- 🤖 Introduction
- ⚙️ Tech Stack
- 🔋 Features
- 🤸 Quick Start
Develop a Jbl website showcasing products, headphone using HTML and CSS with smooth subtle animations.
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Vite
👉 CSS Variables: Utilize CSS variables to maintain a consistent and easily adjustable styling approach throughout the project
👉 Flex and Position Properties: Use of flex and position properties in CSS to create responsive and well-structured layouts.
👉 Rendering HTML through JavaScript: Rendering HTML through JavaScript using reusable functions, enhancing code efficiency.
👉 Smooth Animations: Smooth and subtle animations to enhance the overall user experience, focusing on fluid transitions.
👉 BEM Method: Follow the Block Element Modifier (BEM) methodology for naming classes, promoting a clear and maintainable structure.
👉 Organized File and Folder Structure: Maintain a well-organized file and folder structure for easy navigation and management of project assets.
👉 Responsive Design: The application is completely responsive across all devices, employing responsive design techniques such as media queries and fluid layouts.
all these while creating the sushi website with,
- Navigation Bar
- Creative Hero Section
- About Us Section
- Popular headphone, Jbl website
- Newsletter Signup and Footer
Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
Cloning the Repository
git clone https://github.com/Mohamadreza-Hosseinkhani/jbl-landing-page.git
cd jbl-landing-page
Install the project dependencies using npm:
npm install
Running the Project
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the project.