There are multiple SSBL binaries provided by the SDK:
description | github SDK path | package SDK path |
Default SSBL | NA | boards/k32w061dk6/wireless_examples/framework/ssbl/binary/ssbl.bin |
SSBL with PDM in external flash | examples/k32w061dk6/wireless_examples/framework/ssbl/binary/ssbl_ext_flash_pdm_support.bin |
boards/k32w061dk6/wireless_examples/framework/ssbl/binary/ssbl_ext_flash_pdm_support.bin |
The SSBL is also built alongside the reference application and it can be configured according to the following table:
gn arg | default | description |
ssbl_pdm_external_flash |
true | Enable/disable PDM in external flash |
ssbl_multi_image_support |
true | Enable/disable multi-image OTA feature |
ssbl_ota_entry_storage |
"OTACustomStorage_ExtFlash" | Configure custom OTA entry storage type |
ssbl_simple_hash_verification |
false | Enable/disable simple hash verification alternative to secure boot |
ssbl_optimize_spifi_flash |
false | Optimize SPIFI flash driver size |
ssbl_spifi_dual_mode |
false | Enable/disable SPIFI dual mode support (e.g. used by K32W041AM variant) |
ssbl_version |
0 | Set SSBL version |
ssbl_use_redlib |
false | Enable/disable usage of redlib NXP library. If false, the build will use newlib nano |
ssbl_ota_data_in_external_flash |
false | Enable/disable OTA support for application with sections stored in external flash |
When secure boot is not used, a simple hash can be appended at the end of the
image for integrity check. Applications should be built with
Before writing the SSBL, it it recommanded to fully erase the internal flash.
Using DK6Programmer utility from Windows:
DK6Programmer.exe -V 5 -P 1000000 -s <COM_PORT> -e Flash
Using dk6prog
from SPSDK
$ dk6prog listdev
This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!
List of available devices:
DEVICE ID: DN038ZH3, VID: 0x403, PID: 0x6015, Serial number: DN038ZH3, Description: DK6 Carrier Board, Address: 9, Backend: Backend.PYFTDI
$ dk6prog -d DN038ZH3 erase 0 0x9de00
This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!
Erasing memory [####################################] 100%
must be written at address 0 in the internal flash:
Using DK6Programmer utility from Windows:
DK6Programmer.exe -V2 -s <COM_PORT> -P 1000000 -Y -p FLASH@0x00="chip-k32w0x-ssbl.bin"
Using dk6prog
from SPSDK
$ dk6prog -d DN038ZH3 write 0 ~/path/to/bin/chip-k32w0x-ssbl.bin
This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!
Writing memory [####################################] 100%
Written 7890 bytes to memory ID 0 at address 0x0
This is the list of all supported partitions:
0000000010000000 : SSBL partition
00000000 -----------> Start Address
1000 ---------------> 0x0010 Number of 512-bytes pages
00 -----------------> 0x00 Bootable flag
00 -----------------> 0x00 Image type (0x00 = SSBL)
00400000c9040101: Application partition
00400000 -----------> 0x00004000 Start Address
c904 ---------------> 0x04c9 Number of 512-bytes pages
01 -----------------> 0x01 Bootable flag
01 -----------------> 0x01 Image type (0x01 = Application)
00000010800000fe: Ext Flash text partition
00000010 -----------> 0x10000000 Start Address (external flash)
8000 ---------------> 0x0080 Number of 512-bytes pages
00 -----------------> 0x00 Bootable flag
fe -----------------> 0xFE Image type (0xFE = Ext Flash text)
00000110300200fc : OTA Image partition
00000110 -----------> 0x10010000 Start Address
3002----------------> 0x0230 Number of 512-bytes pages
00 -----------------> 0x00 Bootable flag
fc -----------------> 0xFC Image type (0xFC = OTA partition)
00000510100000fd: NVM partition
00000510 -----------> 0x10050000 Start Address
1000 ---------------> 0x0010 Number of 512-bytes pages
00 -----------------> 0x00 Bootable flag
fd -----------------> 0xFD Image type (0xFD = NVM partition)
First, image directory 0 (SSBL partition) must be written:
Using DK6Programmer utility from Windows:
DK6Programmer.exe -V5 -s <COM port> -P 1000000 -w image_dir_0=0000000010000000
Using dk6prog
from SPSDK
$ dk6prog -d DN038ZH3 write 0x160 [[0000000010000000]] 8 PSECT
This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!
Writing memory [####################################] 100%
Written 8 bytes to memory ID PSECT at address 0x160
Here is the interpretation of the fields:
00000000 -> start address 0x00000000
1000 -> size = 0x0010 pages of 512-bytes (= 8kB)
00 -> not bootable (only used by the SSBL to support SSBL update)
00 -> SSBL Image Type
Second, image directory 1 (application partition) must be written:
Using DK6Programmer utility from Windows:
DK6Programmer.exe -V5 -s <COM port> -P 1000000 -w image_dir_1=00400000C9040101
Using dk6prog
from SPSDK
$ dk6prog -d DN038ZH3 write 0x168 [[00400000C9040101]] 8 PSECT
This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!
Writing memory [####################################] 100%
Written 8 bytes to memory ID PSECT at address 0x168
Here is the interpretation of the fields:
00400000 -> start address 0x00004000
C904 -> 0x4C9 pages of 512-bytes (= 612.5kB)
01 -> bootable flag
01 -> image type for the application
Please note the user can write additional partitions by writing
with the wanted configuration. In case of using the SPSDK
tool, the appropriate offset must be calculated
The example also offers the possibility to remove SSBL upgrade region, for reserving more space for application level.
A new flag chip_reduce_ssbl_size
is introduced. In order to remove the SSBL
upgrade region, chip_reduce_ssbl_size=true
must be provided to the build
The programming method will change:
Writing image directory 1 should change to Using DK6Programmer utility from Windows:
DK6Programmer.exe -V5 -s <COM port> -P 1000000 -w image_dir_1=00200000D9040101
:$ dk6prog -d DN038ZH3 write 0x168 [[00200000D9040101]] 8 PSECT This is an experimental utility. Use with caution! Writing memory [####################################] 100% Written 8 bytes to memory ID PSECT at address 0x168
Here is the interpretation of the fields:
00200000 -> start address 0x00002000 D904 -> 0x4D9 pages of 512-bytes (= 620.5kB) 01 -> bootable flag 01 -> image type for the application
Matter application offset address should change to Using DK6Programmer utility from Windows:
DK6Programmer.exe -V2 -s <COM_PORT> -P 1000000 -Y -p FLASH@0x2000="chip-k32w0x-contact-example.bin"
:$ dk6prog -d DN038ZH3 write 0x2000 ~/path/to/bin/chip-k32w0x-contact-example.bin This is an experimental utility. Use with caution! Writing memory [####################################] 100% Written 596450 bytes to memory ID 0 at address 0x2000