✨ Welcome, and thank you for your interest in contributing! ✨
- 📚 Project Documentation
- 📦 Pybooru on Pypi: Pybooru packages ready to install.
- 👩🎓 👨🎓 Code Examples: examples of how to use Pybooru.
- 👷 Travis CI: continuous integration for Linux & Mac.
- 👷 AppVeyor: continuous integration for Windows.
Respect each other and be happy! ❤️
Before reporting a bug, 🔍 check if it has already been reported. Bugs are tracked as GitHub issues, so create an issue using Bug report template.
- Use a descriptive title
- What behavior was expected?
- What is the current behavior?
- Steps to Reproduce (including code)
- Environment details
Before request a new feature, 🔍 check if it has already been requested. To request a new feature create a GitHub issue using Feature request template.
- Write a descriptive title
- Detailed Description of the feature
- Why is this change important to you? How would you use it? How can it benefit other users?
Steps to make a pull request:
- Complete the pull request template.
- Follow Styleguide.
We follow PEP-8 (not in a strict way) and Google Python Docstrings. Use Pylint