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<h1 class="IT-section">Group processes</h1>
<p><img src="image/pointer 1.svg" alt="pointer1">Our group worked and continues to work extremely well and efficiently together. Every member of the group is proactive in their work and meets the group deadlines on their part of the assignment. Every two weeks, we commence a meeting through calls to better understand each person’s process. Whenever one member is done with their section, they actively report back and propose the next part to work on. Aside from work-related topics, the group also shares aspects of their personal life to better understand the people they are working with. Especially, as memers, each takes turns to share memes relating to school and life which brings laughter and lightens up our mood. Furthermore, the leader encourages hard work by promising a group treat if our assignments are returned with 90+. <br>
The project is an ever-evolving work, thus, there will always be improvement or changes. During meetings, we continuously challenge the previous designs and come up with new features to see whether it fits with the objective. At an early stage, the project will be kept simple and feasible. After the first steps are completed, we will be able to implement and introduce an updated design.The project is an ever-evolving work, thus, there will always be improvement or changes. During meetings, we continuously challenge the previous designs and come up with new features to see whether it fits with the objective. At an early stage, the project will be kept simple and feasible. After the first steps are completed, we will be able to implement and introduce an updated design.<img src="image/pointer.svg" alt="pointer">
<h1 class="IT-section">Career Plans</h1>
<p><img src="image/pointer 1.svg" alt="pointer1">Each position has its own set of qualifications for applicants. Some will appear vague, while others, such as Thuy's ideal job, will contain a very specific description of what it will entail. Most other occupations require at least a few years of experience in the same function, or the experience of someone who has worked in that position for a long time. Every profession necessitates a thorough understanding of its respective fields, as well as specialization in what the job entails. All four of our positions offer reasonable compensation, provide adequate insurance, and, in certain cases, provide employees with a monthly stipend. All of the job postings promote a variety of recreational activities as well as a professional working environment. <br>
Everyone is qualified for occupations based on their present skills and abilities, as well as their hobbies. Khoa prefers to work for a company that encourages them to promote themselves through online methods in order to maximize their profits. This is most likely related to his interest in and anticipation of the online working environment. Thuy's job path differs from ours in that she works in marketing. This is most likely due to her preference for working with others rather than doing desk work such as IT. She may just enjoy interacting with others. Minh 's career path is currently unclear because he happened to stumble across his choice of job by pure chance. I believe he is more than capable, but he may choose jobs that require electrical engineering because he enjoys spending time researching circuitry. Finally, unlike my teammates, my career path is not as clear as theirs. I know that I enjoy working with AI and solving problems with logic, but the only career that comes to me right now is that of an AI engineer. So, if other options become available in the future, I may reconsider my decision. <br>
As previously stated, everyone has different plans and goals for their profession. And, because everyone's work is unique, so is everyone's career path. There isn't much we have in common. Khoa and Thuy appear to have made up their minds about what they want to do in the future.But I and Minh are still undecided about our options. My plan is still in the works, so there isn't much to discuss or compare to other people's plans. <br>
Minh's job allows him to work from home and offers him free in-house entertainment and food. Khoa's profession allows him to work on-site abroad, allowing him to gather valuable experience that will serve him well in the future. Thuy's job is likely to be the most difficult of all of our teams' ideal occupations. Her job necessitates a slew of criteria just to receive an interview and a shot at the job. Based on the job description and requirements, Quan's job appears to be fairly simple, but whether this is true or not is questionable. <br>
Quan, Minh, and Khoa are all likely to be junior engineers; however, Thuy's position is likely to be higher, such as senior engineer or technical lead. Because we all work in diverse fields of information technology, our professional trajectories will undoubtedly diverge. To satisfy our demands and earn the relevant certification for the position, we will have many self-development strategies in place.<img src="image/pointer.svg" alt="pointer">
<h1 class="IT-section">IT WORK</h1>
<p><img src="image/pointer 1.svg" alt="pointer1">The IT professional that has agreed to be interviewed by our team is called Nhat Trung, currently working as a data analyst for the banking industry. As the world is becoming more digitized and people are quickly switching to cards instead of cash payments, the banking industry is growing to a new height each year. Trung builds and maintains reporting systems with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Microsoft Power BI Report Server and provides support to the end users.
The department that he works in interacts with the sales center to understand customer needs and help them improve their sales performance as well as with the internal infrastructure department who supports them by keeping the servers running the systems. The most time spent on his work is in analyzing and building data for the reporting system, and the most challenging part of the job is designing and implementing a new system as it requires all technical aspects and timeline. Trung believes that the essence of the IT industry is to provide the end users services with the best quality and improve people’s lives.
Regarding his personal experience in the IT industry, Trung shares that he didn’t choose his career but instead it chose him. He has always been interested in programming since high school. For someone coming into the industry, he suggests reading newspapers and catching up on IT trends such as the future with AI. Trung has been a part of his company for over 5 years and is seeing himself retiring with it.
Trung works from 8AM to 5PM everyday and finds 40 hours a week enough. His favorite tradition/culture in the company is the rewards when one utilises creativity and creates something new, whether it’s a design or a system or a new solution to improve efficiency. Our IT professional is an ESTP who is known as the doers and enjoys listening to music, playing MMO strategy games as well as tennis. We asked him what advice he would give his past self and Trung said to “choose a certain career and do it best”. Trung has an interesting work-life balance and he’s doing great in the IT section of the banking industry. He was an interesting person to interview and get to know.<img src="image/pointer.svg" alt="pointer">
<h1 class="IT-section">IT TECHNOLOGIES</h1>
<p><img src="image/pointer 1.svg" alt="pointer1">By looking at Cyber Security Degrees (2021), we can see that there have been numerous new and innovative technologies developed. We have been successful in developing a behavioral analytics system. This will allow us to better predict and respond to threats much more quickly than we were previously able to. We can even prevent an attack before it has a chance to start. This can be used in a variety of different applications. We have improved the efficiency with which we create behavior profiles compared to previous years. A subject's daily routine, their activities, and other factors can be used to create a behavioral profile of them. We will be able to predict when someone is in danger or engaging in unusual behavior, and we will be able to intervene and assist them before something disastrous occurs. This can be used to predict when a cyber attack is going to occur, which is extremely useful. We can gather hacker information and habits, and then predict where and when they will carry out their attack based on this information and habits. What we are looking for is the IP addresses of the hackers as well as their objectives and methods of hacking. We can prevent the attack from taking place if we keep this information in mind. And make algorithms that will take advantage of this information and help us predict the hacker’s behaviours. This is another application of a behaviour analytics system. Another thing we've been able to accomplish is Virtual Dispersive Networking, which is a type of distributed computing (also known as VDN). This allows us to divide our information into multiple parts, encrypt them, and route them through a variety of different protocols at the same time. The attack on information will be significantly more difficult as a result of this. In addition, because the data is dispersed and encrypted, even if the hacker manages to get past the security wall, they will be unable to obtain much data using traditional hacking methods. We can store information in a much more secure manner if we use this method. Another thing that we have been able to accomplish is to use smart grid technology as a security measure. With Padlock, we can establish a more secure communication channel between the central station and field devices, making it less likely that we will be targeted by an attacker. I believe that in the future, we will be able to combine all of these new technologies to create a more secure system, one that will be more difficult to attack in the traditional manner. We will be able to incorporate artificial intelligence into cyber security to assist us in the development of a more secure and strict cyber security system. The process of developing a security system will take less time and may even be more effective with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Hardware development and personal skill development have both advanced in recent years, which has made all of this a possibility. Our ability to obtain more powerful hardware than ever before will allow us to pursue a much wider range of routes and development paths that would have previously seemed impossible. We learn from our mistakes and strive to improve in areas where we fall short. Along with this, we have improved our personal programming skills and created a security system.
As a result of all of these developments, we will live in a more secure world. Our information can be safely stored on the Internet without causing us any problems. In the future, we will have a much stronger justification for storing our information online rather than in hard copy forms. The people, as well as the hackers, will most likely be the ones who are affected the most as a result of this. People will be more willing to have the information available online if they do not have to worry about their belongings being lost or being stolen. A personal security system that performs as well as an industrial security system will be available to the general public. People's lives will be made significantly easier as a result of this. Hackers, on the other hand, are the ones who will bear the brunt of the consequences. They will be less successful in their hacking and information-gathering efforts for malicious purposes. As a result, there will be fewer hackers, and those who do remain will most likely be the best of the bunch. Hackers, on the other hand, can adapt their methods and approaches to the new security system. This is the essence of hacking; they will adapt to the situation and look for a weakness in the system to exploit. Additionally, we will see a decrease in the number of white hats, or those who hack into a system and then sell their method back to the company they hacked into. This could be a negative development because we will not receive as much information about system flaws and errors as we did in the past.
In all honesty, I do not believe that this would have a significant impact on my life because it is a problem that other important people must deal with. I might be more willing to give my information to companies and corporations since they are less likely to be hacked, and so my information will not be gathered illegally. This will allow me and my acquaintances to have a more positive experience when working with a large corporation. When it comes to how our information is stored and processed, we will have a more secure feeling about it. However, in terms of daily habits or activities, I do not believe that there will be any significant changes. The latest technologies or security systems that have been developed personally do not matter to me. I only choose to use them after they have proven to be more stable and reliable in their performance.<img src="image/pointer.svg" alt="pointer">
<h3>Artificial Intelligence (AI)</h3>
<p><img src="image/pointer 1.svg" alt="pointer1">As can be seen in Analytics Insight (2021), significant progress has been made in the field of AI by 2021. The use of AI in the creation of behavior profiles to predict the possibility of what might happen next is the most notable. It is used to predict and respond to threats as soon as they appear, rather than waiting until they have occurred. This process will become more automated as a result of AI, which will save us a significant amount of manpower and time. We can also see from Appen (2021) that many companies and businesses have begun to incorporate AI into their applications. It can be found in both external and internal applications of various kinds. Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic was a truly devastating event, it provided an opportunity for AI and machine learning to advance much more quickly than they had previously. We have been able to incorporate AI into a wide range of daily and professional activities, allowing them to become more automated. This year has demonstrated both the potential applications of AI and the rapidity with which the technology is evolving. We've never used them as much as we do now. Our shortcomings remain, despite all of our advantages. Finding and developing a machine learning model continues to be a difficult task to complete successfully. Finding precise, high-quality data to train the model is still a significant barrier to the advancement of AI. If we want to really push the capabilities of AI, those are the problems that we must face head on and find solutions for all of the current ones. One of the most straightforward things that AI has been able to accomplish is using our personal data to provide us with suggestions and advertisements based on what we like or are interested in learning more about. Another application is the automatic driving system in an electric vehicle. Although I do not foresee this happening in the near future, I do believe that many aspects of our lives will be automated, making life a little bit easier. We could likely have AI products that will assist us in studying by going over our previous study history and assisting us in choosing the right path that will be the most beneficial to us. The development of a more refined automatic driving system for electric vehicles is yet another possibility to be considered. With enough time and data training, we can create a system that can even navigate the streets and traffic of Vietnam – very complicated and, at times, chaotic streets with a lot of traffic – and get lost in it. For this type of development to occur, there are two primary reasons for it. The first of these is the advancement in technology. We have been getting a lot more powerful computing hardware in recent years. This has enabled us to obtain more accurate information and simulations in order to collect data to train the model. The second reason is that we have been able to improve our AI programming methods and approaches as a result of this experience. The programmers have improved their abilities over the previous years. We can learn from our mistakes and apply what we have learned to future tasks. In order for AI to make such a quantum leap in 2021, an opportunity had to present itself; in this case, COVID-19 represents that opportunity. A strong desire for AI usage has arisen, which has resulted in the development of AI becoming increasingly successful.
As a result of all of these breakthroughs and advancements in AI technologies, we have been able to do our jobs more efficiently and make our jobs a lot easier. We've also been able to put them to use in our everyday lives. It makes our lives more convenient and allows things to happen much more quickly than they did previously. With the assistance of AI technologies, we can engage in more productive activities or complete more work. It can assist us in automating tasks that we previously had to complete manually. Unless people learn how to adapt to the new technology, it will not result in their losing their jobs. Although it can be extremely beneficial when used correctly, it can also cause people to become lazier if they become overly reliant on it. This process of automation using AI has the potential to render former technologies obsolete, such as jobs that required manual labor in the past. Still, new jobs will be created to fix and manage this new AI technology, which will continue to be a constant source of growth.
I don't believe it would have a significant impact on me because I always wait for a technology to become stable and dependable before putting it to use. However, because I intend to work as an AI engineer in the future, I will need to become accustomed to testing and implementing new AI technology, methods, and models. If I want to get the most out of AI development, I'll have to learn to go with the flow. I also have to think about and learn a new coding method, as well as find new training data for my AI. With regard to the members of my family and friends, it is unlikely that they will experience any significant changes in the near future. They will hold off on utilizing this type of technology until the appropriate time has come along.<img src="image/pointer.svg" alt="pointer">
<h3>Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies</h3>
<p><img src="image/pointer 1.svg" alt="pointer1">Blockchain - also known as Distributed Ledger Technology - is a shared database that makes any digital asset unalterable and transparent through the use of decentralization and cryptographic hashing. (George Strawn 2019) A simple analogy would compare blockchain to a Google Docs, where a shared document is distributed instead of copied or transferred, which creates a decentralized distribution system that allows every party access at the same time. Blockchain is one of the most important technologies of the century as it makes everything safer and prevents fraud by being transparent. Blockchain is known for being a secure technology, where people who are skeptical of one another can share valuable data because it uses complex math and innovative software rules that are extremely difficult to hack into. (Mike Orcutt 2018) Blockchain, to be simply explained, is a chain of blocks, each consisting of data, hashcode and hashcode of the previous block. A hash is a 256-bit number created from a 32-bit nonce - also known as a number that used once, extremely unique like a fingerprint. Since each block contains the information of the previous hash, the first block ever does not have that information and is called the genesis block. If a hacker changes the information in one of the blocks then the hash changes, and the validation of the next block will fail, so will the next block and next blocks. But it can be saved with “proof-of-work” which slows down the creation of a new block. If a hacker tampers with one block, they have to recalculate the proof-of-work for all the following blocks. Not only that, blockchain uses a peer-to-peer network that allows people access to the whole chain on something called a node. A node is any kind of electronic device that maintains the network and verifies each batch of network transactions called blocks. When a new block is created, the node verifies the block and adds it to the chain. (George Strawn 2019) Thus, it is tedious and complicated, making blockchain very hard to hack into. One other concept relating to blockchain are miners, those creating new blocks in a process called mining. One has to go through around 4 billion nonce-hash combinations to be able to successfully mine a block. When that happens, the miner is rewarded financially and the block is accepted by nodes on all networks. Blockchains make cryptocurrencies available. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that use encryption techniques to control the monetary units and verify the transfer of funds which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit. One of the most famous cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. Currently, cryptocurrencies can be traded using the blockchain technology worldwide, and investors make profit from the difference between when they buy and when they sell. Aside from that, NFT - also known as non-fungible tokens - are quickly becoming the future of blockchain technology. Such as collectibles that exist in real life now can be digitized and profited from. Soon, our digital identity will also use the blockchain system to make it unique to the user and a lot more secure, replacing username and passwords right now. Blockchain essentially acts like a cybersecurity system and is expected to be implemented in companies in the future. (Gayvoronskaya, et al. 2020)
The possibilities using blockchain are endless. It can make data storing and transferring secure, helping companies save millions of dollars and CEOs fear of losing valuable intellectual property. Blockchain usually goes alongside cryptocurrencies, which is available to the public and mainly traded by investors. Following the cryptos, there are NFTs that are on the rise and are making the future of blockchain, all of which are safe and secure in this network. The people mostly associated with these technologies can be anyone. In the future, blockchain will replace identity recognition systems like username and passwords that are used today.
As someone who trades cryptocurrencies and stocks in my free time, blockchain is a very fascinating concept for me. It is currently used to make networks safe and eases my worries about being hacked. A lot of my friends and family also trade on the side and are very familiar with blockchain and cryptocurrencies and even NFTs, the impact of this technology on us is very big and if it were to fail either because a hacker successfully infiltrates and tampers with the blocks, my investments could be gone within seconds. It matters a lot to me that blockchain works correctly and I feel safe about its security.
I don't believe it would have a significant impact on me because I always wait for a technology to become stable and dependable before putting it to use. However, because I intend to work as an AI engineer in the future, I will need to become accustomed to testing and implementing new AI technology, methods, and models. If I want to get the most out of AI development, I'll have to learn to go with the flow. I also have to think about and learn a new coding method, as well as find new training data for my AI. With regard to the members of my family and friends, it is unlikely that they will experience any significant changes in the near future. They will hold off on utilizing this type of technology until the appropriate time has come along.<img src="image/pointer.svg" alt="pointer">
<h3>Natural Language Processing and Chatterbots</h3>
<p><img src="image/pointer 1.svg" alt="pointer1">Natural Language Processing or NLP for short used to be a subfield of linguistics and transformed to a branch of computer science, significantly using artificial intelligence that allows the computer to comprehend text and spoken language much like a human can. Another way to describe it is the automatic manipulation of language by software. Combining statistical machine learning, deep learning models, NLPs can fully understand speech and text with the speaker or writer’s full intent or sentiment. NLPs can get computers to translate text, respond to commands or summarize lange text rapidly in real time. (IBM Cloud Education 2020) In real life, NLPs can be seen everywhere such as GPS, Alexa, Siri or other digital assistants, speech-to-text recognition software, and so on. One of the growing uses for NLP also comes from chatbots, which are becoming increasingly present in our everyday lives. Businesses use chatbots to facilitate the interaction with customers and provide answers and services quicker, leading to a more profitable business. Chatbots are computer programs that are designed to communicate with humans through the internet via chat interface or by voice, much like how humans interact with each other. There are three main types of chatbots, the first one is the most simple one: <span>rule-based chatbots</span>. These bots have pre-written code about the questions and answers so users can click a button and the bots retrieve the answer. However, it usually cannot respond in detail and specifically to the user, making it the simplest but slowest guide. The second one is <span>intellectually independent chatbots</span>. These bots use machine learning to communicate, which means that they are fed large enough amounts of data to learn the connection between problems and solutions. These bots also learn from their interactions with users and become better at recognizing keywords and faster at retrieving answers. The third one is <span>AI-powered chatbots</span>, these are the combination of the other two, making it more advanced. The technology that is put into these chatbots are machine learning, NLPs and AI, all used to understand and analyze human speech, find the right response and answer in human language. (Botscrew 2017) Currently, chatbots are implemented by many companies to work on messaging apps, which is becoming more popular than the social media apps. Companies can even target the right demographics depending on the user, making their chatbots more efficient. Facebook has done a market research regarding the value of bots, and has revealed that 2 billion messages are sent between companies and customers monthly, 56% of those prefer receiving help from companies through messages and 53% are more likely to make a purchase from companies that can message. I believe that there are many potentials for chatbots and NLPs in the future. Soon, chatbots may even gain “personality” and speak in a more relevant way such as making use of teen language for companies that target the younger generation. A famous case of company personality is Wendy’s with their sassy attitude on the internet, and this energy can be brought into their chatbots as well. Our human language is unstructured text that is ever growing with new “made-up” words every once in a while. NLPs will continue to improve themselves to be able to connect humans and technology better.
Language is the core of human’s social life, helping people communicate and understand each other. Before, language was used to signal danger or new locations. Overtime, human language becomes a lot more complicated, where each civilization speaks different languages, where they can express feelings and sentiments, etc. Right now, technology is learning our language, but is still held back by the limitations of AI and machine learning. In the future, this will change, and NLPs will become smarter, chatbots will become more human, and the connection between technology and humans will be stronger.
For me, NLPs and chatbots are very important as many of my friends and family run small businesses that can get too busy to answer and satisfy every customer looking for support. Chatbots come in as digital helpers, giving quick answers at any time of day, even in the middle of the night when customers are panicking about their products. Of course, right now, chatbots and especially intelligent chatbots are still not too common for business owners, but in the near future hopefully AI chatbots will become the norm and facilitate the interactions both for the company and the customers. As someone who is planning on opening a business in the future, I am eager to see how NLPS and chatbots evolve and improve.<img src="image/pointer.svg" alt="pointer">
<td>-First meeting to define the scope of the project. <br>
-Project manager and secretary set up the report template and do research about information of any relevant softwares for reference. <br>
-Project leader started researching the image comparison method. <br>
-Project designer started to design the layout of new pages to prepare for additional information provided in the project.</td>
<td>Tuesday of Week 9</td>
<td>-Beside technical work, the project team started documenting the project report by filling up the reused information that has been provided in the previous report. <br>
-Project manager acted as a product owner, investigating the feedback of surrounding people and discussed with the team for evaluation. She also looked for sample images for testing. <br>
-Project secretary started designing the Mock views for the user interface based on the features that have been agreed. <br>
-Project leader and designer finished the image comparison algorithm and started testing.</td>
<td>Monday of Week 10</td>
<td>-The whole team started testing the accuracy of the image comparison algorithm, identifying and fixing any bug found during testing. <br>
-Project leader researched how to design a layout of the UI. <br>
-Project manager and secretary started documenting the progress into the report. <br>
-Project designer keeps up with generating sample images for testing.</td>
<td>Tuesday of Week 11</td>
<td>-First demonstration pitch of the project to the stakeholders. <br>
-Project leader keeps up with designing the complete layout of the Homepage. <br>
-Project designer finalized the published web page reporting the current progress <br>
-Project manager and secretary finalized the report of current progress. </td>
<td>Wednesday of Week 12</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: designing the mock-up view, implementing functionalities to the UI, generating testing data, researching about the consumer taste. <br>
-The team has a meeting about proposing the first complete design of the homepage, not including basic functionalities in the menu bar. <br>
-Project designer and secretary evaluate/adjust the design of the homepage. <br>
-Project manager and leader starts designing the mock-up for different functionalities of the software.</td>
<td>Week 1</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: designing the mock-up view, implementing functionalities to the UI, generating testing data, researching about the consumer taste. <br>
-Project designer starts designing the menu bar and adds needed options to prepare for implementing the functionalities. <br>
<td>Week 2</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: designing the mock-up view, implementing functionalities to the UI, generating testing data, researching about the consumer taste. <br>
-Project secretary and project leader start to implement functionalities in the menu bar. <br>
<td>Week 3</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: designing the mock-up view, implementing functionalities to the UI, generating testing data, research about the consumer taste. <br>
-Project secretary and project leader continue to implement the functionalities in the menu bar. <br>
-Project designer and manager starts implementing the “Add collection” feature. <br>
<td>Week 4</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: designing the mock-up view, implementing functionalities to the UI, generating testing data, researching about the consumer taste. <br>
-The team works together to combine the “Add collection” and “Menu bar functionalities” into the software. <br>
<td>Week 5</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: finalizing all the designs of the mock-up view, implementing functionalities to the UI, generating testing data, researching about the consumer taste. <br>
-Project designer and secretary start implementing “automatic image comparison” feature. <br>
-Project leader and manager design start asking for participants in the user testing phase. <br>
<td>Week 6</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: implementing functionalities to the UI, generating testing data, and starting the marketing campaign. <br>
-Project designer and secretary continue to implement “automatic image comparison” feature. <br>
-Project leader starts implementing drag and drop images in the “add collection” feature.</td>
<td>Week 7</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: implementing functionalities to the UI, get the tool ready for user testing, continue with the marketing campaign. <br>
-Project designer and secretary test the “automatic image comparison” feature when implementing the tool. <br>
-Project leader and manager start implementing the “manual comparison” feature.</td>
<td>Week 8</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: implementing functionalities to the UI, getting the tool ready for user testing and gathering feedback, continue with the marketing campaign. <br>
-Project leader, secretary and designer continue to implement the unfinished features (manual and automatic comparison). <br>
-Project manager reviews the feedback from testers.</td>
<td>Week 9</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: implementing functionalities to the UI, getting the tool ready for user testing and gathering feedback, continue with the marketing campaign. <br>
-The whole team has a meeting to evaluate the testers’ feedback and make adjustments.</td>
<td>Week 10</td>
<td>-Update the progress of each task: implementing functionalities to the UI, conclude the user testing and gathering feedback process, update the marketing campaign and announce accurately the publish date. <br>
-The whole team works together to combine the “automatic comparison” and “manual comparison” features into the tool.</td>
<td>Week 11</td>
<td>-Finalize the tool with some brief tests overall of the features. <br>
-Prepare a presentation on the publish date.</td>
<td>Week 12</td>
<h3>Risk Management</h3>
<th>Introduction to IT</th>
<td>Memeiacs’s image comparison software</td>
<td>Memeiacs’ project team members</td>
<td colspan="2">Task</td>
<td rowspan="5">Scope</td>
<td>Requirements and scope mismatch</td>
<td>The scope established by the project team does not meet the requirements of the stakeholders (lecturer).</td>
<td>Discuss the present project's process with stakeholders and, if necessary, amend the requirements.</td>
<td>Potential scope void</td>
<td>Changes in project requirements that were not anticipated</td>
<td>Discuss the present project's process with stakeholders and, if necessary, amend the requirements.</td>
<td>Scope creep</td>
<td>Newly discovered information or ideas in an effort to improve project deliverables during project lifecycle</td>
<td>Discuss the present project's process within the team. If no conclusion is found, the team should discuss with the stakeholders.</td>
<td>Defects in Scope while Integration</td>
<td>Integration fails due to lack of knowledge and experience during the development</td>
<td>Be proactive to deeply research about the feasibility and assess the team’s ability before the project has been started.</td>
<td>Implemented approach failure</td>
<td>Integration fails due to wrong approach chosen during the development</td>
<td>Always tackle a problem with at least two ideas and have backup plans in place for each task while it is being implemented.</td>
<td>Project deadline overdue</td>
<td>Due to several issues, the project time exceeded the deadline</td>
<td>Everyone of the team focuses on solving the difficulties or coming up with alternate solutions, and then the timeframe is re-planned accordingly. Discuss with the stakeholders and, if possible, extend the deadline.</td>
<td>Application malfunction or low-accurate algorithm </td>
<td>After any algorithm/ formula is constructed or the application is finished, they do not work normally as expected, may cause crashes </td>
<td>After any algorithm/ formula is constructed, the development team has to conduct the testing before it is implemented into the application.</td>
<td>Test and feedback</td>
<td>Wrong testing and feedback process setup</td>
<td>Wrong data (image) prepared during development process and too few user testing </td>
<td>Specify clearly the criteria to generate suitable data at different levels . Each team member should invite at least 10 people to participate in a user testing program for gathering feedback.</td>
<h3>Group processes and communications</h3>
<p>Group meetings will be held twice a week and will be scheduled simultaneously at the same time every week. These meetings will surely be held, no matter how many things need to be discussed and participation is obligatory. A plan will be conveyed and sent out to every member by the project leader, usually one day before the meeting. The meeting will likewise be added as a post in the task schedule. The group members are relied upon to go to the gathering completely ready, in view of the plan. Additional meetings can be set up on the off chance that it is viewed as vital. Assuming the case of participants cannot think of a mandatory issue, yet participation is relied upon if nothing else is on his/her timetable.</p>
<h5>1.Communication plan with the lecturer.</h5>
<p>A communication plan is a continuous activity that connects the project team with the stakeholders for each project. The goal, purpose, message, and tools may change during implementation, but the most important thing is to maintain relationships with essential people. It also gives the project team a clear plan and ensures that all essential stakeholders are included in the right areas. It also guarantees that project participants continue to engage and deliver by reporting updates and progress.</p>
<td>Mr. Nguyen Minh Long</td>
<td>Asking for advice on the action plans and requesting clarification of the project’s requirements.</td>
<td>Approximately 2 - 3 times per week.</td>
<th>Communication channel</th>
<td>Microsoft Teams, Canvas, face-to-face (in Room 2.4.44)</td>
<h4>Communication suggestion:</h4>
<h5>*Electronic communication:</h5>
<p>- Create a set of common guidelines for successful email communication between team members and the lecturer. For instance: <br>
+ Instead of pasting text into the body of emails, use bullet points to break up long communications. <br>
+ Use bold font format to emphasize crucial points. <br>
+ Implement important documents with attachment for downloading instead of writing long text in the email body. <br>
- The lecturer should create a Team Group to make contact with all project groups easier and to keep track of all messages in one spot.</p>
<h5>Working Method:</h5>
<p>- Meetings: <br>
+ While 2 (choose between face-to-face or online) meetings per week are sufficient, small meetings for problem solving or urgency are still required. Using online tools like Google Calendar, it's simple to find meeting dates that are convenient for each team member. <br>
+ Have members who are unable to attend meetings create a back-up meeting. A list of three to five objectives, as well as any specific decisions that must be made, should always be included in the meeting. <br>
+ Any talks, activities, or decisions should be documented so that they can be carried out. After that, summarize the memo and distribute it to others. <br>
+ To improve participant participation, consider a rotating schedule for sharing responsibility for idea expression. Finally, the team leader would be held accountable for the final outcomes. <br>
+ It is critical to review all of the major issues and conclusions of the meetings in order to recall each member and reaffirm agreements.</p>
<h5>2.Communication plan between team members:</h5>
<th>Project Team</th>
<td>Keep frequent contact, make sure all members understand the current plans and processes in depth, which helps make decisions easier.</td>
<td>2 meetings per week guaranteed, extra small meetings can be held to solve problems.</td>
<th>Communication channel</th>
<td>Messenger (Facebook), email, face-to-face (on SGS campus)</td>
<h4>Communication suggestion:</h4>
<h5>*Electronic communication:</h5>
<p>- Create a set of common guidelines for successful communication between team members. For example: <br>
+ Instead of pasting text into the body of emails, use bullet points to break up long communications. <br>
+ Use bold font format to emphasize crucial points. <br>
+ Uploading files to Google Drive and notify the team of the latest update on Messenger. <br>
- The team opted to use Messenger as our primary informal communication method because Facebook is the most widely used social media platform and should be simple to use for all members. The team leader should create a Messenger Group to enable communication with the entire group and to keep track of all messages in one spot. </p>
<h5>* Knowledge Administration:</h5>
<p>- Create a central online repository for important project documents. We utilize Google Drive to be more specific. <br>
- Make folders for various project components, meetings, and references. <br>
- Establish knowledge management methods and agreement on each member's duties and responsibilities. <br>
- When updating the newest edition, use naming and dating conventions to prevent misunderstandings.
- Make a spreadsheet to track members' monthly progress, including challenges and plans for the future. Create a task table where members can fill in their sections.</p>
<h5>* Working Method:</h5>
<p>- Meetings: <br>
+ Because it is not always possible to accommodate each member's schedule, ask absent members to obtain all information that was not provided at the meeting. However, strive to include as many people as possible in group sessions, as this will help to strengthen team bonds and establish trust. <br>
+ Using an online application like Google Calendar, it's simple to find meeting times that are convenient for each team member. <br>
+ Google Calendar recommends available times and dates, and each participant can check their availability. This will make it easier for the team leader to see the best dates and times for the group. <br>
+ Weekly reports and any challenges should be on the agendas of group meetings. <br>
+ It is critical to go through all of the key issues and conclusions at the end of the meeting to remember everyone and reinforce agreements. <br>
+ Finally, a brief note should be included in the meeting's output that includes all bullet points, revisions, and any choices made. Share it with the online group to ensure that any people who are unable to attend receive all of the material. <br>
- Build consensus: <br>
+ Create a project timeline for each work with a specific deadline. <br>
+ Use Google Docs for online collaboration, allowing everyone to make revisions or track and comment on progress. <br>
+ Present the writings or any coding experiments to the group, then debate and receive feedback on the process.</p>
<h3>Skills and Jobs</h3>
<p>As a growing technology start-up company, it is necessary to have large funds to help the project reach new heights. To promise a group of venture capitalists the most successful future for the tool, we need to assemble a group of four prominent young people that can take Memeiacs Comparison Tool into the next phase.</p>
<h5> >Developer:</h5>
<p>A designer is in charge of all aspects of coding or IT related business. They should have at least 3 years of experience in similar fields as well as interpersonal skills to communicate with designers to make the project more proper.</p>
<h5> >Designer:</h5>
<p>They are responsible for the creative aspect of the project, from designing the website to the view inside the tool. Designers are proficient in color theory and have an adequate amount of experience in portraying the right feeling from colors.</p>
<h5> >Marketer:</h5>
<p>They are an important part of the team as their efforts rake in money from customers or other businesses that need it. With appropriate marketing, the image comparison tool will be able to make a big profit, which can satisfy the venture capitalists and guarantee more funds. Marketers need innovative thinking and experience in making a start-up company big.</p>
<h5> >Testers:</h5>
<p>They may not sound as important but are very helpful in debugging - a very tedious part of developing softwares or websites - and quickens the pace of the project. By pushing for a shorter time, the project can be fixed to be more complete and successful. Testers need to have some understanding of the software and can make intelligent predictions about what is often the problem in a newly built software.</p>
<h3>Group Reflection</h3>
<h4>Group perspective</h4>
<h5>>What went well: </h5>
<p>We were able to accomplish much by working together. We are all putting in our best efforts to complete the team project. Time management and team advancement went better than expected, which was surprising to me. We were successful in creating a program that functions well and operates in the manner in which we desire. When we were working together, there wasn't much conflict. Our crew is always able to meet our deadlines and complete the tasks to the best of their abilities.</p>
<h5>>What could be improved:</h5>
<p>Despite the fact that the group has performed admirably in terms of teamwork, there is clearly space for improvement. We could have done a better job with time management, but nevertheless, working around the schedules of each member was a significant hurdle that we had to overcome. We could achieve our goal more quickly and efficiently if we were better at managing our time and resources. If this had been done, the ultimate product would have been better, with fewer problems and far more features. It is possible that if we had all learned how to code in this exact manner, we could have all made a greater contribution to the overall development of the project and reduced the amount of work placed on our team leader's shoulders.</p>
<h5>>At least one thing that was surprising:</h5>
<p>The code was executed smoothly and flawlessly, demonstrating that our knowledge and preparation were well worth the time and effort. We were successful in making our program function properly. Everyone was really polite and conscientious about managing their own and the team's time as well. In fact, we had already begun planning for tasks of Assignment 3 while we were working on Assignment 2. The idea worked out quite nicely, and we had little to no trouble when assignment 3 came. As a result, we will have a significant amount of time to enhance and perfect our work in the future. This is most likely the best result we could have achieved in the time frame of approximately one month.</p>
<h5>>At least one thing that you have learned about groups:</h5>
<p>We enjoy memes, we enjoy collaborating with one another and meeting deadlines, and we enjoy our work. The group has been extremely productive as a result of each member contributing a portion of their work that reflects their finest abilities. Everyone was jovial, courteous, and considerate of others. These are the characteristics that, in our opinion, are most important in a teammate. Everyone had their own responsibilities to fulfill, and they all did it brilliantly and without fail. There isn't much more that can be asked of a group of people.</p>
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