- compatibility with R16B1
- compilation fails on R16B02 #80
- Latest cowboy
- multiply irc channel support (thank you @Mendor)
- nickname in xmpp muc
- many fixes for plugins (thank you @tgrk)
- Basic auth in web admin.
- twitter channel compatible with twitter api v.1.1.
- XMPP support imrpoved.
- XMPP error during connection fixed. #75.
- Removed protype.js and other js besides AngularJs.
- Web admin remade, now it's only based on Angular-js.
- today plugin compatible with Mac OS X date.
- fixed http application/json data receiving.
- #62 fixed. Security issue. Command args escaping.
- new configuration option -
. - Notification support.
- Added channels concept. Write only transports.
- Twitter channel added.
- Notification support for channels.
- Ybot memory json validating fix.
- added new config option -
use_web_admin :: boolean()
added to dependencies.- Mail channel added.
- #47. HipChat config moved to separte config from XMPP transport.
- XMPP 'is_hipchat' option was removed.
- XMPP 'hipchat_nick' option was removed.
- #48. Mnesia backend storage added.
- Erlang/otp application as plugin support added.
- New core plugin - memory.
- New config option - brain_storage.
- New config option - brain_api_host.
- New config option - brain_api_port.
- checking_new_plugins, checking_new_plugins_timeout, commands_history and history_command_limit_count aren't required parametes now.
- New Ybot erlang api, ybot:get_plugins_directory/0, get_runned_transports/0, is_new_plugins_observing/0 and etc... (see ybot.erl)
- New dependence - jiffy.
- New configuration option - webadmin_host :: integer()
- New configuration option - webadmin_port :: binary()
- Web interface added.
- mochijson2 removed from dependecies.
- New internal command 'name?'.
- 'help' plugin updated.
- all api from ybot.erl beside start/stop were removed.
- ybot_shell added for testing Ybot from erlang shell.
- reconnect_timeout option added to flowdock transport.
- reconnect_timeout option added to talkerapp transport.
- Improved skype support.
- priv/skype.py now sends ping to Ybot every minute in separate thread, script work will end when ping fail..
- Fixed long message sending for campfire transport.
- Fixed #42 issue. Unable to connect to IRC bug.
- Fixed #44 issue. Fixed internal Ybot commands.
- #42. If bot nickname already in use, generate new name and try to reconnect.
- #45 fixed. Timeout error from IRC transport.
- #43 fixed. Unable to compile using rebar.
- Help plugin improved.
- #44 Internal commands tested and fixed.
- To all plugins added checks arguments.
- New internal command 'announce' added.
- New api ybot:act/1 added
- New api ybot:plugins/0 added
- All plugins argumets checking added.
- Fixed campfire image/video posting.
- Scala plugins support added.
- Url decode/encode new plugin added.
- math.rb plugin result output fixed.
- New core plugin translate.rb added. tranlate text with google translate plugin added.
- Added reconnect timeout option and reconnect ability to irc client --> #33.
- hacker_help plugin fixed --> #35
- Added reconnect timeout option to xmpp and campfire.
- Added supporting of HipChat.
- HTTP transport imrpoved. JSON request support added.
- HTTP transport bot-nick parameter added to config.
- ybot_manager get_all_transports_pid api added.
- Use cowboy web server instead inets httpd for http serving.
- Added http
request support. Resend request body from http to all runned transports. - echo plugin added.
- Flowdock support added.
- Skype support added.
- Removed http PUT request supporting. Now only POST.
- New transport - Talkerapp (http://talkerapp.com/rooms).
- Message parsers moved to ybot_parser module.
- New wat plugin
- Irc ssl supporting --> #16
- New irc configuration options: {use_ssl, true | false}
- New irc configuration options: {port, PortNumber :: integer()}
- New check-site plugin added
- hacker_news plugin improved. Added two modes.
- Join to channels with key to irc transport added.
- ruby.rb plugin added. Eval simple ruby expression.
- ip.py plugin added. Return Ybot external ip address.
- stackoverflow search plugin added.
- Dynamic loading plugins.
- Added command history.
- commands_history configuration parameter added.
- history_command_limit_count configuration parameter added.
- Added http transport.
- Added PASS paraemetr to IRC.
- Irc private messages support added --> # 24
- XMPP-muc private message supporting added.
- XMPP single user chat supporting added.
- XMPP ssl support added.
- GTALK support added.
- New option xmpp port added.
- New option xmpp use_ssl added.
- Transport options validating added.
- Procfile added for Heroku deploying support.
- Added experemental message parser to irc handler --> #23
- Xmpp transport supporting added
- Campfire transport supporting added
- New plugins added (chuck, github_status, erl, decide)
- Ibrowse added to dependencies
- Reloader added to dependencies
- Lager added to dependencies
- Mochijson2 added to dependencies
- Code cleaned & documentation improved
- Help plugin fixed --> #9
- Command args must be string, not list of strings --> #12
- Added supporting for perl plugins.
- Added supporting for elixir plugins.
- Added hacker_news plugin
- Irc transport support
- 5 core plugins: help, date, today?, math and ping
- Xmpp experemental support in xmpp-transport-experemental branch
- Simple command: Ybot hi, Ybot bue and etc...
- Python plugins supporting
- Ruby plugins supporting
- Shell plugin supporting
- Ybot stales after some time of inactivity -> #2 fixed
- Documentation improved
- Code layout fixed