Your crypto account is different from traditional accounts:
- No password resets
- No fraud department
- No transaction reversals
- You are fully responsible
Create strong passwords that are:
- At least 12 characters
- Mix of upper/lowercase
- Include numbers
- Include symbols
❌ Never use:
- Birthday/personal info
- Common words
- Sequential numbers
- Same password elsewhere
✅ Good example:
Bad: cosmos123
Good: C0sm0s#N3tw0rk!2024
Always enable 2FA:
Authenticator Apps (Best)
- Google Authenticator
- Authy
- Microsoft Authenticator
Backup Codes
- Store securely
- Keep multiple copies
- Never digitally
Email 2FA (Less secure)
- Use as last resort
- Secure email first
- Enable email 2FA
1. Check address format
2. Verify first/last 8 characters
3. Send test transaction first
4. Use our verification bot
Set up:
- Daily limits
- Per-transaction limits
- Whitelist addresses
- Cooling periods
For new addresses:
1. Save as contact
2. Send minimum amount
3. Verify receipt
4. Wait 24 hours
5. Use for larger amounts
Keep your devices:
- Updated OS/apps
- Antivirus active
- No root/jailbreak
- No unofficial apps
Only use:
- Private WiFi
- Updated browsers
- Official apps
- VPN when needed
- Review transactions
- Check balances
- Verify delegations
- Monitor rewards
- Audit permissions
- Check connected apps
- Review validators
- Update software
Set alerts for:
- Large transactions
- New delegations
- Reward claims
- Governance votes
Keep records of:
- All transactions
- Delegation changes
- Reward claims
- Governance participation
Set up:
- Main holding account
- Trading account
- DeFi account
- Testing account
Main Account:
- Hardware wallet
- Minimum activity
- Maximum security
Daily Account:
- Software wallet
- Regular usage
- Moderate amounts
- Recovery phrases
- Backup accounts
- Emergency contacts
- Recovery instructions
Immediate Actions
1. Stop all transactions 2. Document everything 3. Create new wallet 4. Transfer remaining funds
- Review recent activity
- Check connected apps
- Scan for malware
- Document timeline
1. New secure device 2. Fresh wallet setup 3. Review permissions 4. Update security
Daily Security:
- Check account activity
- Verify connections
- Monitor alerts
- Lock when inactive
Weekly Maintenance:
- Software updates
- Permission review
- Backup verification
- Security audit
Monthly Review:
- Full security audit
- Update procedures
- Test recovery
- Review access
- Security Team: @whtech_support
- Community: Discord
- Updates: Twitter
Every 3 months or immediately if suspicious activity.
Physical copies in secure locations, never digital.
Yes, but not for seed phrases or critical credentials.
Remember: Security is a continuous process, not a one-time setup.
Need help? We're here 24/7 in Telegram