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Targeted reduction of Hemoglobin cDNAs


Cluster and annotate in the shell (not in R)

BAMFILES=../Moirai/NC22b.CAGEscan_short-reads.20150625152335/properly_paired_rmdup/*bam -o $LIBRARY.l1.gz -f 66 -F 516 $BAMFILES -t 0 -o $LIBRARY.l2.gz $LIBRARY.l1.gz

function osc2bed {
  zcat $1 |
    grep -v \# |
    sed 1d |
    awk '{OFS="\t"}{print $2, $3, $4, "l1", "1000", $5}'

function bed2annot {
  bedtools intersect -a $1 -b ../annotation/annot.bed -s -loj |
    awk '{OFS="\t"}{print $1":"$2"-"$3$6,$10}' | 
    bedtools groupby -g 1 -c 2 -o collapse

function bed2symbols {
  bedtools intersect -a $1 -b ../annotation/gencode.v14.annotation.genes.bed -s -loj |
    awk '{OFS="\t"}{print $1":"$2"-"$3$6,$10}' | 
    bedtools groupby -g 1 -c 2 -o distinct

osc2bed $LIBRARY.l2.gz | tee $LIBRARY.l2.bed | bed2annot - > $LIBRARY.l2.annot
bed2symbols $LIBRARY.l2.bed > $LIBRARY.l2.genes
## Opening NC22b.l1.gz

Analysis with R


library(oscR)        #  See for oscR.
library(smallCAGEqc) # See for smallCAGEqc.
## Loading required package: permute
## Loading required package: lattice
## This is vegan 2.0-10

    packageVersion("oscR") >= "0.1.1"
  , packageVersion("smallCAGEqc") > "0.10.0"

LIBRARY <- "NC22b"

Load data

l1 <- read.osc(paste(LIBRARY,'l1','gz',sep='.'), drop.coord=T, drop.norm=T)
l2 <- read.osc(paste(LIBRARY,'l2','gz',sep='.'), drop.coord=T, drop.norm=T)

colnames(l1) <- sub('raw.NC22b.','',colnames(l1))
colnames(l2) <- sub('raw.NC22b.','',colnames(l2))

##  22_PSHb_A  22_PSHb_B  22_PSHb_C 22_RanN6_A 22_RanN6_B 22_RanN6_C 
##       3786       3196       6805      17433      18864      17218
PSHb <- c('22_PSHb_A', '22_PSHb_B', '22_PSHb_C')
RanN6    <- c('22_RanN6_A', '22_RanN6_B', '22_RanN6_C')

Normalization number of read per sample : libs2.sub

Libraries contain only very few reads tags. The smallest one has 3,191 counts. In order to make meaningful comparisons, all of them are subsapled to 3190 counts.

l2.sub <- t(rrarefy(t(l2),3190))
##  22_PSHb_A  22_PSHb_B  22_PSHb_C 22_RanN6_A 22_RanN6_B 22_RanN6_C 
##       3190       3190       3190       3190       3190       3190

Moirai statistics

Load the QC data produced by the Moirai workflow with which the libraries were processed. Sort in the same way as the l1 and l2 tables, to allow for easy addition of columns.

libs <- loadMoiraiStats(multiplex = "NC22b.multiplex.txt", summary = "../Moirai/NC22b.CAGEscan_short-reads.20150625152335/text/summary.txt", pipeline = "CAGEscan_short-reads")
libs <- libs[colnames(l1),]

Number of clusters

Count the number of unique L2 clusters per libraries after subsampling, and add this to the QC table. Each subsampling will give a different result, but the mean result can be calculated by using the rarefy function at the same scale as the subsampling.

libs["l2.sub"]     <- colSums(l2.sub > 0)
libs["l2.sub.exp"] <- rarefy(t(l2), min(colSums(l2)))


Richness should also be calculated on the whole data.

libs["r100.l2"] <- rarefy(t(l2),100)
t.test(data=libs, r100.l2 ~ group)
## 	Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  r100.l2 by group
## t = 13.061, df = 3.836, p-value = 0.0002544
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##   7.645323 11.863046
## sample estimates:
## mean in group PS_Hb mean in group RanN6 
##            93.44089            83.68671
boxplot(data=libs, r100.l2 ~ group, ylim=c(80,100), las=1)

Hierarchical annotation

Differences of sampling will not bias distort the distribution of reads between annotations, so the non-subsampled library is used here.

annot.l2 <- read.table(paste(LIBRARY,'l2','annot',sep='.'), head=F, col.names=c('id', 'feature'), row.names=1)
annot.l2 <- hierarchAnnot(annot.l2)

libs <- cbind(libs, t(rowsum(l2,  annot.l2[,'class']))) 

Gene symbols used normalisation data

genesymbols <- read.table(paste(LIBRARY,'l2','genes',sep='.'), col.names=c("cluster","symbol"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(genesymbols) <- genesymbols$cluster

countSymbols <- function(X) length(unique(genesymbols[X > 0,'symbol']))

libs[colnames(l2.sub),"genes.sub"] <- apply(l2.sub, 2, countSymbols)
libs[colnames(l2),        "genes"] <- apply(l2,     2, countSymbols)
dotsize <- mean(libs$genes.sub) /150
p <- ggplot(libs, aes(x=group, y=genes.sub)) +
stat_summary(fun.y=mean, fun.ymin=mean, fun.ymax=mean, 
geom="crossbar", color="gray") +
       geom_dotplot(aes(fill=group), binaxis='y', binwidth=1, 
dotsize=dotsize, stackdir='center') +
       	theme_bw() +
	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=14)) +
	theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=14)) +
	theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())+
	theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size=14))+
  ylim(1300,1600) +
	ylab("Number of genes detected")
p + theme(legend.position="none")

statistical analysis of gene count (with normalized data)

t.test(data=libs, genes.sub ~ group)
## 	Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  genes.sub by group
## t = 2.6274, df = 2.7402, p-value = 0.08627
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -21.01126 171.67793
## sample estimates:
## mean in group PS_Hb mean in group RanN6 
##            1490.333            1415.000

Analysis of the gene expressed in different sample with different primers - normalized data (l2.sub)

l2_to_g2 <- function(l2) {
  g2 <- rowsum(l2, genesymbols$symbol), rowSums(g2) > 0))

g2.sub <- l2_to_g2(l2.sub)
g2     <- l2_to_g2(l2)  
G2 <- TPM(g2)

libs$genes.r <- rarefy(t(g2), 3190)[rownames(libs)]

t.test(data=libs, genes.r ~ group)
## 	Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  genes.r by group
## t = 2.8877, df = 3.5177, p-value = 0.05212
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##   -1.227913 157.191500
## sample estimates:
## mean in group PS_Hb mean in group RanN6 
##            1491.744            1413.763
G2mean <- function(TABLE)
  TPM(data.frame( RanN6    = rowSums(TABLE[,RanN6])
                , PS_Hb    = rowSums(TABLE[,PSHb] )))

G2.sub.mean <- G2mean(g2.sub)
G2.mean     <- G2mean(g2)
head(G2.sub.mean[order(G2.sub.mean$RanN6, decreasing=TRUE),], 30)
##                            RanN6       PS_Hb
## .                     110553.814 105956.1129
## J01415.3,J01415.4      91745.037  20271.6823
## HBB                    46917.450    731.4525
## J01415.2,J01415.24     36677.116   7941.4838
## HBA2                   20167.189   1253.9185
## MALAT1                 20062.696  42842.2153
## HBA1                   14629.049      0.0000
## RN7SL2                 11076.280   6060.6061
## Metazoa_SRP            10240.334   1462.9049
## Metazoa_SRP,RN7SL1      7941.484   1462.9049
## B2M                     7628.004   4597.7011
## MT-ND6                  4388.715   8150.4702
## BNIP3L                  3970.742   9926.8548
## ACTB                    3657.262    522.4660
## DHFR                    3343.783    940.4389
## FTL                     2716.823   1880.8777
## UBB                     2716.823   2298.8506
## MT-CO1                  2194.357   2298.8506
## MTRNR2L8                1880.878      0.0000
## RN7SK                   1880.878   1985.3710
## RNY4                    1880.878    208.9864
## RNY1                    1776.385    417.9728
## OAZ1                    1671.891    731.4525
## RMRP                    1671.891      0.0000
## RP5-857K21.4            1671.891   1044.9321
## RPS6                    1671.891   2612.3302
## FBXO7                   1567.398    522.4660
## HIST1H2BC               1567.398    626.9592
## RP11-1035H13.3,RPS15A   1567.398    104.4932
## RPLP1                   1567.398   1149.4253
head(G2.sub.mean[order(G2.sub.mean$PS_Hb, decreasing=TRUE),], 30)
##                          RanN6      PS_Hb
## .                  110553.8140 105956.113
## MALAT1              20062.6959  42842.215
## J01415.3,J01415.4   91745.0366  20271.682
## BNIP3L               3970.7419   9926.855
## BCL2L1               1149.4253   9717.868
## HEMGN                1253.9185   8986.416
## HNRNPK                522.4660   8150.470
## MT-ND6               4388.7147   8150.470
## J01415.2,J01415.24  36677.1160   7941.484
## RN7SL2              11076.2800   6060.606
## COX7C                 104.4932   4806.688
## B2M                  7628.0042   4597.701
## RPL5                  313.4796   4075.235
## TPM3                  731.4525   3970.742
## RNU2-2,WDR74          835.9457   3866.249
## PKM                   208.9864   3761.755
## LCP2                  313.4796   3448.276
## C9orf78              1462.9049   3343.783
## NCOA4,TIMM23B         731.4525   3239.289
## SAT1                 1567.3981   3239.289
## SNHG12,SNORD99       1253.9185   3239.289
## SON                   835.9457   3239.289
## GYPC                  940.4389   3134.796
## PTMA                  522.4660   3134.796
## HMGB1                1358.4117   3030.303
## UQCRB                 104.4932   2821.317
## J01415.21            1253.9185   2716.823
## RPLP0                 835.9457   2716.823
## RPS6                 1671.8913   2612.330
## CAP1                  104.4932   2507.837

Gene list on normalized data (table l2.sub)

RanN6_genelist.sub <- listSymbols(rownames(subset(G2.sub.mean, RanN6>0)))
PSHb_genelist.sub <- listSymbols(rownames(subset(G2.sub.mean, PS_Hb>0)))
genelist <- listSymbols(rownames(g2))
write.table(genelist, 'NC22.genelist.txt', sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

Haemoglobin barplot

barplot(t(G2[grep('^HB[AB]', rownames(g2), value=T),]), beside=T, ylab='Normalised expression value (cpm).', col=c("gray50","gray50", "gray50", "gray90", "gray90", "gray90"))
legend("topleft", legend=c("RanN6", "PS_Hb"), fill=c("gray90", "gray50"))