The DataEndpoint is a backend written in java to collect the incoming game data and process it for persistence storage and aggregation. It can perform the necessary computation to generate the heatmaps and allows clients to hook up to it and receive the live game data via a Websocket.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- JDK: 17 or newer
- Maven: 3.8.3 or newer
- PostgreSQL: 12 or newer
- ActiveMQ Artemis: 2.20.0
- Elasticsearch: 7.15.5 or newer
- JDK: 17 or newer
- Docker
It is highly advised to use docker to manage all the required services used for the DataEndpoint.
All connection parameters are stored in the local. env or container.env file.
Start the services:
$ docker-compose -f ./install/docker/services/docker-compose.yml up
On the first startup you need to upload the elastic config.
$ ./install/elk/upload-elastic.bat
Build the docker image:
$ docker-compose -f ./install/docker/base/docker-compose.yml build
Start the docker image:
$ docker-compose -f ./install/docker/base/docker-compose.yml up
Note: This project requires the NeoUtil dependency in order to build the project locally.
Install dependency
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd NeoUtil
$ mvn clean install
Full project build
$ mvn clean package
Run project integration tests
$ mvn clean package -Pintegration
Run project
Replace parameters with the desired ones.
$ set javax.persistence.jdbc.url #jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/R2-TS
$ set javax.persistence.jdbc.user #DBACC
$ set javax.persistence.jdbc.password #DBACC
$ set org.elastic.node.0 #http://localhost:9200
$ set org.elastic.enabled true
$ set org.apache.activemq.url #tcp://
$ cd target
$ java -jar r2-telemetry-system-endpoint.jar
Most of the REST endpoints are secured and require authentication.
Required HTTP Header:
Authorization: Bearer <user-token>
On first startup you can generate a Super-User GET /api/v1/user/init