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File metadata and controls

149 lines (126 loc) · 5.11 KB


Downloading smb_highlevel_controller

Download via .zip given at the course website, and we extract it to ~/catkin_ws/src.
We can open and inspect the package.xml and CMakeLists.txt via

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/smb_highlevel_controller
nano package.xml
nano CMakeLists.txt

Task: Modifying the node, and its header file to do the given task

First, we modify the header file to make SmbHighLevelController class

#pragma once

#include <ros/ros.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> #include <sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h> #include <string.h>

using namespace std;

namespace smb_highlevel_controller { class SmbHighlevelController { public: SmbHighlevelController (ros::NodeHandle& nodeHandle); virtual ~SmbHighlevelController();

		bool readParameters();
		void scanCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr&amp; msg);

		ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle_;
		ros::Subscriber scanSubscriber_;
		ros::Publisher twistPublisher_;
		string scanTopic_;
		int subscriberQueueSize_;
		string twistTopic_;
		int publisherQueueSize_;


} /* namespace */

once the class is made, we make the changes to SmbHighlevelController.cpp:

namespace smb_highlevel_controller {

SmbHighlevelController::SmbHighlevelController(ros::NodeHandle& nodeHandle) : nodeHandle_(nodeHandle), scanTopic_("/scan"), subscriberQueueSize_(10), twistTopic_("/twist"), publisherQueueSize_(10) { if (!readParameters()){ ROS_ERROR("CANT READ PARAMETERS"); ros::requestShutdown; } scanSubscriber_ = nodeHandle_.subscribe(scanTopic_, subscriberQueueSize_, &SmbHighlevelController::scanCallback, this); twistPublisher_ = nodeHandle_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(twistTopic_, publisherQueueSize_); }

SmbHighlevelController::~SmbHighlevelController() { }

bool SmbHighlevelController::readParameters() { if(!nodeHandle_.getParam("/smb_high_level_controller/scan_subscriber_queue_size", subscriberQueueSize_)){ return false; } if(!nodeHandle_.getParam("/smb_highlevel_controller/scan_subscriber_topic_name", scanTopic_)) { return false; } if(!nodeHandle_.getParam("/smb_highlevel_controller/twist_publisher_queue_size", publisherQueueSize_)) { return false; } if(!nodeHandle_.getParam("/smb_high_level_controller/twist_publisher_topic_name", twistTopic_)){ return false; } return true; }

void SmbHighlevelController::scanCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& msg) { float minDistance = 100.0; int minDistanceIndex = 0;

int i = 0;
float angle = msg-&gt;angle_min;

while (angle &lt;= msg-&gt;angle_max ) {
	if(msg-&gt;ranges [i]&lt;minDistance) {
		minDistance= msg-&gt;ranges [i];
		minDistanceIndex= i;
	angle += msg-&gt;angle_increment;

ROS_INFO("Min Distance: %f, angle: %f", minDistance, msg-&gt;angle_min+minDistanceIndex*msg-&gt;angle_increment);


}/* namespace */

In this we implement the following:
the while loop is such that it is called whenever a new laser scan message is received. It finds the minimum distance in the laser scan and publishes a twist message that rotates the robot away from that direction.

Finally, the smb_highlevel_Controller_node.cpp is:

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "smb_highlevel_controller/SmbHighlevelController.hpp"

int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "smb_highlevel_controller"); ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle("~");

smb_highlevel_controller::SmbHighlevelController smbHighlevelController(nodeHandle);

ros::spin(); return 0; }

Now for the parameter file, I used a .yaml file as it was easier to read, and I stored it in a made directory : ~/catkin_ws/src/smb_highlevel_controller/param
the file is as follows :

scan_subscriber_queue_size : 1
scan_subscriber_topic_name : /scan
twist_publisher_queue_size : 1
twist_publisher_topic_name : /scan

Modifying the launch file

the new launch file is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <arg name="world_name" default="big_map_summer_school" />
 <arg name="laser" default="true" />
 <include file="~/Workspaces/smb_ws/src/smb_gazebo/launch/smb_gazebo.launch">
   <arg name="world" value="$(arg world_name)" />
   <arg name="laser_enabled" value="$(arg laser)" />
 <node name="teleop_twist_keyboard" pkg="teleop_twist_keyboard" type="" />
 <node name="smb_highlevel_controller" pkg="smb_highlevel_cotroller" type="smb_highlevel_controller" output="screen">
   <rosparam command="load" file="$(find smb_highlevel_controller)/param/param.yaml" />
 <node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" output="screen" />

But due to constant error, I could not proceed further