- Go to FAST-KHI-Semester-2 and click Fork.
(Note: Ensure that you are logged in with your GitHub account.)
- Use GitHub Desktop to clone your fork.
(Note: Download and log in to the GitHub Desktop App.) - Clone the repository to a location of your choice.
(Note: Ensure there is sufficient space to download the contents.)
- Select To contribute to the parent project > Continue.
- Navigate to the cloned repository in your file explorer by selecting Repository > Show in explorer.
- Paste the files you wish in the relevant folder.
- Head over to Github Desktop App and review the file changes.
- Add a relevant summary describing the files you added.
(For clarity, consider adding a brief description.)
- Select Commit to main
- Push the changes to your main branch.
- Head over to your fork on GitHub.
- Select Contribute > Open pull request.
- Edit or append a commit summary and description if you wish.
- Click Create pull request.
Thank you for contributing to this repository!
An administrator will approve your request soon!