SANDAL2 is a SDL2 wrapper which purpose is to make object managment and graphic display easier.
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Huge thanks to dabaldassi for the contribution he had for this project : biggest tester, user and promoter of SANDAL2.
dabaldassi : version 1.2.3
From this "read-me", you can either go to :
- the main read-me ;
- a small tutorial explaining how to use it ;
- or the page to report an issue about a tutorial lacking things, an update that could be done or anything that comes to your mind here.
0.0.0 : SDL2TK
0.1.0 : adding rotations
0.2.0 : clickable areas
0.3.0 : animation's managment
1.0.0 : project renamed SANDAL2
hide window objects from the user
hide element's lists from the user
going from an element's list structure to a list of list (display code) of list (plan) of elements
1.0.1 : possibility to hide event managment from the user
1.0.2 : adding shaded and blended text rendering
adding and correcting error's functions return
wrapping of TTF's font style
1.0.3 : adding identifier to sprites
1.0.4 : adding the possibility to set the window's icon
1.0.5 : adding the getter for the text of an element
1.0.6 : correcting the isDisplaied function
1.1.0 : correcting initIteratorElementSDL2 function
adding a freeing function to element's datas
adding a function to free an element's data without getting it
adding a structure that contains every function pointer (event handler)
adding an event handler to windows so that the user can add window events
adding functions to allow the user to add window event functions to a window
1.1.1 : adding functions so that windows can be closed in binded functions
changing error return type from int to unsigned long for event functions on more than one window
1.1.2 : changing functions not meant for the user to static in their source file, removing them from the header
adding the cast on all mallocs for C++ portability
1.1.3 : optimizing window managment
renaming HitBox by Clickable
1.1.4 : adding the possibility to change the correspondance between the origin of the window and the origin of all the elements placed
correcting C++ compatibility by renaming delete attribute of WindowSDL2 deleted
passing char * to const char * when possible
adding clearElementToElementSDL2, clearElementWindowSDL2, clearDisplayCode and clearPlanDisplayCode
1.2.0 : removing SDL2 from all the names (structures, functions, ...)
changing all functions name beginning with change to make them begin with set instead
changing all functions name beginning with remove to make them begin with del instead
rennaming initWindow to createWindow
rennaming setDisplayElement to setDisplayCodeElement
rennaming isDisplaied to isDisplaiedElement
rennaming createAnimationElement to addAnimationElement
1.2.1 : adding flipping on images
rennaming resizeElement to setDimensionElement
adding functions getCoordXElement, getCoordYElement, getWidthElement, getHeightElement, setCoordXElement, setCoordYElement, setWidthElement and setHeightElement
1.2.2 : improving C++ compatibility
1.2.3 : adding mouse wheel events and mouse motion events support
1.2.4 : bug fix on setPlanElement
1.2.5 : bug fix on Clickable and adding iterator for blocking elements of ListClickable
1.3.0 : changing the way windows are handled. You now have a user current and a currently displayed.
Bug corrected when closing a window (multi window mode)
Updating makefile to hide some command executed (copy of documentation in package)
1.4.0 : adding Action.h/.c to help handle basic actions on elements
Adding pre made actions
Adding a 'forever' mode for an action list
Adding add/del an action on an element
Removing useless window event functions (clickAll, unClickAll, keyReleasedAll and keyPressedAll)
Action.c : 727 lines
Clickable.c : 349 lines
DisplayCode.c : 80 lines
Element.c : 2,097 lines
Font.c : 319 lines
SANDAL2.c : 1,215 lines
Sprite.c : 344 lines
Window.c : 446 lines
Total for source files : 5,577 lines
Action.h : 301 lines
Clickable.h : 230 lines
DisplayCode.h : 78 lines
Element.h : 992 lines
Font.h : 115 lines
SANDAL2.h : 217 lines
Sprite.h : 195 lines
Window.h : 334 lines
Total for header files : 2,462 lines
Total without tests : 8,039 lines
tests for Action : 279 lines
tests for Clickable : 274 lines
tests for DisplayCode : 67 lines
tests for Element : 795 lines
tests for Font : 115 lines
tests for SANDAL2 : 91 lines
tests for Sprite : 216 lines
tests for Window : 182 lines
Total for test files : 2,019 lines
Total with tests : 10,058 lines