\$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"
exec $command "\$@"
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/$command
proxy-nvm-command node npm
On Node.js versions >=14.19.0 and >=16.9 you don't need to do anything, as PNPM will be used via Node.js' corepack
On older Node.js versions, run this:
npm install pnpm -g
proxy-nvm-command pnpm