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ProctorU Guides

Guides is a foundation of best practices used by ProctorU's Engineering & Design team. It includes best practices for Code Reviewing, Style Rules, and much more.


In additional to the following guidelines, please also use the Rubocop and Reek configuration files for new projects.

Local Configuration

It's always beneficial to have your favorite text editor linting your code against the same configuration you use in your CI process. Here are some text editor implementations for Rubocop and Reek.


  1. Install rubocop and reek as gems.

    gem install rubocop reek
  2. Install the linter-rubocop Atom package.

  3. Install the linter-reek Atom package.

  4. Copy the rubocop configuration file to your local directory. We check ours into .gitignore since we use the one here via Code Climate.

  5. Copy the reek configuration file to your local directory. We check ours into .gitignore since we use the one here via Code Climate.

Command Line with Pronto

With Pronto, you can locally run the same suite as CodeClimate from the comfort of your terminal.

  1. Install pronto.

    gem install pronto
  2. Take care of any dependencies it might say you lack.

  3. Install the following gems.

    gem install pronto-rubocop pronto-reek
  4. Create a config file in your local directory so you can tell Pronto what to ignore.

    touch .pronto.yml
        - 'config/**/*'
        - 'db/**/*'
        - 'docs/**/*'
        - 'fixtures/**/*'
        - 'node_modules/**/*'
        - 'public/**/*'
        - 'test/**/*'
        - 'tmp/**/*'
        - 'vendor/**/*'
  5. Tell your global-level .gitignore file not to track .pronto.yml.

    # Pronto yml
  6. Write some code and try it out!

    • pronto run --commit (will compare with local master by default)

    • pronto run --commit origin/master (to specify where to compare)

  7. Finally, make an alias.

    alias prc='pronto run --commit'


TODO: add specific installation steps.


TODO: add specific installation steps.


  1. Install rubocop (reek plugin not available, RubyMine provides its own inspections inspired by reek)

    gem install rubocop
  2. Copy the rubocop configuration file to your local directory. We check ours into .gitignore since we use the one here via Code Climate.

  3. Go to RubyMine preferences and search for rubocop in editor->inspections tab

  4. Enable the rubocop inspection option

  5. Save or Apply your preferences

RubyMine Debugger

Some issues with the RubyMine debugger occur due to usage Rails 5.2+ and bootsnap gem, ruby-debug-ide

  1. Add monkey patched debase gem to Gemfile

    gem 'ruby-debug-ide'
    gem 'debase', git: '', branch: 'load_iseq_monkeypatch'
  2. Add the following to your config/boot.rb

    rescue NameError
      # Empty

Enable non-default setting involved with skipping gem inspection in debugger mode

  1. Go to preferences then to Build, Execution, Deployment->Debugger->Stepping

  2. Check Ignore non-project sources

  3. Save or Apply your preferences


  • Use single quotes over double quotes unless string interpolation is needed.

  • Prefer && and || over and and or.

  • Prefer map over collect.

  • Prefer cookies.signed over cookies to prevent tampering.

  • Add touch: true when declaring belongs_to associations.

  • Add dependent: :destroy for has_many associations.

  • Use only one instance variable in views.

  • Use only local variables in partials.

  • Times & Dates should always be stored as UTC in the database. We should never store times with offsets. If you need context, read this article by thoughtbot.

    # Do Not Use
    Time.parse("2015-07-04 17:05:37")
    Time.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
    # Do Use
    Date.current"2015-07-04 17:05:37")
    Time.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z").in_time_zone
  • Prefer size over count or length. Reference.

  • Use ENV.fetch('VARNAME') instead of ENV. This will raise an error on deployment so developers can easily tell when they are missing ENVs.

    # bad
    # good
  • Prefer standard notation over shorthand notation for namespaced classes.

    # bad
    class Students::ReservationsController < Students::BaseController
    # good
    module Students
      class ReservationsController < Students::BaseController
  • Prefer Pundit policies over built-in authorization in controllers:

    # bad
      before_action { authorize! ['manage-utilities', 'manage-roles'] }, only: %i(index)
    # good
      def index
        authorize MyPolicy


  • Prefer assert_not over refute.

  • Never set = 'Something' because it could persist through the entire test class and throw off other tests.

  • Use timezone helpers to setup & teardown timezones.

    Time.use_zone(tz, &block)
    # or
    def setup
    def teardown
  • Use MiniTest::Spec over Test::Unit.

    # good
    setup do
      @user = users(:default)
    test 'user should do something fancy' do
      assert @user.dances
    # bad
    def setup
      @user = users(:default)
    def user_should_do_something_fancy
      assert @user.dances
  • Use specific assertion functions over assert. Using these functions gives much more meaningful results when tests fail.

    # good
    assert_predicate @user, :valid? # on error: expected @user to be valid?
    assert_includes response['message'], 'must be a valid email' # on error: expected response['message'] to include 'must be a valid email`
    # bad
    assert @user.valid? # on error: expected false to be truthy
    assert response['message'].include?('must be a valid email') # on error: expect false to be truthy
  • Use the negative variations of Capybara matchers if you are testing that an element or selector is not present. Using the positive form of these matchers will always make Capybara wait the default matcher timeout time, and this includes using these with assert_not.

    # good
    assert page.has_no_content?('Submit') # immediately executes if 'Submit' is not found
    # bad
    assert_not page.has_content?('Submit') # always waits the default Capybara timeout time

System Tests


System tests should be structured similar to controller namespaces. Each action should be broken into a corresponding test file. The index action should use the plural namespace or module name.

└─── controllers
|    └─── users
|    |   └─── registrations_controller.rb
└─── users
|    └─── registrations
│   │     |   show_registrations_test.rb
│   │     |   show_registration_test.rb
│   │     |   create_registration_test.rb
│   │     |   update_registration_test.rb
│   │     |   destroy_registration_test.rb