This project is a part of SOEN 390 - Software Engineering Team Design Project - at Concordia University. The project aims to build a LinkedIn esque app.
- Clone repo
- Run an SQL server and enter the details in .env-example file, and save as ".env"
- CD into backend, run "npm install" and then run npm "run start:dev"
- CD into skillswipe, run "npm install", and then run "npm run dev"
- View project in localhost:3000 or whatever specified port shown in terminal
Name | Student ID | GitHub Page |
Usama Saleem | 40110036 | usamasaleem1 |
Shadi Jiha | 40131284 | shadijiha |
Muhammad Mubashir | 40152977 | mubashir494 |
Marc EId | 40153034 | Marc-Eid |
Uzair Ali | 40111410 | uzairali245 |
Roger Sioufi | 40177472 | rogersi9 |
Name | 40034162 | Aleksandr Vinokhodov |
Ahed | 40112710 | Ahed750 |
Samdarshi Tiwari | 40113256 | Samdarshihawk |
- ChakraUI - ChakraUI component library
- Semantic UI - CSS library
- Redux - State management library
- Jest - Unit testing framework.
- Cypress - End to end testing framework.
- Travis CI - Continuous integration & deployment service.
It runs tests automatically on every push to the repository.