0.7.0-alpha.6 (2022-05-02)
- 🐛 fix bug of advanced search for sites (651d156)
- 🐛 fix bug of date2 (252d62f)
- 🐛 fix bug of i18n (357abcb)
- 🐛 fix bug of i18n (18b5550)
- 🐛 fix bug of i18n (f1f7202)
- 🐛 fix bug of the order of fetching video (1b6307f)
- 🐛 fix chinese decode and encode (f63c4ee)
- 🐛 fix wrong initial value of order and qtype (2de2564)
- 🐛 meta NOT mata (15f9665)
- 🐛 throttledWatch to debouncedWatch (3950177)
- 🐛 update additionaConstraint for query (25a16e3)
- await via appPromises (a3ad082)
- deps: pin vue-i18n to a production version (2059e6c)
- deps: quick bump (311b4dd)
- don't cache map (74cd7d6)
- escape unocss detection to avoid error (de52cbc)
- finish fix (819c28a)
- fix dark mode (5fdd816)
- fix markdown link render + tests (4654077)
- force reload video page when vid change (972cd24)
- force the error to be string (7b6c1b8)
- graphql: breaking change in listNotifications (3565d3b)
- graphql: fix keyArgs (bb4135c)
- graphql: include cookie (8d61d1a)
- graphql: type (b29be5e)
- handle network error (f098800)
- icon (0522bee)
- leaderboard: fix the bug of wrong element width percentage (0325471)
- leaderboard: rewrite with named slots (b15a0ae)
- limit advanced search box height (4c4f83b)
- manifest content type (851a62b)
- middle loggingout (a16a103)
- nav drawer item align (0890ef8)
- oops (27e2b4d)
- remove hidden filter (ef6fde1)
- route for index.html (bbbdb18)
- screenSizes (bcd41a4)
- search: disable cached result (4a5c05d)
- search: hide result container when teleport (c3c99db)
- search: show container when input changes (b552231)
- serve license as text/plain (0e91320)
- settings: suspense (675c5e3)
- tag colors (0ef0109)
- temp fix for fetchMore (d54f4d6)
- try to use host header (35700df)
- ui: fix checkbox (f6a990f)
- user: don't clear user info on network error (b7387d3)
- user: force profile avatar aspect (d318084)
- video: comment box (1889b73)
- video: fix comment thread (77e4e23)
- video: fix padding (6258e34)
- video: improve title style (302ecb9)
- video: layout (acd4ac2)
- why (401c0e3)
- ✨ advanced search (50bf674)
- ✨ advanced search for playlist (ac0a97d)
- ✨ check advanced search legality (878e14d)
- ✨ update query with url (331b172)
- add test page (480380b)
- common: ✨ add router navigation guards to prevent no-login-users access login-only pages (d1fc24d)
- home: playlist (demo, desktop only) (9b083ef)
- home: query video (0f514ab)
- layout: LayoutDefault (f2fe27f)
- leaderboard: add tag contributions, add ui components: PvTabs,PvTabPane (c64a7b3)
- MarkdownCommentBlock (a507e46)
- nav: ✨ add notice reminder (f1e882d)
- on-demand rendering in MarkdownBlock (529d6bb)
- playlist: add private tag for playlist (587218d)
- post comment (c6a7e6c)
- PvMessage: add message component (a03291b)
- pwa (wip) (98de674)
- search: update page when pagination blur (b7dede9)
- settings (3caced1)
- settings: collapse menu on mobile (d08dd26)
- sponsor block (012fff0)
- tag: author profile (905ce78)
- tag: author's videos (3e0d6f9)
- user opengraph (1259ae1)
- user: ✨ notice page for mobile size complete (9e90472)
- user: ✨ notification page readonly part complete (65275b8)
- user: ✨ user notification system complete (35649fc)
- user: link to settings (fcd9d2c)
- user: profile (desktop) (7fecb3c)
- user: profile (mobile) & UserAvatarPopper (1d15ef0)
- video: collapse comment children when > 3 (2f83e13)
- video: Cover & CoverPlaceholder (a5a6fcd)
- video: edit tags (ebcc413)
- video: edit video (2c07aa5)
- video: line on reply comments (c323567)
- video: plain text tag view (9b7761b)
- video: related videos (28fd256)
- video: setting to turn off brightness filter (a931f81)
- vite-plugin-vue-i18n & settings mobile (34678c0)
0.7.0-alpha.5 (2021-07-05)
- defineEmit -> defineEmits (7f6f3c2)
- locales: fix bug of default "undefined" String type value of key:lang in local storage (8e228b2)
- locales: use undefined value for default locale, add 'undefined' and 'null' String check and catch RangeError when getBrowserLang() (40dea48)
- move to
is a jsx syntax (5da19b1) - nav: fix hidePage (73926de)
- only apply polyfill during build (5c7e8f0)
- playlist: fix self update during collapse (72053a6)
- search: 🐛 fix image url (d2f11c8)
- video:
is possibly null (d5b9382) - video: fix counter in VideoList (cc83275)
- video: fix currentTime applies when video playing (ce7a63e)
- video: replace
- comment face loader (ae21417)
- playlist: show loading state (f18f954)
- search: placeholder in search page (6848fa0)
- use backend service to serve polyfill (c445cb4)
- use fetchMore (687ffa4)
- user,locales: add pure UI and chinese scales for user page (ae5df13)
- user: ✨ add uid in local storage (3451c7a)
- video: canvas view (wip) (e1e1033)
- video: playlist mobile view (5523bd5)
- video: repost type i18n (8f8a4cb)
- video: support playlist in video (#5) (b2f6f88)
- video: teleport mobile author (fa2fb99)
0.7.0-alpha.4 (2021-05-29)
- playlist: fix video image (4aaa04b)
- 🐛 fix overflow (9b2328b)
- 🐛 fix pagination page number (efbbb96)
- fix setHeader returns undefined on vercel (c6703bf)
- a link to twitter (b0fe89d)
- video: fullscreen support (e7f579e)
- host polyfill with serverless function (290de19)
- mobile support for playlist (364d4b2)
- support html in markdown (a00988e)
- playlist: ✨ new page: playlist list (c9825b4)
- video: ✨ new page: video list (f4eda75)
0.7.0-alpha.3 (2021-05-23)
- fix sometime
overflow: hidden
still applies (b262b50)
- commit link in footer (6a5b058)
- display a disabled botton (406aad6)
- link twitter card to official account (030259c)
- show a error page when backend down (2a3f186)
0.7.0-alpha.2 (2021-05-22)
Hello World!