- Fixes import error [dadadamotha]
- Refactoring of error handling to have more consistency and code-reuse
- Fixes import error of majorz election test dataset and improves error messages for wabstiC import. [dadadamotha]
- Adds WabstiC v2.3 (2018) support. [dadadamotha]
- Fixes tests failing with latest babel release. [href]
- Fixes expats not displayed for temporary results. [msom]
- Removes legacy sentry parameter. [msom]
- Enables sentry in CLI commands. [msom]
- Replaces Raven JS with Sentry. [msom]
- Refactors send SMS command. [msom]
- Removes sentry integration. [msom]
- Adds more informations to the election and election compound JSON views. [msom]
- Shows the districts instead of the election titles in all election compound views. [msom]
- Uses static URLs for embedded ballot views. [msom]
- Update translations. [msom]
- Optimizes interal and WabstiC imports. [msom]
- Allows to manage upload tokens using the web UI. [msom]
- Uses a dropdown for the election and election compound manage menu entries. [msom]
- Shows more infos about elections and votes in forms. [msom]
- Uses the chosen select widgets in various forms. [msom]
- Adds mandate allocation view to election compound. [msom]
- Fixes party results possibly not being downloadable. [msom]
- Fixes party results possibly included in the PDF. [msom]
- Uses yamls safe load function. [msom]
- Fixes JavaScript race conditions. [msom]
- Updates JavaScript libraries. [msom]
- Fixes outer join ambiguity in SQL statement. [href]
- Fixes CSV templates. [msom]
- Adds final mapdata for 2019. [msom]
- Adds a configuration option to elections and votes to use/ignore expats results during upload. [msom]
- Updates the WabstiCExport (proporz) import to the latest version. [msom]
- Fixes expats in maps not getting updated on change. [msom]
- Fixes the calculation of the candidates percentages by entity and district. [msom]
- Hides the absolute majority for intermediate results. [msom]
- Adds municipalities and quarter data for 2019. [msom]
- Adds interim map data for 2019. [msom]
- Adds a configuration option to enable/disable party strengths of election compounds. [msom]
- Removes XLSX data format from suggested citations. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Uses a more specific summarized email subject. [msom]
- Adds summarized notifications. [msom]
- Fixes party panachage results being added for parties only being present in former elections. [msom]
- Updates the WabstiCExport (majorz, vote) import to the latest version. [msom]
- Makes the WabstiCExport (majorz) import more robust. [msom]
- Uses the phone number field from onegov.form. [msom]
- Moves the phone number validator to onegov.form. [msom]
- Fixes the election template. [msom]
- Displays elections withouth candidacies correctly. [msom]
- Lists elected candidates and lists with mandates first in the heatmaps. [msom]
- Fixes tab menu dropdown styling. [msom]
- Fixes absolute majority field beeing visible when editing proporz elections. [msom]
- Reorganizes the menus. [msom]
- Fixes percentages of votes aggregations. [msom]
- Adds vote views for districts. [msom]
- Adds entities and districts heatmaps for candidates and lists. [msom]
- Fixes throwing an error on unexpected principal configuration options. [msom]
- Add compatibility with wtforms 2.2. [msom]
- Fixes importing XLSX files with only one column not working. [msom]
- Prefills the email when unsubscribing from the newsletter. [msom]
- Updates javascript libraries. [msom]
- Fixes table sorting. [msom]
- Make wabsti (majorz) import more robust. [msom]
- Removes the radius from the panels. [msom]
- Fixes placing of the expats/globe tooltip. [msom]
- Fixes sankey chart trying to render empty nodes and links. [msom]
- Improves responsive behaviour. [msom]
- Hides related elections title if empty. [msom]
- Adds compatibility with babel 2.6. [msom]
- Allows to add related elections to elections. [msom]
- Allows to specify the majority type of a majorz election. [msom]
- Adds the node titles to the sankey links. [msom]
- Uses 'mandates' for propoz elections, 'seats' for majorz elections. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Orders the list panachage nodes by alphabet (if possible). [msom]
- Adds an option to allow regional elections to span over several districts. [msom]
- Improve wabsti import. [msom]
- Adds CORS header to JSON views. [msom]
- Runs the CLI tests in a separate process. [msom]
- Improves the import when using the internal format. [msom]
- Removes XLSX export. [msom]
- Fixes district/entity not shown in election compounds PDF. [msom]
- Uses a fixed callout color. [msom]
- Adds titles to emails. [msom]
- Fixes district/entity not shown in election compounds. [msom]
- Improves performance. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Adds map data of ZG 2004-2012. [msom]
- Fixes PDF styles. [msom]
- Fixes pages cache. [msom]
- Adds support for parties panachage. [msom]
- Adds support for colorized sankey charts. [msom]
- Adds election compounds PDFs. [msom]
- Redesign the party strengths view. [msom]
- Includes a distinct ID the party results export. [msom]
- Adds party results to election compounds. [msom]
- Improves display of tables. [msom]
- Optimizes some views. [msom]
- Adjusts the custom wabsti import files. [msom]
- Adds election compounds. [msom]
Harmonizes the progress implementation of elections and votes. [msom]
Supports regional elections. [msom]
Uses seperate domain definitions for elections and votes in the principals. [msom]
Uses the static data to detect if a principal has districts or not. [msom]
Uses a single function to import wabsti majorz elections. [msom]
Improves handling of wabsti exporter formats. [msom]
Fixes spelling of "eligible voters". [msom]
Breaking changes: The import and export formats have changed!
have been replaced with acounted
have been renamed toeligible_voters
- Optimizes sending email notifications. [msom]
- Splits e-mails into transactional/marketing. [href]
- Makes some columns of the wabsti vote format optional. [msom]
- Adds zulip integration. [msom]
- Uses a more generic PDF signing error log entry. [msom]
- Fixes media generation removing the lock file of other instances. [msom]
- Adds mapdata for 2018. [msom]
- Splits the group of an entity into a name and a district. [msom]
- Use the static data for entity names and districts. [msom]
- Display districts as a separate column. [msom]
- Adds district translations. [msom]
- Makes principal polymorphic. [msom]
- Requires that the title translations of election and votes for the default locale is provided. [msom]
- Improves title translations fallbacks. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Adds compatibility with latest onegov.pdf. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Localizes notification mails. [msom]
- Adds static data for 2018. [msom]
- Skips test_principal_districts due to missing 2018 maps. [href]
- Requires Python 3.6. [href]
- Switches to onegov core's custom json module. [href]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Fixes notification mail percentages for complex votes. [msom]
- Fixes mail notification reply to address. [msom]
- Fixes notification options not working. [msom]
- Adds missing translation. [msom]
- Adds email alerts. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Adds tacit elections. [msom]
- Improves calculation of last changes. [msom]
- Provides open data citation examples. [msom]
- Fix changelog. [msom]
- Adds titles for counter-proposal and tie-breakers. [msom]
- Allows to clear the results of elections and votes. [msom]
- Always Show First and Last Item of Pagination. [msom]
- Adds missing title slot. [msom]
- Uses onegov.pdf. [msom]
- Uses a confirmation form for updating results. [msom]
- Updates RavenJs to 3.19.1. [msom]
- Fixes placing of terms of use. [msom]
- Fixes upload of wabsti files. [msom]
- Fixes test failing due to changes in the memory backend. [msom]
- Sorts the elections/votes by issue date in the open data view. [msom]
- Uses latest onegov.user. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Fixes the open data description translations. [msom]
- Adds an open data licence / terms of use. [msom]
- Excludes XLSX from the opendata catalog. [msom]
- Uses the date of the election/vote for the opendata issue date. [msom]
- Uses a better description of the elections/vote in the opendata catalog. [msom]
- Fixes archived results reporting wrong schema. [msom]
- Supports wabsti files for municipalities (votes, majorz elections). [msom]
- Allows to upload UTF-16 wabsti files. [msom]
- Fixes showing the wrong last change date. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Fixes searching an inexisting subscriber throwing an error. [msom]
- Improves error reporting when sending SMS. [msom]
- Adds password reset function. [msom]
- Sends a confirmation SMS when subscribing. [msom]
- Adds status to SMS notifications. [msom]
- Exports all translations of the titles. [msom]
- Renders the open data JSON with pretty print and with a meaningful file name. [msom]
- Switches the header logo and base link. [msom]
- Adds tests. [msom]
- Fixes ambiguous translation. [msom]
- Fixes smaller bugs in import functions. [msom]
- Drops SESAM support. [msom]
- Updates tests. [msom]
- Specify the CSV dialect of our own files to avoid guessing the wrong one. [msom]
- Adds a REST interface to upload internal formats. [msom]
- Returns parties CSV exports as files, too. [msom]
- Adds map data of SG for 2004-2012. [msom]
- Fixes ballot map scaling of legend and expats globe. [msom]
- Caches catalog view. [msom]
- Fixes wrong email address in opendata.swiss catalog. [msom]
- Adds support for opendata.swiss. [msom]
- Returns CSV exports as files. [msom]
- Fixes grouped bar chart. [msom]
- Fixes failing upgrade steps. [msom]
- Fixes tests. [msom]
- Improves the status callouts. [msom]
- Makes the footer more visually more distinguishable from the content. [msom]
- Fixes failing upgrade steps. [msom]
- Adds PDF signing. [msom]
- Parses the party of candidates and displays them for majorz elections. [msom]
- Improves party results. [msom]
- Shows the progress bar of the current ballot. [msom]
- Shows the modification date of elections and votes in the detail view and the PDF. [msom]
- Improves performance of generating media. [msom]
- Adds static data for 2002-2008. [msom]
- Indicates the current archive page in the listing. [msom]
- Changes back to election day link to breadcrumbs. [msom]
- Hides the subscribe/unsubscribe form after form submission. [msom]
- Centers the header for small sizes. [msom]
- Allows to upload votes when no map data is available. [msom]
- Gets the entity names from the static data when uploading wabsti votes. [msom]
- Makes wabsti uploading more robust. [msom]
- Fixes parsing of empty votes when uploading complex wabsti votes. [msom]
- Adds manage subscription search function. [msom]
- Removes the districs view of majorz elections. [msom]
- Hides results of empty votes (in any case). [msom]
- Ignores expats with no eligible voters when uploading Wabsti vote results. [msom]
- Ignores uncounted entities when uploading WabstiCExport vote results. [msom]
- Deletes superfluous ballots when uploading vote results. [msom]
- Fixes the phone number placeholder in subscriber form. [msom]
- Fixes importing of expats (vote/internal). [msom]
- Fixes format description link. [msom]
- Fixes parsing of empty votes when uploading WabstiCExport files. [msom]
- Fixes typo. [msom]
- Fixes ballot map hovering issue. [msom]
- Adds exception views. [msom]
- Fixes height of maps in embedding code. [msom]
- Fixes deleting an eletion or vote throwing an error when uploading WabstiCExport files. [msom]
- Fixes sent notification prevents deleting votes and elections. [msom]
- Fixes hovering over lakes throwing an error. [msom]
- Improves styling. [msom]
- Adds sentry JavaScript error reporting support. [msom]
- Adds mapdata for 2017. [msom]
- Translates form errors when uploading WabstiCExport files. [msom]
- Adds tests. [msom]
- Adds status/completed to elections and votes. [msom]
- Allows to specify the language when uploading WabstiCExport files. [msom]
- Parses the absolute majority when uploading WabstiCExport files. [msom]
- Parses the list connections when uploading WabstiCExport files. [msom]
- Evaluates the completed field of WabstiCExport files. [msom]
- Adds missing expats label in the election districts view of majorz elections. [msom]
- Visually groups elections and votes in the backend. [msom]
- Groups backend actions to dropdowns. [msom]
- Fixes parsing an error field in WabstCiExport throwing an error. [msom]
- Adds support for WabstCExport proporz elections. [msom]
- Adds translations and visualization of expats. [msom]
- Adds options for manual upload of WabstiCExport files. [msom]
- Tidies up usage of electoral districts somewhat. [msom]
- Fixes wrong default group when uploading majorz elections. [msom]
- Makes upload results views more robust. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Updates the static data. [msom]
- Fixes a division by zero error for invalid party results. [msom]
- Fixes the layout of majorz election factoids in the PDF. [msom]
- Adds support for the wabsti exporter format. [msom]
- Fix providing giving an invalid archive date throwing an error. [msom]
- The type of vote (simple vs complex with counter proposal and tie-breaker) is set on the add/edit vote form instead of the upload form. [msom]
- Allows to upload the party results independently of the other results. [msom]
- Allows to set the absolute majority of majorz elections without uploading results. [msom]
- Use special, reserved numbers for expats. [msom]
- Fixes providing giving an invalid archive date throwing an error. [msom]
- Improves the performance of the send-sms command. [msom]
- Shows the filename of the import errors. [msom]
- Renames the send sms command. [msom]
- Adds sentry option for fetch command. [msom]
- Hides empty sankey nodes. [msom]
- Fixes text ellipsis on sankey nodes. [msom]
- Fixes translations of form error messages. [msom]
- Adds missing JavaScript library. [msom]
- Adds sentry support to generate media command. [msom]
- Uses touch files instead of file locking for media generation. [msom]
- Fixes media generator trying to generate empty votes. [msom]
- Shows app version and link to the changelog in the backend. [msom]
- Adds PDF and SVG generations. [msom]
- Improves testing performance. [href]
- Adds hipchat integration. [msom]
- Adds backend link, delete action and pagination for subscribers. [msom]
- Displayes the date of the election and vote on the detail view. [msom]
- Adds the elected candidates to the JSON summary of an election. [msom]
- Adds links to the raw data in the JSON results views of elections and votes. [msom]
- Uses colored answers. [msom]
- Displays the percentages of intermediate results in the overview, too. [msom]
- Fixes displaying the progress of complex votes. [msom]
- Fixes displaing tooltips on iOS. [msom]
- Fixes tests. [msom]
- Adds (partial) support for 2017. [msom]
- Fixes typos in documentation. [treinhard, freinhard]
- Shows the results of the municipality instead of the overall results for federal and cantonal votes in communal instances. [msom]
- Adds a column to the party results with the difference of the last two percent values. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Changes the order of the result groups in the overview such that communal elections and votes are displayed first for communal instances. [msom]
- Harmonizes the usage of the groups in the various formats. [msom]
- Allows to list expats as separate entity (but not using SESAM format). [msom]
- Fixes cropped labels in panachage charts. [msom]
- Fixes templates. [msom]
- Adds panachage charts. [msom]
- Adds party results and (comparative) visualisation. [msom]
- Uses tabs instead of foldable sections. [msom]
- Uses fading effects on charts. [msom]
- Changes direction of the list connections sankey chart. [msom]
- Displays tooltips inside the map. [msom]
- Improves handling of invalid (excel) files. [msom]
- Adds (partial) support for 2017. [msom]
- Shows the number of SMS subscribers in the manage view. [msom]
- Adds support for PyFilesystem 2.x and Chameleon 3.x. [href]
- Fixes the SMS send command. [msom]
- Allows the speficify the originator of SMS. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Adds table sorting. [msom]
- Improves cache handling. [msom]
- Fixes tests. [msom]
- Updates texts. [msom]
- Adds sentry support for SMS queue. [msom]
- Adds a simple subscribers view. [msom]
- Adds SMS notifications. [msom]
- Hides the footer too when headerless query parameter is set. [msom]
- Stores the headerless query parameter in the browser session. [msom]
- Only includes the iFrameResizer if headerless query parameter is set. [msom]
- Shows the base link everywhere. [msom]
- Introduces a headerless query parameter. [msom]
- Shows data download links in the primary color. [msom]
- Uses darker callout panels. [msom]
- Removes archive from election/vote detail views. [msom]
- Improves the mobile styling of vote views. [msom]
- Displays the number of mandates per list in the bar chart. [msom]
- Adds iFrameResizer. [msom]
- Allow to set custom headers for each webhook. [msom]
- Fixes upload and view election templates. [msom]
- Fixes upgrade step running more than once. [msom]
- Fixes encoding issue in the static data. [msom]
Adds elections and votes for municipalitites.
Breaking changes: The import and export formats have changed! Make sure to change your column names!
- Election: OneGov Cloud
- election_counted_municipalities -> election_counted_entities
- election_total_municipalities -> election_total_entities
- municipality_name -> entity_name
- municipality_bfs_number -> entity_bfs_number
- municipality_elegible_voters -> entity_elegible_voters
- municipality_received_ballots -> entity_received_ballots
- municipality_blank_ballots -> entity_blank_ballots
- municipality_invalid_ballots -> entity_invalid_ballots
- municipality_unaccounted_ballots -> entity_unaccounted_ballots
- municipality_accounted_ballots -> entity_accounted_ballots
- municipality_blank_votes -> entity_blank_votes
- municipality_invalid_votes -> entity_invalid_votes
- municipality_accounted_votes -> entity_accounted_votes
- municipality_bfs_number -> entity_id
- Vote: OneGov Cloud
- municipality_id -> entity_id
- Vote: Default
- BFS Nummer -> ID
- Gemeinde -> Name
- Election: OneGov Cloud
Stores results of votes and elections in a separate table and allows to fetch results from other instances via command line interface.
Upgrading requires a manual extra step!
After running the upgrade, log in and visit 'update-results'. This fixes the automatically generated URL linking to the elections and votes.
Groups the elections and votes on the archive pages by date. [msom]
Only shows the latest election day on the homepage. [msom]
Adds support for webhooks. [msom]
- Adds MIME types typically returned by libmagic for XLS/XLSX files. [msom]
- Changes the order of backend menu. [msom]
- Re-release 0.9.2. [msom]
- Clarify the result of a vote with counter proposal. [msom]
- Removes the Last-Modified header from certain views, it interferes with the localization. [msom]
- Fixes bug in folding of proporz election view. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Improves print styles. [msom]
- Adds embed code. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Fixes resize behaviour of charts. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Breaks long related links. [msom]
- Makes backend tables responsive. [msom]
- Adds command line interface to add new instances. [msom]
- Fixes election and vote templates. [msom]
- Adds diagrams to visualize list connections. [msom]
- Adds new import formats: Vote/Wabsti, Vote/Internal, Election/Internal. [msom]
- Adds the ability to download the SVG images. [msom]
- Adds a last update time column to the frontpage and archive pages. [msom]
- Shows intermediate results. [msom]
- Adds JSON views for results. [msom]
- Adds the 'Last-Modified' header to the views with results. [msom]
- Adds basic print styles. [msom]
- Adds pagination to management views. [msom]
- Clears the cache after uploading results. [msom]
- Updates French, Romansh and Italian translations. [freinhard, msom]
- Sorts the sublists by the ID of the list when displaying list connection results of elections. [msom]
- Fixes javascript for form dependencies. [msom]
- Adds compatibility with Morepath 0.13. [href]
- Hides candidates list for majorz elections. [msom]
- Hides lists for proporz elections. [msom]
- Removes color from list bar charts. [msom]
- Sorts lists by list id. [msom]
- Removes table collapsing for most tables. [msom]
- Adds a totals row at the top for tables with totals. [msom]
- Folds results to sections. [msom]
- Makes title font sizes smaller for mobile devices. [msom]
- Adds related links. [msom]
- Displays visual hints for collapsible tables. [msom]
- Adds absolute majority for majorz elections. [msom]
- Adds elections. [msom]
- Adds access to all elections and votes of an election day. [msom]
- Adds municipality maps for 2016. [href]
- Adds "stimmberechtigte" to the columns which may be contain "unbekannt". [href]
- Ignores invalid years in the url instead of throwing an error. [href]
- Adds the ability to indicate lines which should be ignored. [href]
- Adds support for open office spreadsheets. [href]
- Fixes import not working because of an outdated onegov.core dependency. [href]
- Removes the 'www.' from the base domain. [href]
- Normalizes the title used as filename in XLSX exports. [msom]
- Shows the domain name of the base url instead of the principal name. [msom]
- Adds analytics tracking code. [msom]
- Allows the select a sheet when importing XLSX files. [msom]
- No longer caches responses with a status code other than 200. [href]
- Adds a 5 minute cache for all anonymous pages. [href]
- Adds complete french / italian / romansh support. [href]
- Adds JSON/CSV and XLSX export of all votes. [href]
- Shows the votes archive at the bottom of.. the votes archive. [gref]
- Shows the votes archive at the bottom of each vote. [href]
- Shows a helpful error message if a vote exists already. [href]
- Enables YubiKey integration. [href]
- Adds accidentally removed 'last change' factoid. [href]
- Adds missing translations. [href]
- Adds XLS/XLSX support. [href]
- Improves display of votes with long titles in the manage table. [href]
- Fixes display issues with IE9+. [href]
- Factoids are now shown for each ballot without being summarized on the vote. [href]
- Fixes division by zero error occuring on votes without any results. [href]
- Adds the ability to leave out uncounted towns in the upload. Missing towns are assumed to be uncounted. [href]
- Adds internal shortcode for votes. [href]
- Improves the design of uncounted votes. [href]
- Colors are now always blue if rejected, red if accepted, without exception. [href]
- Switch from 'de' to 'de_CH' to properly support Swiss formatting. [href]
- Make sure all uploads are aborted if one file fails. [href]
- Fix javascript in map when hovering over a lake. [href]
- Fix upload not allowing for different ballot types initially. [href]
- Explicitly passes the encoding when reading the yaml file to avoid getting the wrong one through the environment. [href]
- Enables requirements.txt generation on release. [href]
- Initial Release