Details changes in each release of EarlGrey. EarlGrey follows semantic versioning.
1.16.0 (10/26/2019)
Baseline: [09f4abc]
+ [09f4abc]: Fix steppers
- Fixed runtime breakage on iOS 13.
- EarlGrey has been tested for working till Xcode version 10.1 and Swift 5.
1.15.1 (05/17/2019)
Baseline: [b15a131]
+ [b15a131]: Fix TrustKit swizzling issues in Earl Grey
- Accessibility fix added for device tests on 12.1.
- Fix TrustKit swizzling with proxy delegates for NSURlSession.
- Fixed Swift 5.0 wrappers.
- EarlGrey has now been tested for working till Xcode version 10.1 and Swift 5.
1.15.0 (08/03/2018)
Baseline: [59ce3b6c]
+ [59ce3b6c]: Fix default Swift version in EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests xcode project
- Added support for accessibility in iOS 12.
- Updated the visibility checker to support keyboards in iOS 12.
- Updated Analytics Configurations.
- Fixed Formatting Issues.
- Updated invalid api and compatibility docs.
- EarlGrey has now been tested for working till Xcode version 10.0 beta 2.
- Some of the internal unit tests break on Xcode 9.3+ due to change in exception name thrown by XCTest. Those are still being investigated.
1.14.0 (06/04/2018)
Baseline: [c201f58]
+ [c201f58]: Fix default Swift version in EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests xcode project
- Add Swift 4 support in the gem.
- Update block declarations to support strict prototypes.
- Add support for PDF display for
. - Remove Swift 2 in the gem since Xcode 7.x is not supported anymore.
- Fix
by updatingtestAJAXLoad
to detect proper web view elements.
- EarlGrey has now been tested for working till Xcode version 9.4. Any small test breakages with Xcode 9.4 are being tested.
Thanks to adam-b and keefertaylor!
1.13.0 (04/03/2018)
Baseline: [2b3939a]
+ [2b3939a]: Fix Swift file issues with the updated EarlGrey code for release 1.13.0.
- Add nullability to EarlGrey Headers. Issue #449
- Remove
method and add explicit check in the matcher itself. - Update the Swift wrapper to use refined methods to prevent discardable result warnings.
- Update EarlGrey assert(with:) calls to assert(_:).
- Move the GREYRunLoopSpinner to spin on the thread passed to it instead of the main thread.
- Add tests for disabled buttons, fix visibility test and add iOS 11 support to tests.
- Move
interface out of EarlGrey.h. - Add shake motion support to EarlGrey.
- Use
to change the keyboard settings so it will not loadTIUserWordsManager
, which can cause occasional crashes on iOS 11.0+. - Tell the preferences not to show keyboard tutorial as it interferes with typing.
- Close MVC unconditionally to prevent erroneous scenarios where it fails to execute the completion block, leaving it resident on the screen forever.
- EarlGrey has now been tested for working till Xcode version 9.3. Any small test breakages with Xcode 9.3 are being tested.
1.12.1 (09/01/2017)
Baseline: [405008e]
+ [405008e]: Release 1.12.1 to fix incorrect podspec release in 1.12.0.
- Correct podspec to point to the version 1.12.1
1.12.0 (08/22/2017)
Baseline: [ae61a45]
+ [ae61a45]: Fix Main thread violation: UIView setHidden called from non-main thread.
- More robust synchronization with
. This fixes many flakiness seen with EarlGrey not waiting for the completion of callback methods after network response has been received. - Performance improvements in GREYAppStateTracker. It uses a deallocation tracker in place of NSString to free up memory sooner.
- Fallback to
v3 when gem cannot find the correct file for the current swift version. - Added
for all EarlGrey projects. - Use static constructor in place of initialize method for one-time setup.
- Remove extra parentheses added around failed assertion expressions.
- Updated error messages on failure of layout contraints.
- Improved Visibility checker's shifted pixel image redraw logic.
- Fixed floating point issue in layout constraint matchers. Issue #594
- Fixed an issue where an exception is thrown when
-[UIWebDocumentView text]
is called in the middle of loading. - Fixed a bug in
with zero sized input accessory views. - Fixed
CGAffineTransformInvert: singular matrix
message that appears during Pinch tests.
- EarlGrey now supports Xcode version 9.0 up to 9.0 beta 6. All EarlGrey project tests pass with these versions.
1.11.0 (07/21/2017)
Baseline: [0d1086d]
+ [0d1086d]: Modify 1.10.2 -> 1.11.0 and update the CHANGELOG
- Added support for iOS 11 & Xcode 9.0.
- Added the
matcher for updates to UITextFields with iOS11.
- Fixed Minor issue that was causing infinitely long touch paths for zero sized areas.
- Grammatical and Language Fixes.
- Refactored FunctionalTests tests for adding iOS 11 support.
1.10.1 (07/14/2017)
Baseline: [2abda72]
+ [2abda72]: Modified GREYElementInteraction.m to drain the thread for a timeout.
- Improved
macros to not wait until idle as it can cause it to never return. - Improved Search action to not wait until idle as it can cause it to never return.
1.10.0 (07/05/2017)
Baseline: [a386cb2]
+ [a386cb2]: Update Changelog for the 1.10.0 release for the Screenshot Docs change.
- Resolved visibility checker overlapping view issue. Issue #532
- Use accessibility ID in place of accessibility label for keyboard modifier keys. Issue #539
- Removed
in favor ofkGREYConfigKeyArtifactsDirLocation
. - Fixed all issues reported by Xcode's static analysis.
- Fixed long press test failures on travis.
- Improved interaction error logging by adding more information about failure to the out error parameter.
- Added more error details to timeout failures.
- Add explicit 1st and 2nd param to grey_allOf and grey_anyOf to prevent redundant uses.
- Update jazzy copyright year.
- Adding xcode version to backwards compatibility doc.
1.9.4 (06/09/2017)
Baseline: [76a6d65]
+ [76a6d65]: Updated Hierarchy traversal to use common traversal logic with DFS/BF.
- Fixed a bug in scroll action that can sometimes cause a tap at the end of scroll.
- Added
configuration key for setting a custom folder to store artifacts.
- Improved CI execution on travis.
- Updated test app with better AutoLayout support.
- Improved docs for earlgrey gem, contributors guide, etc.
- Fixed all asserts to use internal implementation instead of NSAssert which can be disabled.
- Updated cheatsheet render script to use Chrome 59.
- Consolidated DFS and BFS hierarchy traversals.
- Renamed
- Removed redundant categories and moved methods to private headers.
1.9.3 (05/26/2017)
Baseline: [a3ba675]
+ [a3ba675]: Fix breaking test with Long Press
- Revaming of Swipe Touch Path Gestures to make them more like a real-user.
- Fixed breaking tests for Long Press Gestures.
- Fix source_tree and relative path for the EarlGrey gem to prevent Carthage breakages.
1.9.2 (04/21/2017)
Baseline: [b9d7a7c]
+ [b9d7a7c]: Update OS=10.3 for travis CI
- Fixed timeout related failures from being reported as assertion failures.
- Fixed to wait for rotation to complete before verifying that it changed.
- Fixed Swift breaks by correcting issue with Gem adding EarlGrey.swift for Objective C targets.
- Fixed race condition with reading and writing to state tracker elementID.
1.9.1 (04/14/2017)
Baseline: [932c3f6]
+ [932c3f6]: Doc updates
- Fixed a bug in interaction point calculation for cases where activation point and the center of visible area is hidden.
- Updated documentation for GREYCondition and ruby setup.
- Minor improvements to formatting of failure messages.
- Updated travis to run tests on iOS 10.3 and Xcode 8.3.
- Deleted .arcconfig file.
1.9.0 (03/31/2017)
Baseline: [6bceffc]
+ [6bceffc]: Sync 1.9.0
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- Supports Xcode 8.3 and iOS 10.3 on devices and simulators.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Add
-[GREYKeyboard dismissKeyboardWithError:]
API to dismiss the keyboard.
- Improved earlgrey gem by removing post_install and letting pod update the project.
- Improved swift support for
. - Several documentation updates including installation steps improvements.
- Added gem badge to
1.8.0 (03/17/2017)
Baseline: [0dc7c18]
+ [0dc7c18]: 1.8.0 Release
- Added multi-finger swipe action API's:
- grey_multiFingerSwipeFastInDirection
- grey_multiFingerSwipeSlowInDirection
- grey_multiFingerSwipeFastInDirectionWithStartPoint
- grey_multiFingerSwipeSlowInDirectionWithStartPoint
- Fixed issue with accessibility spamming "Remote service does not respond to _accessibilityMachPort" message on iOS 9.1 device.
- Fixed issues with EarlGrey working with a
. - Fixed typing by blacklisting
in UIViewController tracking.
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- Supports Xcode 8.3 beta 4 and iOS 10.3 on devices and simulators.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Improvements to the EarlGrey FunctionalTests TestRig.
- All
macros now wait for the app to idle before being evaluated. - Unified the
Copy Files
modification script for Carthage and CocoaPods support.
1.7.2 (02/17/2017)
Baseline: [6d55af5]
+ [6d55af5]: 1.7.2 Release
- Fixed Swizzler to properly reset swizzled selectors.
- Fixed typing by blacklisting UICompatibilityInputViewController in UIViewController tracking.
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- Supports Xcode 8.2.1 and iOS 10.2.1 on devices and simulators.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Updated analytics to use an client ID instead of user ID.
mbaxley, thank you!
1.7.1 (02/03/2017)
Baseline: [e026773]
+ [e026773]: Change version numbers for EarlGrey 1.7.1
- Fixed an issue with constraint failure details not being logged in the error trace.
- Updated nullability for GREYMatchers to improve Swift support.
- Minor changes to logging strings and docs.
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- Supports Xcode 8.2.1 and iOS 10.2.1 on devices and simulators.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Updated analytics to use an md5 hashed uid.
1.7.0 (01/25/2017)
Baseline: [f823ff2]
+ [f823ff2]: Removing JSON escape in reported errors.
- Fixed a flake in testTrackingZombieQueue.
- Fixed CGRectIntegralInside to handle negative rectangles.
- Improved memory handling by moving autorelease pool inside loops.
- Fixed the bundle id to be consistent across all the test projects.
- Minor CI and other bug fixes.
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- Supports Xcode 8.2.1 and iOS 10.2.1 on devices and simulators.
- Updated analytics to include hash of test class name and hash of test case names to better estimate the volume of EarlGrey usage.
- Updated the readme to explain these changes.
- Updated tests for analytics to test new features.
- Improved EarlGrey error logging for better post processing Issue #392.
- Removed the deprecated methods and cleaned up private headers.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Removed deprecated methods
in favor ofgrey_pinchFastInDirectionAndAngle
bootstraponline, stkhapugin and kebernet
1.6.2 (01/06/2017)
Baseline: [0cdda9c]
+ [0cdda9c]: EarlGrey Sync for 1.6.2
- Updated the EarlGrey API for Swift 3.0 as per the latest guidelines.
- Improved web tests to work with current UI.
- Fixed a bug in the visibility checker for 32bit platform.
- Fixed flakiness caused by NSDate issues in EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests.
- Added a travis hook to stop CI runs for docs-only changes.
Thanks to bootstraponline and the rest of the contributors!
1.6.2 (01/06/2017)
Baseline: [0cdda9c]
+ [0cdda9c]: EarlGrey Sync for 1.6.2
- Updated the EarlGrey API for Swift 3.0 as per the latest guidelines.
- Improved web tests to work with current UI.
- Fixed a bug in the visibility checker for 32bit platform.
- Fixed flakiness caused by NSDate issues in EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests.
- Added a travis hook to stop CI runs for docs-only changes.
Thanks to bootstraponline and the rest of the contributors!
1.6.1 (12/20/2016)
Baseline: [9e04024]
+ [9e04024]: Release 1.6.1
- Add a test for long pressing the link in the UI webview.
- Fix issue with xcodeproj gem in travis runs.
- Update travis run to use Xcode 8.2
1.6.0 (12/06/2016)
Baseline: [5080a21]
+ [5080a21]: Updated changelog info.plist pod spec and gem version for 1.6.0 release.
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Has been tested for support till iOS 10.1 on devices and simulator.
- Fixed CocoaPods issue with using EarlGrey as a module in Swift projects.
- Fixed issue with Accessibility service not enabled for simulators and devices.
- Minor documentation and syntax fixes.
- Moved failure handler from a global variable to a thread local storage, like NSAssertionHandlers.
- Exposed the angle for pinch action in GREYPinchAction.
- Added EarlGreyExample CocoaPods project to travis.
- Deprecated
in favor ofgrey_pinchFastInDirectionAndAngle
1.5.3 (11/14/2016)
Baseline: [690eaa2]
+ [690eaa2]: Updated ChangeLog and pod spec for 1.5.3 release
- Resolve CocoaPods rating Github issue
1.5.2 (11/11/2016)
Baseline: [f3ee931]
+ [f3ee931]: Updated ChangeLog and pod spec for 1.5.2 release
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Has been tested for support till iOS 10.1 on devices and simulator.
- Enhance precision of timer used for touch injection
- Removed requirement for bridging header for Swift and EarlGrey
1.5.1 (11/07/2016)
Baseline: [d9eb1bc]
+ [d9eb1bc]: Updated ChangeLog and pod spec for 1.5.1 release
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Has been tested for support till iOS 10.01 on devices and simulator.
- Fixed CI Ruby test for Carthage.
- Improved touch injection speed by making it work independent of the screen refresh rate.
- Added synchronization for
. - Exclude URLs that start with
scheme from being synchronized. - Updated
action to accept elements conforming to UITextInput protocol.
1.5.0 (10/31/2016)
Baseline: [55d42a4]
+ [55d42a4]: Updated ChangeLog and pod spec for 1.5 release
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- The EarlGrey gem runs out of the box for Swift 3.0 and Swift 2.3.
- Has been tested for support till iOS 10.01 on devices and simulator.
- Failing analytics tests fixes.
- Fixed flaky Travis Stopwatch Test.
- Fixed rspec tests broken by ruby update and changing the directory.
- Improved UIAppStateTracker APIs to allow for ignoring states.
- Improved failure handlers for multiple invocations within context of a valid test case.
- Swift 2.2 is no longer supported.
1.4.0 (10/07/2016)
Baseline: [b5e34db]
+ [b5e34db]: Update Info.plist / Podspec / Cheatsheet for EarlGrey 1.4.0
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- EarlGrey.gem runs out of the box for Swift 2.2.x. For Swift 3.0, please
use the Swift Migration Guide to
add the
Use Legacy Swift
build setting to your test target until we provide support. - Has been tested for support till iOS 10.01 on devices and simulator.
- A better way to blacklist URL's in GREYConfiguration by adding them to an NSArray.
- A verbose logger to provide more descriptive EarlGrey logs that can be enabled by
setting the
key in NSUserDefaults toYES
. Verbose logging also measures the performance of interactions and the thread executor by using a stopwatch class. - Improvements to
-[XCTestCase greyStatus]
to better reflect the status of a test.
- Corrected selection of
s even when they were disabled. - Minor documentation and syntax fixes.
- Deprecated
in favor ofGREYFailWithDetails
1.3.1 (09/19/2016)
Baseline: [c4913b]
+ [c4913b]: Update compatibility doc to include iOS 10.
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- Has been tested for support till iOS 10.01 on devices and simulator.
- Add autolayout to
- Minor documentation and syntax fixes.
- Fixed Functional Test Project scheme preventing it to be run on devices.
- Add a temporary hold on the xcodeproj gem dependency to unblock tests.
1.3.0 (09/09/2016)
Baseline: [6b2f329]
+ [6b2f329]: Add fixes for documentation.
- Requires iOS 8 as the minimum deployment target.
- Has been tested for support till iOS 10 beta 4.
- The following new matchers were added EarlGrey:
: Checks if a UIControl is selected.grey_accessibilityFocused
: Checks if a UI element is focused by accessibility technologies like Voiceover or Switch Control.
- Added an API to find the
status through an EarlGrey test run. - Improved the failure description in the failure handler.
- Made the
file syntax swiftier. - Improved Unit and Functional test coverage.
- Fixed Travis issue with the Ruby version.
- Minor documentation and syntax fixes.
has been removed in favor of theatIndex:
interaction API. For migrating your tests, please follow the announcement here.
Special thanks to axi0mX, bootstraponline, KazuCocoa and the rest of our contributors.
1.2.0 (08/31/2016)
Baseline: [7070e1a]
+ [7070e1a]: Updated cheatsheet and podspec for 1.2.0 release
- EarlGrey now supports multi-touch gestures! Following pinch actions have been added:
- Added
interaction API to select from multiple element matches.
- Updated Swift Macros in EarlGrey gem.
- Implemented matcher for UIScrollView scrolled to content edge.
- Fixed several typos and cleaned up many project files with proper error messages.
- Added carthage
command to Travis CI. - Fixed issue with action{Did,Will}PerformAction notification and its userInfo.
- Updated protocol signatures.
Special thanks to axi0mX and the rest of our contributors.
1.1.0 (08/18/2016)
Baseline: [107dba5]
+ [107dba5]: Update podspec for 1.1.0 release [ci skip]
- API reference documentation generated via Jazzy
- Cheatsheet for EarlGrey
- Carthage support
- Easier CocoaPods setup using EarlGrey gem
which replaces manually copying over
- For demonstration purposes added Swift demo app and tests
- Update documentation for Swift usage
- Update contribution guidelines
- Added
to EarlGrey.swift - Use XCTest's mechanism of halting test execution instead of throwing arbitrary exception
- Helper method to speed up animation
- Added
action to directly replace text (without using keyboard) on a field - Created
matcher for matching a single element from a list of matched elements - Updated FAQs with questions and examples
- Update install guide with Cocoapods 0.39 support
- Added Badge for License, Cocoapod, and Travis
- Efficiency improvement in
reducing O(n) to constant amortized time - Improved webview synchronization
- Added tracking for
methods - Reduce throttling of CPU by allowing runloops to sleep when idle
- Removed unnecessary runloop drains improving overall speed and reliability
- Introduced trackers for
- Signal handlers and uncaught exception handler invoke previously installed handlers
- Improved accessibility logic to support beta versions of iOS 10
- Race conditions in
- Race conditions in
- Addressed Swift 3 related warnings in
- Resigning first responder for autocorrect-enabled fields causes keyboard track to mistrack keyboard disappearance events
- EarlGrey.xcodeproj fails to build for device because code signing identities aren't set correctly
- Assertion failure in
-[GREYElementProvider dataEnumerator]
due to nil accessibility element - Rubocop warnings in configure_earlgrey_pods.rb script and Podfile
- EarlGreyFunctionalTests
always fails on iPhone 4S - If parent directory has spaces,
will fail and exit - Retain cycle in
- Retain cycle in
mock in test suite - Changed CFBundlePackageType in EarlGrey-Info.plist to FMWK
Special thanks to bootstraponline, axi0mX, and the rest of our contributors.
1.0.0 (02/16/2016)
First cup of EarlGrey.
Baseline: [7099484]
+ [7099484]: First version of EarlGrey.
Initial release.