: Allow version 1.9 or 2.0 by @Progi1984 fixing #790, #812 in #816- Group Shape: moving the shape now moves all contained shapes. Offsets and size are calculated based on the contained shapes by @DennisBirkholz in #690
- Added support for PHP 8.4 by @Progi1984 in #839
: Allow version 3.0 by @Progi1984 fixing #836 in #839createAutoShape
: Add method to create geometric shapes by @mhasanshahid & @Progi1984 in #848- Reader : Option to not load images by @Progi1984 fixing #795 in #850
- ODPresentation Writer : Support for rotation for RichText by @Progi1984 fixing #279 in #409
- HTML Writer by @Progi1984 fixing #221, #567, #644 in #850
- PDF Writer by @Progi1984 fixing #181, #381, #472, #693, #725 in #850
- PowerPoint2007 Reader : Support for BarChart by @Progi1984 fixing #824 in #856
- PowerPoint2007 Reader: Fixed cast of spacing by @Progi1984 fixing #729, #796 in #818
- CI : Fixed PHPCSFixer by @kw-pr in #835
- PowerPoint2007 Reader: Fixed cast of color by @Progi1984 fixing #826 in #840
- PowerPoint2007 Reader: Fixed panose with 20 characters by @Progi1984 fixing #798 in #842
: Fixed when imagecreatetruecolor returns false by @jaapdh in #843- PowerPoint2007 Writer: LineChart supports LabelPosition for Series by @pal-software fixing #606 in #8434
has no container defined by @Progi1984 fixing #820 in #845- ODPresentation Reader : Read differents units for margin by @Progi1984 fixing #830 in #847
- PowerPoint2007 Reader : Fixed loading of fonts by @ag3202 and @Progi1984 in #851
- CI: Added ODFValidator by @Progi1984 fixing #678 in #653
- \PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Border::lineWidth use pixels as reference (and not anymore points)