# install
apt-get install git-all
# get the repo
git clone https://github.com/mickahell/qhack21.git
# if you have an ssh key link with your github account
- To work on our project we will use the tab
on Github to structure what we need to do - Select an issue, attribute it to yourself then create a branch with the name of th issue (with no space) :
git checkout -b my_feature
# check you are on your branch
git status
- Here you are now on your branch, make the changes you need, test them... Have fun !
- You did some changes and you want to push them on GitHub to save it :
# check the whole changes you did
git status
# select the changes you want to send
git add toto.txt myfiles game.py
# write your commit message, explain in a few words what you did
git commit -m "blabla blabla"
# send your the files you select with the message
git push origin my_feature
- Now if your feature is finish, you have to make sure the version of your repository is the lastest so :
# get any new changes
git pull
Sometimes when 2 peoples are working on the same file, that can create conflits. In this case don't hesitate to ask help (sometimes, it can be tricky) and we'll find a solution ;)
Your branch is now ready to be merge with the branch develop. Go to Github, tab
Pull requests
and clicNew Pull request
:- Select as base the branch
and as compare yours (heremyfeature
)don't forget to add the number of the issue you took in the title as#1
- When the PR is ready, attribute it to someone who can just make a quick review, validate and clic
- Select as base the branch
Then came back to your repo, get back on the
branch get the new changes and restart the whole process by selecting another feature :
# get back on the branch develop
git checkout develop
# update your repo
git pull
Here a few commands using very often :
# get the whole repo
git clone your_depo
# check the status of your repo
git status
# update your depot
git pull
# create a new_branch
git checkout -b new_branch
# change on a branch (alrealdy exist)
git checkout old_branch
# add file to send
git add myfiles
# write commit message with the files you had
git commit -m "blabla"
# push your files
git push origin your_branch