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74 lines (50 loc) · 2.63 KB

File metadata and controls

74 lines (50 loc) · 2.63 KB


We use flake8, pylint, and mypy to maintain code quality. Additionally, we've introduced ruff to the mix, which covers both linting and formatting. Built in Rust, ruff encompasses most of flake8 and pylint functionality (and a bunch of others) but is still under development. The config file includes a lot of up-to-date rules.

# To check all Python files
flake8 **/*.py
pylint **/*.py
mypy **/*.py
ruff check [optional: file]  # to list linting warnings and errors
ruff check --fix [optional: file]  # to fix them automatically


ruff handles formatting in a similar way that black does; it can be very opinionated but also customizable.

ruff format --help  # to see all available options
ruff format --diff [file]  # will print the proposed changes
ruff format [file]  # regular formatting operation

Testing and Coverage

pytest is used for running tests, and coverage generates a coverage report using pytest.

pytest  # will run the whole suite of tests
coverage run -m pytest  # to generate a coverage report
coverage report -m  # to see the report

pre-commit checks

pre-commit is a tool that installs hooks on git's functionality. When that functionality is called to run, the hooks are ran first. This enables testing, linting, and formatting to automatically run consistently every time that git functionality is called.

To install (or uninstall) the hooks, activate the environment and run:

$ pre-commit install  # uninstall
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-push

To temporarily skip over a hook; if you're fixing the issue in a later commit, for example a failed test, use:

SKIP pytest-check git commit -m "Commit message.."

UV Package Manager (optional)

uv is a modern Python package manager, written in Rust. It replaces venv, virtualenv, poetry, anaconda (for projects that don't need binaries), and other tools.


It is available to install as a standalone script (always review such scripts before running!) or through other sources. More information in the documentation.

To update: uv self update


uv is a drop-in replacement for pip. However, choose one or the other for each virtual environment as they are not interchangeable.

# Create a virtual environment
uv venv .venv  # defaults to .venv but can be changed
source .venv/bin/activate

uv pip install .  # Install runtime dependencies
uv pip install .[dev]  # Install development dependencies