diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml index 64fe7ce..f1b75cc 100644 --- a/mkdocs.yml +++ b/mkdocs.yml @@ -13,508 +13,505 @@ edit_uri: edit/main/docs # Page tree nav: - - Home: - - index.md - - board.md - - community_history.md - - code_conduct.md - - tags.md - - Meetup: - - meetup/index.md - - meetup/next_meetup.md - - Meetup passati: - - ANTLR: - - meetup/archive/antlr/index.md - - Parser e ANTLR4: meetup/archive/antlr/antlr_1.md - - Dal parser all'interpreter: meetup/archive/antlr/antlr_2.md - - Parser, intepreter e compilatori: meetup/archive/antlr/antlr_3.md - - Airflow + PySpark: meetup/archive/airflow_pyspark.md - - Calcolo parallelo e distribuito: - - meetup/archive/distributed_compute/index.md - - Intro: meetup/archive/distributed_compute/distr_comp_1.md - - Comunicazione tra i processi: meetup/archive/distributed_compute/distr_comp_2.md - - Librerie python Dask, Modin e Celery: meetup/archive/distributed_compute/distr_comp_3.md - - Data versioning: meetup/archive/data_versioning.md - - Data Science - focus Pharma: meetup/archive/ds_pharma.md - - Debito tecnico e architectural smell: meetup/archive/technical_dept.md - - Django: - - meetup/archive/django/index.md - - Introduzione a Django: meetup/archive/django/django_1.md - - Modelli Django: meetup/archive/django/django_2.md - - Autenticazione Django e model form: meetup/archive/django/django_3.md - - Docker: - - meetup/archive/docker_track/index.md - - Intro Docker: meetup/archive/docker_track/docker_1.md - - Concetti avanzati: meetup/archive/docker_track/docker_2.md - - FastAPI: - - meetup/archive/fastapi/index.md - - Intro: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_1.md - - Le prime API con approccio TDD: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_2.md - - SQLModel: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_3.md - - Back-end con FastAPI e SQLModel: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_4.md - - Async, OAuth2, profiling e dockerizzazione: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_5.md - - Flask: - - meetup/archive/flask/index.md - - Intro a Flask: meetup/archive/flask/flask_1.md - - Jinja avanzato e forms: meetup/archive/flask/flask_2.md - - Flask con database: meetup/archive/flask/flask_3.md - - Review: meetup/archive/flask/flask_4.md - - Evoluzioni dell' app: meetup/archive/flask/flask_5.md - - Blueprints, refactoring e test automatici: meetup/archive/flask/flask_6.md - - Autenticazione: meetup/archive/flask/flask_7.md - - Profili, ruoli e blog: meetup/archive/flask/flask_8.md - - Heroku e docker - deploy: meetup/archive/flask/flask_9.md - - Rest API: meetup/archive/flask/flask_10.md - - Genropy: - - meetup/archive/genropy/index.md - - Intro, demo e primi passi: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_1.md - - Bag, Structure, ORM e inizio progetto: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_2.md - - Risorse UI, lookup tables e formula columns: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_3.md - - Altre risorse UI, import dati, tabelle gerarchiche, stampe, utenti, multi-tenant: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_4.md - - Utenti, Staff e Donatori in ottica multi-tenant: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_5.md - - Gestione delle eccezioni: meetup/archive/handle_except.md - - Gioco dell' Orso: - - meetup/archive/orso_game/index.md - - Parte 1: meetup/archive/orso_game/orso_game_1.md - - Parte 2: meetup/archive/orso_game/orso_game_2.md - - Git base: meetup/archive/git.md - - GitHub Actions: meetup/archive/github_actions.md - - GPT Detection system: meetup/archive/gpt_detection.md - - GraphQL e Strawberry: meetup/archive/graphql.md - - Introduzione al Machine Learning: - - meetup/archive/intro_ml/index.md - - Introduzione al Machine Learning e a Scikit-Learn: meetup/archive/intro_ml/intro_ml_1.md - - Scikit-Learn pipeline, metriche e regressione lineare: meetup/archive/intro_ml/intro_ml_2.md - - Scikit-Learn - unsupervised learning: meetup/archive/intro_ml/intro_ml_3.md - - Introduzione al Deep learning: - - meetup/archive/intro_dl/index.md - - Introduzione a Deep Learning e TensorFlow: meetup/archive/intro_dl/intro_dl_1.md - - Reti Neurali per le immagini: meetup/archive/intro_dl/intro_dl_2.md - - Reti Neurali Ricorrenti: meetup/archive/intro_dl/intro_dl_3.md - - Introduzione a Kubernetes: - - meetup/archive/intro_k8s/index.md - - Parte 1: meetup/archive/intro_k8s/intro_k8s_1.md - - Parte 2: meetup/archive/intro_k8s/intro_k8s_2.md - - Introduzione a Databricks: meetup/archive/intro_databricks.md - - Imparare Python giocando: - - meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/index.md - - Le basi di Python: meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/learn_game_1.md - - PyGameZero: meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/learn_game_2.md - - Creazione giochi: meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/learn_game_3.md - - Review e creazione di giochi complessi: meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/learn_game_4.md - - Manipolazione del testo: - - meetup/archive/text_manipulation/index.md - - Intro espressioni regolari: meetup/archive/text_manipulation/text_1.md - - Libreria regex in python: meetup/archive/text_manipulation/text_2.md - - Pipeline di analisi testo e Spacy: meetup/archive/text_manipulation/text_3.md - - Un progetto di analisi e classificazione di testi con ML: meetup/archive/text_manipulation/text_4.md - - Modern data engineering: - - meetup/archive/modern_data_eng/index.md - - Stato dell'arte e Apache Airflow: meetup/archive/modern_data_eng/modern_de_1.md - - Progetto: meetup/archive/modern_data_eng/modern_de_2.md - - Modern python development: - - meetup/archive/modern_python/index.md - - Strumenti, librerie, buone pratiche per sviluppare in Python: meetup/archive/modern_python/modern_python_1.md - - Poetry, PDM, Ruff e altri strumenti utili: meetup/archive/modern_python/modern_python_2.md - - MLOps: - - meetup/archive/mlops_aws/index.md - - Introduzione MLOps: meetup/archive/mlops_aws/mlops_aws_1.md - - MLOps su AWS: meetup/archive/mlops_aws/mlops_aws_2.md - - ML Pipeline: - - meetup/archive/ml_pipeline/index.md - - Introduzione a Pytorch: meetup/archive/ml_pipeline/ml_pipeline_1.md - - Introduzione a Hydra: meetup/archive/ml_pipeline/ml_pipeline_2.md - - NLP - topic modeling: meetup/archive/nlp_topic_modeling.md - - NVIDIA Triton: meetup/archive/nvidia_triton.md - - Open Source: - - meetup/archive/open_source/index.md - - Primo incontro - Marcelo Trylesinski: meetup/archive/open_source/open_source_1.md - - Secondo incontro - Patrick Arminio: meetup/archive/open_source/open_source_2.md - - Terzo incontro - Juliana Nicacio: meetup/archive/open_source/open_source_3.md - - Quarto incontro - Giovanni Barillari: meetup/archive/open_source/open_source_4.md - - Pandas base: - - meetup/archive/pandas/index.md - - Intro e modulo csv: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_1.md - - Operazioni con i dataframe: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_2.md - - Serie ed esercitazioni: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_3.md - - Live coding ed approfondimenti: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_4.md - - Approfondimenti, indexing, filtri, multiIndexing: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_5.md - - Percorso dati: - - meetup/archive/data_track/index.md - - Pandas - manipolazione dei dati: meetup/archive/data_track/data_track_1.md - - Strumenti per la visualizzazione dei dati: meetup/archive/data_track/data_track_2.md - - Strumenti per l'ingegnerizzazione dei dati: meetup/archive/data_track/data_track_3.md - - Strumenti per il passaggio in produzione: meetup/archive/data_track/data_track_4.md - - Pygame: - - meetup/archive/pygame/index.md - - Intro a pygame: meetup/archive/pygame/pygame_1.md - - Sprites, collisioni e simulazioni: meetup/archive/pygame/pygame_2.md - - Animazioni, camera e gravità: meetup/archive/pygame/pygame_3.md - - Python base: - - meetup/archive/python_base/index.md - - Concetti di base e tipi primitivi: meetup/archive/python_base/python_base_1.md - - Controlli di flusso, iterazioni e funzioni: meetup/archive/python_base/python_base_2.md - - OOP base: meetup/archive/python_base/python_base_3.md - - OOP avanzato: meetup/archive/python_base/python_base_4.md - - Reinforcement learning - DIAMBRA: - - meetup/archive/reinforcement_learning/index.md - - Concetti teorici e costruzione ambiente: meetup/archive/reinforcement_learning/rl_1.md - - Sessione pratica e coding: meetup/archive/reinforcement_learning/rl_2.md - - Robotic Process Automation: meetup/archive/rpa.md - - Squirrel Telegram Bot: meetup/archive/telegram_bot_squirrel.md - - Telegram Bot: meetup/archive/telegram_bot.md - - Tensorflow serving: meetup/archive/tensorflow_serving.md - - Testare e documentare i dati: meetup/archive/data_testing.md - - Testing con python: - - meetup/archive/testing_python/index.md - - Testing - Intro: meetup/archive/testing_python/testing_1.md - - Testing - Pytest e unittest: meetup/archive/testing_python/testing_2.md - - Testing - Doctest e behave: meetup/archive/testing_python/testing_3.md - - Twitter sentiment analysis: meetup/archive/sentiment_analysis.md - - Web scraping: - - meetup/archive/web_scraping/index.md - - Beautiful soup e requests: meetup/archive/web_scraping/web_scraping_1.md - - Selenium e Scrapy: meetup/archive/web_scraping/web_scraping_2.md - - XGBoost: meetup/archive/xgboost.md - - Learning: - - learning/index.md - - Better code: - - learning/better_code/index.md - - Bandit: learning/better_code/bandit/index.md - - Black: learning/better_code/black/index.md - - Flake8: learning/better_code/flake8/index.md - - Mypy: learning/better_code/mypy/index.md - - Pydantic: learning/better_code/pydantic/index.md - - Ruff: learning/better_code/ruff/index.md - - Creare un pacchetto: - - learning/create_package/index.md - - Data analysis: - - learning/data_analysis/index.md - - DuckDB: learning/data_analysis/duckdb/index.md - - Numpy: learning/data_analysis/numpy/index.md - - Pandas: learning/data_analysis/pandas/index.md - - Polars: learning/data_analysis/polars/index.md - - Documentare il codice: - - learning/document_code/index.md - - Linux base: - - learning/linux_base/index.md - - Gestire dipendenze: - - learning/manage_dependencies/index.md - - Anaconda: learning/manage_dependencies/anaconda/index.md - - PDM: learning/manage_dependencies/pdm/index.md - - Pipx: learning/manage_dependencies/pipx/index.md - - Poetry: learning/manage_dependencies/poetry/index.md - - Poetry avanzato: learning/manage_dependencies/poetry/advance.md - - Pyenv: learning/manage_dependencies/pyenv/index.md - - Virtualenv: learning/manage_dependencies/virtualenv/index.md - - Materiale extra: learning/material/index.md - - MkDocs tutorial: - - learning/mkdocs_tutorial/index.md - - Setup: learning/mkdocs_tutorial/setup.md - - Documentare il codice: learning/document_code.md - - Funzionalità extra: learning/extra_functions.md - - Deploy: - - learning/mkdocs_tutorial/deploy.md - - Github pages: learning/mkdocs_tutorial/github_pages.md - - Estensioni: learning/mkdocs_tutorial/extensions.md - - Pre-commit: learning/pre-commit/index.md - - Struttura di progetto: - - learning/project_structure/index.md - - Bear: learning/project_structure/bear/index.md - - Python base: - - learning/python_base/index.md - - Perchè Python: learning/python_base/why_python/index.md - - Python avanzato: - - learning/python_advanced/index.md - - Gestire diverse versioni di python: - - learning/python_version/index.md - - ASDF: learning/python_version/asdf/index.md - - REPL: learning/python_version/repl/index.md - - Roadmap: - - learning/roadmap/index.md - - Gestione delle configurazioni: - - learning/settings_management/index.md - - Indipendenza tecnologica: - - learning/tech_independence/index.md - - Testing: - - learning/testing_python/index.md - - Tutorial: - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/index.md - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/intro.md - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/test.md - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/tipi.md - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/pratiche.md - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/unittest.md - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/pytest.md - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/doctest.md - - learning/testing_python/tutorial/behave.md - - Risorse: - - learning/testing_python/resources/index.md - - learning/testing_python/resources/letteratura.md - - learning/testing_python/resources/software.md - - learning/testing_python/resources/snippet.md - - learning/testing_python/resources/talk.md - - VS Code: learning/vscode/index.md - - Supporters: - - supporters/index.md - - Speakers: - - speakers/index.md - - Guida speaker: speakers/speaker_guide.md + - Home: + - index.md + - board.md + - community_history.md + - code_conduct.md + - tags.md + - Meetup: + - meetup/index.md + - meetup/next_meetup.md + - Meetup passati: + - ANTLR: + - meetup/archive/antlr/index.md + - Parser e ANTLR4: meetup/archive/antlr/antlr_1.md + - Dal parser all'interpreter: meetup/archive/antlr/antlr_2.md + - Parser, intepreter e compilatori: meetup/archive/antlr/antlr_3.md + - Airflow + PySpark: meetup/archive/airflow_pyspark.md + - Calcolo parallelo e distribuito: + - meetup/archive/distributed_compute/index.md + - Intro: meetup/archive/distributed_compute/distr_comp_1.md + - Comunicazione tra i processi: meetup/archive/distributed_compute/distr_comp_2.md + - Librerie python Dask, Modin e Celery: meetup/archive/distributed_compute/distr_comp_3.md + - Data versioning: meetup/archive/data_versioning.md + - Data Science - focus Pharma: meetup/archive/ds_pharma.md + - Debito tecnico e architectural smell: meetup/archive/technical_dept.md + - Django: + - meetup/archive/django/index.md + - Introduzione a Django: meetup/archive/django/django_1.md + - Modelli Django: meetup/archive/django/django_2.md + - Autenticazione Django e model form: meetup/archive/django/django_3.md + - Docker: + - meetup/archive/docker_track/index.md + - Intro Docker: meetup/archive/docker_track/docker_1.md + - Concetti avanzati: meetup/archive/docker_track/docker_2.md + - FastAPI: + - meetup/archive/fastapi/index.md + - Intro: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_1.md + - Le prime API con approccio TDD: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_2.md + - SQLModel: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_3.md + - Back-end con FastAPI e SQLModel: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_4.md + - Async, OAuth2, profiling e dockerizzazione: meetup/archive/fastapi/fastapi_5.md + - Flask: + - meetup/archive/flask/index.md + - Intro a Flask: meetup/archive/flask/flask_1.md + - Jinja avanzato e forms: meetup/archive/flask/flask_2.md + - Flask con database: meetup/archive/flask/flask_3.md + - Review: meetup/archive/flask/flask_4.md + - Evoluzioni dell' app: meetup/archive/flask/flask_5.md + - Blueprints, refactoring e test automatici: meetup/archive/flask/flask_6.md + - Autenticazione: meetup/archive/flask/flask_7.md + - Profili, ruoli e blog: meetup/archive/flask/flask_8.md + - Heroku e docker - deploy: meetup/archive/flask/flask_9.md + - Rest API: meetup/archive/flask/flask_10.md + - Genropy: + - meetup/archive/genropy/index.md + - Intro, demo e primi passi: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_1.md + - Bag, Structure, ORM e inizio progetto: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_2.md + - Risorse UI, lookup tables e formula columns: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_3.md + - Altre risorse UI, import dati, tabelle gerarchiche, stampe, utenti, multi-tenant: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_4.md + - Utenti, Staff e Donatori in ottica multi-tenant: meetup/archive/genropy/genropy_5.md + - Gestione delle eccezioni: meetup/archive/handle_except.md + - Gioco dell' Orso: + - meetup/archive/orso_game/index.md + - Parte 1: meetup/archive/orso_game/orso_game_1.md + - Parte 2: meetup/archive/orso_game/orso_game_2.md + - Git base: meetup/archive/git.md + - GitHub Actions: meetup/archive/github_actions.md + - GPT Detection system: meetup/archive/gpt_detection.md + - GraphQL e Strawberry: meetup/archive/graphql.md + - Introduzione al Machine Learning: + - meetup/archive/intro_ml/index.md + - Introduzione al Machine Learning e a Scikit-Learn: meetup/archive/intro_ml/intro_ml_1.md + - Scikit-Learn pipeline, metriche e regressione lineare: meetup/archive/intro_ml/intro_ml_2.md + - Scikit-Learn - unsupervised learning: meetup/archive/intro_ml/intro_ml_3.md + - Introduzione al Deep learning: + - meetup/archive/intro_dl/index.md + - Introduzione a Deep Learning e TensorFlow: meetup/archive/intro_dl/intro_dl_1.md + - Reti Neurali per le immagini: meetup/archive/intro_dl/intro_dl_2.md + - Reti Neurali Ricorrenti: meetup/archive/intro_dl/intro_dl_3.md + - Introduzione a Kubernetes: + - meetup/archive/intro_k8s/index.md + - Parte 1: meetup/archive/intro_k8s/intro_k8s_1.md + - Parte 2: meetup/archive/intro_k8s/intro_k8s_2.md + - Introduzione a Databricks: meetup/archive/intro_databricks.md + - Imparare Python giocando: + - meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/index.md + - Le basi di Python: meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/learn_game_1.md + - PyGameZero: meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/learn_game_2.md + - Creazione giochi: meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/learn_game_3.md + - Review e creazione di giochi complessi: meetup/archive/learn_python_with_game/learn_game_4.md + - Manipolazione del testo: + - meetup/archive/text_manipulation/index.md + - Intro espressioni regolari: meetup/archive/text_manipulation/text_1.md + - Libreria regex in python: meetup/archive/text_manipulation/text_2.md + - Pipeline di analisi testo e Spacy: meetup/archive/text_manipulation/text_3.md + - Un progetto di analisi e classificazione di testi con ML: meetup/archive/text_manipulation/text_4.md + - Modern data engineering: + - meetup/archive/modern_data_eng/index.md + - Stato dell'arte e Apache Airflow: meetup/archive/modern_data_eng/modern_de_1.md + - Progetto: meetup/archive/modern_data_eng/modern_de_2.md + - Modern python development: + - meetup/archive/modern_python/index.md + - Strumenti, librerie, buone pratiche per sviluppare in Python: meetup/archive/modern_python/modern_python_1.md + - Poetry, PDM, Ruff e altri strumenti utili: meetup/archive/modern_python/modern_python_2.md + - MLOps: + - meetup/archive/mlops_aws/index.md + - Introduzione MLOps: meetup/archive/mlops_aws/mlops_aws_1.md + - MLOps su AWS: meetup/archive/mlops_aws/mlops_aws_2.md + - ML Pipeline: + - meetup/archive/ml_pipeline/index.md + - Introduzione a Pytorch: meetup/archive/ml_pipeline/ml_pipeline_1.md + - Introduzione a Hydra: meetup/archive/ml_pipeline/ml_pipeline_2.md + - NLP - topic modeling: meetup/archive/nlp_topic_modeling.md + - NVIDIA Triton: meetup/archive/nvidia_triton.md + - Open Source: + - meetup/archive/open_source/index.md + - Primo incontro - Marcelo Trylesinski: meetup/archive/open_source/open_source_1.md + - Secondo incontro - Patrick Arminio: meetup/archive/open_source/open_source_2.md + - Terzo incontro - Juliana Nicacio: meetup/archive/open_source/open_source_3.md + - Quarto incontro - Giovanni Barillari: meetup/archive/open_source/open_source_4.md + - Pandas base: + - meetup/archive/pandas/index.md + - Intro e modulo csv: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_1.md + - Operazioni con i dataframe: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_2.md + - Serie ed esercitazioni: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_3.md + - Live coding ed approfondimenti: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_4.md + - Approfondimenti, indexing, filtri, multiIndexing: meetup/archive/pandas/pandas_5.md + - Percorso dati: + - meetup/archive/data_track/index.md + - Pandas - manipolazione dei dati: meetup/archive/data_track/data_track_1.md + - Strumenti per la visualizzazione dei dati: meetup/archive/data_track/data_track_2.md + - Strumenti per l'ingegnerizzazione dei dati: meetup/archive/data_track/data_track_3.md + - Strumenti per il passaggio in produzione: meetup/archive/data_track/data_track_4.md + - Pygame: + - meetup/archive/pygame/index.md + - Intro a pygame: meetup/archive/pygame/pygame_1.md + - Sprites, collisioni e simulazioni: meetup/archive/pygame/pygame_2.md + - Animazioni, camera e gravità: meetup/archive/pygame/pygame_3.md + - Python base: + - meetup/archive/python_base/index.md + - Concetti di base e tipi primitivi: meetup/archive/python_base/python_base_1.md + - Controlli di flusso, iterazioni e funzioni: meetup/archive/python_base/python_base_2.md + - OOP base: meetup/archive/python_base/python_base_3.md + - OOP avanzato: meetup/archive/python_base/python_base_4.md + - Reinforcement learning - DIAMBRA: + - meetup/archive/reinforcement_learning/index.md + - Concetti teorici e costruzione ambiente: meetup/archive/reinforcement_learning/rl_1.md + - Sessione pratica e coding: meetup/archive/reinforcement_learning/rl_2.md + - Robotic Process Automation: meetup/archive/rpa.md + - Squirrel Telegram Bot: meetup/archive/telegram_bot_squirrel.md + - Telegram Bot: meetup/archive/telegram_bot.md + - Tensorflow serving: meetup/archive/tensorflow_serving.md + - Testare e documentare i dati: meetup/archive/data_testing.md + - Testing con python: + - meetup/archive/testing_python/index.md + - Testing - Intro: meetup/archive/testing_python/testing_1.md + - Testing - Pytest e unittest: meetup/archive/testing_python/testing_2.md + - Testing - Doctest e behave: meetup/archive/testing_python/testing_3.md + - Twitter sentiment analysis: meetup/archive/sentiment_analysis.md + - Web scraping: + - meetup/archive/web_scraping/index.md + - Beautiful soup e requests: meetup/archive/web_scraping/web_scraping_1.md + - Selenium e Scrapy: meetup/archive/web_scraping/web_scraping_2.md + - XGBoost: meetup/archive/xgboost.md + - Learning: + - learning/index.md + - Better code: + - learning/better_code/index.md + - Bandit: learning/better_code/bandit/index.md + - Black: learning/better_code/black/index.md + - Flake8: learning/better_code/flake8/index.md + - Mypy: learning/better_code/mypy/index.md + - Pydantic: learning/better_code/pydantic/index.md + - Ruff: learning/better_code/ruff/index.md + - Creare un pacchetto: + - learning/create_package/index.md + - Data analysis: + - learning/data_analysis/index.md + - DuckDB: learning/data_analysis/duckdb/index.md + - Numpy: learning/data_analysis/numpy/index.md + - Pandas: learning/data_analysis/pandas/index.md + - Polars: learning/data_analysis/polars/index.md + - Documentare il codice: + - learning/document_code/index.md + - Linux base: + - learning/linux_base/index.md + - Gestire dipendenze: + - learning/manage_dependencies/index.md + - Anaconda: learning/manage_dependencies/anaconda/index.md + - PDM: learning/manage_dependencies/pdm/index.md + - Pipx: learning/manage_dependencies/pipx/index.md + - Poetry: learning/manage_dependencies/poetry/index.md + - Poetry avanzato: learning/manage_dependencies/poetry/advance.md + - Pyenv: learning/manage_dependencies/pyenv/index.md + - Virtualenv: learning/manage_dependencies/virtualenv/index.md + - Materiale extra: learning/material/index.md + - MkDocs tutorial: + - learning/mkdocs_tutorial/index.md + - Setup: learning/mkdocs_tutorial/setup.md + - Documentare il codice: learning/document_code.md + - Funzionalità extra: learning/extra_functions.md + - Deploy: + - learning/mkdocs_tutorial/deploy.md + - Github pages: learning/mkdocs_tutorial/github_pages.md + - Estensioni: learning/mkdocs_tutorial/extensions.md + - Pre-commit: learning/pre-commit/index.md + - Struttura di progetto: + - learning/project_structure/index.md + - Bear: learning/project_structure/bear/index.md + - Python base: + - learning/python_base/index.md + - Perchè Python: learning/python_base/why_python/index.md + - Python avanzato: + - learning/python_advanced/index.md + - Gestire diverse versioni di python: + - learning/python_version/index.md + - ASDF: learning/python_version/asdf/index.md + - REPL: learning/python_version/repl/index.md + - Roadmap: + - learning/roadmap/index.md + - Gestione delle configurazioni: + - learning/settings_management/index.md + - Indipendenza tecnologica: + - learning/tech_independence/index.md + - Testing: + - learning/testing_python/index.md + - Tutorial: + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/index.md + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/intro.md + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/test.md + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/tipi.md + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/pratiche.md + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/unittest.md + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/pytest.md + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/doctest.md + - learning/testing_python/tutorial/behave.md + - Risorse: + - learning/testing_python/resources/index.md + - learning/testing_python/resources/letteratura.md + - learning/testing_python/resources/software.md + - learning/testing_python/resources/snippet.md + - learning/testing_python/resources/talk.md + - VS Code: learning/vscode/index.md + - 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Comunicazione tra i processi: Communication between processes - Librerie python Dask, Modin e Celery: Dask, Modin and Celery libraries - Debito tecnico e architectural smell: Technical debt and architectural smell - Introduzione a Django: Introduction to Django - Modelli Django: Django models - Autenticazione Django e model form: Django authentication and model form - Concetti avanzati: Advanced concepts - Le prime API con approccio TDD: First API with TDD approach - Back-end con FastAPI e SQLModel: Back-end with FastAPI and SQLModel - Async, OAuth2, profiling e dockerizzazione: Async, OAuth2, profiling and dockerization - Intro a Flask: Intro to Flask - Jinja avanzato e forms: Advanced Jinja and forms - Flask con database: Flask with database - Evoluzioni dell' app: App evolution - Blueprints, refactoring e test automatici: Blueprints, refactoring and automated testing - Autenticazione: Authentication - Profili, ruoli e blog: Profiles, roles and blog - Heroku e docker - deploy: Heroku and docker - deploy - Intro, demo e primi passi: Introduction, demo, and first steps - Bag, Structure, ORM e inizio progetto: Bag, Structure, ORM, and project start - Risorse UI, lookup tables e formula columns: UI resources, lookup tables, and formula columns - ? Altre risorse UI, import dati, tabelle gerarchiche, stampe, utenti, multi-tenant - : Other UI resources, data import, hierarchical tables,printing, - users, multi-tenancy - Utenti, Staff e Donatori in ottica multi-tenant: Users, Staff, and Donors in a multi-tenant perspective - Gestione delle eccezioni: Exception handling - Gioco dell' Orso: Bear and hunters game - Creare un package in python: Create a python package - Parte 1: Part 1 - Parte 2: Part 2 - Git base: Git basics - GraphQL e Strawberry: GraphQL and Strawberry - Introduzione al Machine Learning: Introduction to Machine Learning - Introduzione al Machine Learning e a Scikit-Learn: Introduction to Machine Learning and Scikit-Learn - Scikit-Learn pipeline, metriche e regressione lineare: Scikit-Learn pipeline, metrics, and linear regression - Introduzione al Deep learning: Introduction to Deep Learning - Introduzione a Deep Learning e TensorFlow: Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow - Reti Neurali per le immagini: Neural Networks for images - Reti Neurali Ricorrenti: Recurrent Neural Networks - Introduzione a Kubernetes: Introduction to Kubernetes - Introduzione a Databricks: Introduction to Databricks - Imparare Python giocando: Learning Python through games - Le basi di Python: Python basics - Creazione giochi: Creating games - Review e creazione di giochi complessi: Review and creation of complex games - Manipolazione del testo: Text manipulation - Intro espressioni regolari: Introduction to regular expressions - Libreria regex in python: Regex library in Python - Pipeline di analisi testo e Spacy: Text analysis pipeline and Spacy - Un progetto di analisi e classificazione di testi con ML: A text analysis and classification project with ML - Stato dell'arte e Apache Airflow: State of the art and Apache Airflow - Progetto: Project - Strumenti, librerie, buone pratiche per sviluppare in Python: Tools, libraries, best practices for Python development - Poetry, PDM, Ruff e altri strumenti utili: Poetry, PDM, Ruff, and other useful tools - Introduzione MLOps: Introduction to MLOps - MLOps su AWS: MLOps on AWS - Introduzione a Pytorch: Introduction to Pytorch - Introduzione a Hydra: Introduction to Hydra - Pandas base: Pandas basics - Intro e modulo csv: Introduction and csv module - Operazioni con i dataframe: Operations with dataframes - Serie ed esercitazioni: Series and exercises - Live coding ed approfondimenti: Live coding and in-depth discussions - Approfondimenti, indexing, filtri, multiIndexing: In-depth, indexing, filters, multiIndexing - Percorso dati: Data analysis learning path - Pandas - manipolazione dei dati: Pandas - data manipulation - Strumenti per la visualizzazione dei dati: Tools for data visualization - Strumenti per l'ingegnerizzazione dei dati: Tools for data engineering - Strumenti per il passaggio in produzione: Tools for production deployment - Intro a pygame: Introduction to pygame - Sprites, collisioni e simulazioni: Sprites, collisions, and simulations - Animazioni, camera e gravità: Animations, camera, and gravity - Concetti di base e tipi primitivi: Basic concepts and primitive types - Controlli di flusso, iterazioni e funzioni: Flow control, iterations, and functions - OOP base: Basic OOP - OOP avanzato: Advanced OOP - Concetti teorici e costruzione ambiente: Theoretical concepts and environment setup - Sessione pratica e coding: Practical session and coding - Testare e documentare i dati: Testing and documenting data - Beautiful soup e requests: Beautiful Soup and Requests - Selenium e Scrapy: Selenium and Scrapy - Articoli: Articles - Primo incontro - Marcelo Trylesinski: First interview - Marcelo Trylesinski - Secondo incontro - Patrick Arminio: Second interview - Patrick Arminio - Terzo incontro - Juliana Nicacio: Third interview - Juliana Nicacio - Quarto incontro - Giovanni Barillari: Fourth interview - Giovanni Barillari - Percorsi di apprendimento: Learning path - Testing con python: Testing with python - Introduzione: Introduction - L'aspetto di un test: What a test looks like - Categorie, granularità, livelli e tipi di test: Categories, granularity, levels and types of tests - Buone pratiche per scrivere test di qualità: Good practices for writing tests - Il test framework unittest: Using the unittest framework - Utilizzare Pytest: Using pytest - Test semplici con doctest: Simple tests with doctest - Test BDD con Behave: BDD tests with Behave - Letteratura: Bibliography - Testing - Pytest e unittest: Testing - Pytest and unittest - Testing - Doctest e behave: - Testing - Doctest and behave + - macros + - timetoread: + allPages: false + - minify: + minify_html: true + minify_js: true + minify_css: true + htmlmin_opts: + remove_comments: true + - tags: + tags_file: tags.md + - search: + separator: '[\s\-,:!=\[\]()"`/]+|\.(?!\d)|&[lg]t;|(?!\b)(?=[A-Z][a-z])' + - i18n: + docs_structure: suffix + fallback_to_default: true + reconfigure_material: true + reconfigure_search: true + languages: + - locale: it + name: Italian + build: true + default: true + site_name: PythonBiellaGroup + site_description: PythonBiellaGroup sito ufficiale che contiene tutte le guide, informazioni, materiale e risorse per la community. + - locale: en + name: English + build: true + default: false + site_name: PythonBiellaGroup + site_description: PythonBiellaGroup official website with all the guides, information, materials, and resource for the community. + nav_translations: + Guida speaker: Speaker guide + Meetup passati: Previous meetup + Parser e ANTLR4: Parser and ANTLR4 + Dal parser all'interpreter: From parser to interpreter + Parser, intepreter e compilatori: Parser, intepreter and compiler + Calcolo parallelo e distribuito: Parallel and distributed computing + Comunicazione tra i processi: Communication between processes + Librerie python Dask, Modin e Celery: Dask, Modin and Celery libraries + Debito tecnico e architectural smell: Technical debt and architectural smell + Introduzione a Django: Introduction to Django + Modelli Django: Django models + Autenticazione Django e model form: Django authentication and model form + Concetti avanzati: Advanced concepts + Le prime API con approccio TDD: First API with TDD approach + Back-end con FastAPI e SQLModel: Back-end with FastAPI and SQLModel + Async, OAuth2, profiling e dockerizzazione: Async, OAuth2, profiling and dockerization + Intro a Flask: Intro to Flask + Jinja avanzato e forms: Advanced Jinja and forms + Flask con database: Flask with database + Evoluzioni dell' app: App evolution + Blueprints, refactoring e test automatici: Blueprints, refactoring and automated testing + Autenticazione: Authentication + Profili, ruoli e blog: Profiles, roles and blog + Heroku e docker - deploy: Heroku and docker - deploy + Intro, demo e primi passi: Introduction, demo, and first steps + Bag, Structure, ORM e inizio progetto: Bag, Structure, ORM, and project start + Risorse UI, lookup tables e formula columns: UI resources, lookup tables, and formula columns + Altre risorse UI, import dati, tabelle gerarchiche, stampe, utenti, multi-tenant: Other UI resources, data import, hierarchical tables,printing, + users, multi-tenancy + Utenti, Staff e Donatori in ottica multi-tenant: Users, Staff, and Donors in a multi-tenant perspective + Gestione delle eccezioni: Exception handling + Gioco dell' Orso: Bear and hunters game + Creare un package in python: Create a python package + Parte 1: Part 1 + Parte 2: Part 2 + Git base: Git basics + GraphQL e Strawberry: GraphQL and Strawberry + Introduzione al Machine Learning: Introduction to Machine Learning + Introduzione al Machine Learning e a Scikit-Learn: Introduction to Machine Learning and Scikit-Learn + Scikit-Learn pipeline, metriche e regressione lineare: Scikit-Learn pipeline, metrics, and linear regression + Introduzione al Deep learning: Introduction to Deep Learning + Introduzione a Deep Learning e TensorFlow: Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow + Reti Neurali per le immagini: Neural Networks for images + Reti Neurali Ricorrenti: Recurrent Neural Networks + Introduzione a Kubernetes: Introduction to Kubernetes + Introduzione a Databricks: Introduction to Databricks + Imparare Python giocando: Learning Python through games + Le basi di Python: Python basics + Creazione giochi: Creating games + Review e creazione di giochi complessi: Review and creation of complex games + Manipolazione del testo: Text manipulation + Intro espressioni regolari: Introduction to regular expressions + Libreria regex in python: Regex library in Python + Pipeline di analisi testo e Spacy: Text analysis pipeline and Spacy + Un progetto di analisi e classificazione di testi con ML: A text analysis and classification project with ML + Stato dell'arte e Apache Airflow: State of the art and Apache Airflow + Progetto: Project + Strumenti, librerie, buone pratiche per sviluppare in Python: Tools, libraries, best practices for Python development + Poetry, PDM, Ruff e altri strumenti utili: Poetry, PDM, Ruff, and other useful tools + Introduzione MLOps: Introduction to MLOps + MLOps su AWS: MLOps on AWS + Introduzione a Pytorch: Introduction to Pytorch + Introduzione a Hydra: Introduction to Hydra + Pandas base: Pandas basics + Intro e modulo csv: Introduction and csv module + Operazioni con i dataframe: Operations with dataframes + Serie ed esercitazioni: Series and exercises + Live coding ed approfondimenti: Live coding and in-depth discussions + Approfondimenti, indexing, filtri, multiIndexing: In-depth, indexing, filters, multiIndexing + Percorso dati: Data analysis learning path + Pandas - manipolazione dei dati: Pandas - data manipulation + Strumenti per la visualizzazione dei dati: Tools for data visualization + Strumenti per l'ingegnerizzazione dei dati: Tools for data engineering + Strumenti per il passaggio in produzione: Tools for production deployment + Intro a pygame: Introduction to pygame + Sprites, collisioni e simulazioni: Sprites, collisions, and simulations + Animazioni, camera e gravità: Animations, camera, and gravity + Concetti di base e tipi primitivi: Basic concepts and primitive types + Controlli di flusso, iterazioni e funzioni: Flow control, iterations, and functions + OOP base: Basic OOP + OOP avanzato: Advanced OOP + Concetti teorici e costruzione ambiente: Theoretical concepts and environment setup + Sessione pratica e coding: Practical session and coding + Testare e documentare i dati: Testing and documenting data + Beautiful soup e requests: Beautiful Soup and Requests + Selenium e Scrapy: Selenium and Scrapy + Articoli: Articles + Primo incontro - Marcelo Trylesinski: First interview - Marcelo Trylesinski + Secondo incontro - Patrick Arminio: Second interview - Patrick Arminio + Terzo incontro - Juliana Nicacio: Third interview - Juliana Nicacio + Quarto incontro - Giovanni Barillari: Fourth interview - Giovanni Barillari + Percorsi di apprendimento: Learning path + Testing con python: Testing with python + Introduzione: Introduction + L'aspetto di un test: What a test looks like + Categorie, granularità, livelli e tipi di test: Categories, granularity, levels and types of tests + Buone pratiche per scrivere test di qualità: Good practices for writing tests + Il test framework unittest: Using the unittest framework + Utilizzare Pytest: Using pytest + Test semplici con doctest: Simple tests with doctest + Test BDD con Behave: BDD tests with Behave + Letteratura: Bibliography + Testing - Pytest e unittest: Testing - Pytest and unittest + Testing - Doctest e behave: Testing - Doctest and behave # learning - Better code: Better code - Creare un pacchetto: Create a package - Data analysis: Data analysis - Documentare il codice: Document your code - Linux base: Linux basics - Gestire dipendenze: Manage dependencies - Materiale extra: Extra material - Struttura di progetto: Project structure - Python base: Python basics - Python avanzato: Advanced Python - Gestire diverse versioni di python: Manage different python versions - Gestione delle configurazioni: Manage configurations - Indipendenza tecnologica: Tech independence - Risorse: Resources + Better code: Better code + Creare un pacchetto: Create a package + Data analysis: Data analysis + Documentare il codice: Document your code + Linux base: Linux basics + Gestire dipendenze: Manage dependencies + Materiale extra: Extra material + Struttura di progetto: Project structure + Python base: Python basics + Python avanzato: Advanced Python + Gestire diverse versioni di python: Manage different python versions + Gestione delle configurazioni: Manage configurations + Indipendenza tecnologica: Tech independence + Risorse: Resources - 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