This project is divided into packages and modules that handle a small portion of the functionality. Packages have strict hierarchy that allows importing modules only from the same or lower-ranked package. Below is a diagram showing the import structure between packages.
encryption <|-- utilities
encryption <|-- constants
encryption <|-- entities
entities <|-- constants
utilities <|-- entities
utilities <|-- constants
ccakem <|-- utilities
ccakem <|-- entities
ccakem <|-- constants
ccakem <|-- encryption
class encryption {
class utilities {
class entities {
class constants
class ccakem
Here are short descriptions of what is the purpose of each package:
- utilities package provides some basic functionalities, such as conversions, rounding and encoding, for higher-ranked modules to use.
- entities contains data structures.
- constants module has some fixed numerical values defined in the Kyber specification.
- encryption has capabilities for Kyber asymmetric encryption.
- ccakem has functions that utilize encryption and make Kyber a key-encapsulation mechanism.
Here are more in-depth descriptions of modules in utilities package.
Byte conversion module has some basic functions that integers and bit arrays to bytes, and vice versa.
During the en/decryption the coefficients of polynomial ring are in modulo q
, that is, between 0 and q-1
(inclusive). When we transfer these polynomial rings, we can, however, reduce the size by downscaling these coefficients. That is done with compress and decompress functions.
Usually the polynomial rings are handled as PolynomialRing
instances. We can not, however, send these instances over the Internet, so we have to encode them into byte arrays. At the other end, we need to recover polynomial ring from the byte array. This is done with encode and decode functions.
Parse is a pseudo-random function that generates a specific type of polynomial ring instance from a random byte stream. This is different from decoding in that the input is byte stream instead of byte array, i.e., the number of bytes required to form the result is not known beforehand.
This module provides a single function that deterministically produces a polynomial ring from byte array. Behavior of this function is quite similar to parse
but in this case the length of the input byte array is fixed.
This module includes multiple functions that use SHA-3 hash algorithm family to deterministically produce pseudo-random byte arrays from given seeds.
This small module provides a function that rounds floats in a "traditional" way, that is, ties rounded up instead of away from zero. For example, Python's built-in round function outputs round(-3.5)=-4
whereas normal_round(-3.5)=-3
The complexity of all key generation, encryption and decryption is O(1)
with fixed payload length of 32 bytes. However, when variable-length payload is en/decrypted, function must be called repeatedly for each 32-byte chunk of payload. Therefore real complexity of encryption and decryption functions is O(n)
where n is the length of the payload. This linear time requirement can be empirically tested as the orange plot below shows.
All functions are expected to run in constant memory space.
(Plot created with analysis/