How effective is the bot at its core functionalities? How well is it implemented?
How user friendly is the bot? Is it easy to understand? Are commands clear, are messages easy to understand?
Creativity and originality in the functionality. Is the bot doing something unique or adding a new twist to existing features?
How scalable is this bot? How is its capability of handling a growing amount of users?
How well is the bot integrated with Discord’s API? Does it follow discord’s guidelines?
Does the bot have an aesthetically pleasing design in terms of messages, embeds, etc.?
How well the bot engages with users? Does it provide helpful and clear responses?
The quality and completeness of the project's README file. Does it provide clear instructions on how to set up and use the bot?
Do comments within the code effectively explain the purpose of the code and assist other developers in understanding it?
How practical and useful is this bot is to Discord users? Does it fulfill a genuine need?
Is it likely for the bot to be well-received and widely used?
Reward additional features that go beyond the basic requirements if they bring value to the bot.