This example builds on top of Solution 3 by introducing datadog as an APM tool. The goal is to demonstrate how to:
- send orleans metrics to datadog
- implement
with datadog
In addition to docker images defined in solution 3, we now have one more, which is hosting the datadog agent. The way datadog works is that it needs:
- tracer - this runs alongside the executable code it's supposed to monitor (in the same container)
- agent - this runs as a separate container alongside the container hosting your monitored application
We now have a docker-compose.yml file which starts the datadog agent & silo host duo.
The consumer has two constructors:
DatadogTelemetryConsumer(string[] namesOfRelevantMetrics, StatsdConfig statsdConfig)
- accepts a collection of metric names to be tracked and datadog statsd configurationsiloBuilder.ConfigureServices(services => { services.AddSingleton(serviceProvider => new DatadogTelemetryConsumer( new[] {"App.Requests.Total.Requests.Current"}, new StatsdConfig { StatsdServerName = "", StatsdPort = 8125 })); services.Configure<TelemetryOptions>( telemetryOptions => telemetryOptions.AddConsumer<DatadogTelemetryConsumer>()); });
Here, Orleans will detect that
is already registered in the collection of silo's services and will not instantiate it again.More on statsd configuration here:
- Orleans uses this one by default ifDatadogTelemetryConsumer
instance cannot be found in the collection of silo's services.siloBuilder.ConfigureServices(services => { services.Configure<TelemetryOptions>( telemetryOptions => telemetryOptions.AddConsumer<DatadogTelemetryConsumer>()); });
Here, Orleans will instantiate
using the default constructor.
The easiest way to run the code is to execute:
- - this executes the docker-compose.yml file and builds not only the silo host, but agent container propagating the data to datadog
- - this starts the orleans client, no changes there
The code can also be ran locally or in remote containers provided that the SiloHost
can communicate with datadog agent.
There are 167 metrics the telemetry consumer exposes:
They are all correctly tagged:
Captured metrics help us formulate good understanding of what our orleans application is doing and what the resource consumption is. To list some of the most useful metrics:
If DatadogTelemetryConsumer
is configured not to track all metrics (the screenshot below shows only App.Requests.Total.Requests.Current
being tracked), the list looks like this: