- Overview
- Driver Discovery
- Overriding the Default Driver Discovery
- Additional Driver Discovery
- Driver Filtering
- Exception for Elevated Privileges
- Driver Manifest File Usage
- Driver Discovery on Windows
- Driver Discovery on Linux
- Driver Discovery on Fuchsia
- Driver Discovery on macOS
- Driver Discovery using the
extension - Using Pre-Production ICDs or Software Drivers
- Driver Discovery on Android
- Driver Manifest File Format
- Driver Vulkan Entry Point Discovery
- Driver API Version
- Mixed Driver Instance Extension Support
- Driver Unknown Physical Device Extensions
- Physical Device Sorting
- Driver Dispatchable Object Creation
- Handling KHR Surface Objects in WSI Extensions
- Loader and Driver Interface Negotiation
- Windows, Linux and macOS Driver Negotiation
- Version Negotiation Between the Loader and Drivers
- Interfacing With Legacy Drivers or Loaders
- Loader and Driver Interface Version 7 Requirements
- Loader and Driver Interface Version 6 Requirements
- Loader and Driver Interface Version 5 Requirements
- Loader and Driver Interface Version 4 Requirements
- Loader and Driver Interface Version 3 Requirements
- Loader and Driver Interface Version 2 Requirements
- Loader and Driver Interface Version 1 Requirements
- Loader and Driver Interface Version 0 Requirements
- Additional Interface Notes:
- Android Driver Negotiation
- Windows, Linux and macOS Driver Negotiation
- Loader implementation of VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
- Loader and Driver Policy
This is the Driver-centric view of working with the Vulkan loader. For the complete overview of all sections of the loader, please refer to the LoaderInterfaceArchitecture.md file.
NOTE: While many of the interfaces still use the "icd" sub-string to identify various behavior associated with drivers, this is purely historical and should not indicate that the implementing code do so through the traditional ICD interface. Granted, the majority of drivers to this date are ICD drivers targeting specific GPU hardware.
Vulkan allows multiple drivers each with one or more devices
(represented by a Vulkan VkPhysicalDevice
object) to be used collectively.
The loader is responsible for discovering available Vulkan drivers on
the system.
Given a list of available drivers, the loader can enumerate all the
physical devices available for an application and return this information to the
The process in which the loader discovers the available drivers on a
system is platform-dependent.
Windows, Linux, Android, and macOS Driver Discovery details are listed
There may be times that a developer wishes to force the loader to use a specific
This could be for many reasons including using a beta driver, or forcing the
loader to skip a problematic driver.
In order to support this, the loader can be forced to look at specific
drivers with either the VK_DRIVER_FILES
or the older VK_ICD_FILENAMES
environment variable.
Both these environment variables behave the same, but VK_ICD_FILENAMES
should be considered deprecated.
environment variables are
present, then the newer VK_DRIVER_FILES
will be used, and the values in
will be ignored.
environment variable is a list of paths to Driver Manifest
files, containing the full path to the driver JSON Manifest file, and/or paths
to folders containing Driver Manifest files.
This list is colon-separated on Linux and macOS, and semicolon-separated on
will only contain a full pathname to one info
file for a single driver.
A separator (colon or semicolon) is only used if more than one driver is needed.
There may be times that a developer wishes to force the loader to use a specific
Driver in addition to the standard drivers (without replacing the standard
search paths.
environment variable can be used to add a list of
Driver Manifest files, containing the full path to the driver JSON Manifest
file, and/or paths to folders containing Driver Manifest files.
This list is colon-separated on Linux and macOS, and semicolon-separated on
It will be added prior to the standard driver search files.
is present, then
will not be used by the loader and any values will be
NOTE: This functionality is only available with Loaders built with version 1.3.234 of the Vulkan headers and later.
The loader supports filter environment variables which can forcibly select and
disable known drivers.
Known driver manifests are those files that are already found by the loader
taking into account default search paths and other environment variables (like
The filter variables will be compared against the driver's manifest filename.
The filters must also follow the behaviors define in the Filter Environment Variable Behaviors section of the LoaderLayerInterface document.
The driver select environment variable VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_SELECT
is a
comma-delimited list of globs to search for in known drivers.
If a driver is not selected when using the VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_SELECT
and loader logging is set to emit either warnings or driver messages, then a
message will show for each driver that has been ignored.
This message will look like the following:
WARNING | DRIVER: Driver "intel_icd.x86_64.json" ignored because not selected by env var 'VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_SELECT'
If no drivers are found with a manifest filename that matches any of the provided globs, then no driver is enabled and may result in failures for any Vulkan application that is run.
The driver disable environment variable VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_DISABLE
is a
comma-delimited list of globs to search for in known drivers.
When a driver is disabled using the VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_DISABLE
filter, and
loader logging is set to emit either warnings or driver messages, then a message
will show for each driver that has been forcibly disabled.
This message will look like the following:
WARNING | DRIVER: Driver "radeon_icd.x86_64.json" ignored because it was disabled by env var 'VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_DISABLE'
If no drivers are found with a manifest filename that matches any of the provided globs, then no driver is disabled.
For security reasons, VK_ICD_FILENAMES
, and
are all ignored if running the Vulkan application
with elevated privileges.
This is because they may insert new libraries into the executable process that
are not normally found by the loader.
Because of this, these environment variables can only be used for applications
that do not use elevated privileges.
For more information see Elevated Privilege Caveats in the top-level LoaderInterfaceArchitecture.md document.
In order to use the setting, simply set it to a properly delimited list of Driver Manifest files. In this case, please provide the global path to these files to reduce issues.
For example:
set VK_DRIVER_FILES=\windows\system32\nv-vk64.json
This is an example which is using the VK_DRIVER_FILES
override on Windows to
point to the Nvidia Vulkan Driver's Manifest file.
set VK_ADD_DRIVER_FILES=\windows\system32\nv-vk64.json
This is an example which is using the VK_ADD_DRIVER_FILES
on Windows to
point to the Nvidia Vulkan Driver's Manifest file which will be loaded first
before all other drivers.
export VK_DRIVER_FILES=/home/user/dev/mesa/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json
This is an example which is using the VK_DRIVER_FILES
override on Linux to
point to the Intel Mesa Driver's Manifest file.
export VK_ADD_DRIVER_FILES=/home/user/dev/mesa/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json
This is an example which is using the VK_ADD_DRIVER_FILES
on Linux to
point to the Intel Mesa Driver's Manifest file which will be loaded first
before all other drivers.
export VK_DRIVER_FILES=/home/user/MoltenVK/Package/Latest/MoltenVK/macOS/MoltenVK_icd.json
This is an example which is using the VK_DRIVER_FILES
override on macOS to
point to an installation and build of the MoltenVK GitHub repository that
contains the MoltenVK driver.
See the Table of Debug Environment Variables in the LoaderInterfaceArchitecture.md document for more details
As with layers, on Windows, Linux and macOS systems, JSON-formatted manifest files are used to store driver information. In order to find system-installed drivers, the Vulkan loader will read the JSON files to identify the names and attributes of each driver. Notice that Driver Manifest files are much simpler than the corresponding layer Manifest files.
See the Current Driver Manifest File Format section for more details.
In order to find available drivers (including installed ICDs), the loader scans through registry keys specific to Display Adapters and all Software Components associated with these adapters for the locations of JSON manifest files. These keys are located in device keys created during driver installation and contain configuration information for base settings, including OpenGL and Direct3D locations.
The Device Adapter and Software Component key paths will be obtained by first
enumerating DXGI adapters.
Should that fail it will use the PnP Configuration Manager API.
The 000X
key will be a numbered key, where each device is assigned a different
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{Adapter GUID}\000X\VulkanDriverName
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{SoftwareComponent GUID}\000X\VulkanDriverName
In addition, on 64-bit systems there may be another set of registry values, listed below. These values record the locations of 32-bit layers on 64-bit operating systems, in the same way as the Windows-on-Windows functionality.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{Adapter GUID}\000X\VulkanDriverNameWow
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{SoftwareComponent GUID}\000X\VulkanDriverNameWow
If any of the above values exist and is of type REG_SZ
, the loader will open
the JSON manifest file specified by the key value.
Each value must be a full absolute path to a JSON manifest file.
The values may also be of type REG_MULTI_SZ
, in which case the value will be
interpreted as a list of paths to JSON manifest files.
Additionally, the Vulkan loader will scan the values in the following Windows registry key:
For 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows, the loader scan's the 32-bit registry location:
Every driver in these locations should be given as a DWORD, with value 0, where the name of the value is the full path to a JSON manifest file. The Vulkan loader will attempt to open each manifest file to obtain the information about a driver's shared library (".dll") file.
For example, let us assume the registry contains the following data:
"C:\vendor a\vk_vendor_a.json"=dword:00000000
In this case, the loader will step through each entry, and check the value. If the value is 0, then the loader will attempt to load the file. In this case, the loader will open the first and last listings, but not the middle. This is because the value of 1 for vendor_b_vk.json disables the driver.
Additionally, the Vulkan loader will scan the system for well-known Windows AppX/MSIX packages. If a package is found, the loader will scan the root directory of this installed package for JSON manifest files. At this time, the only package that is known is Microsoft's OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack.
The Vulkan loader will open each enabled manifest file found to obtain the name or pathname of a driver's shared library (".DLL") file.
Drivers should use the registry locations from the PnP Configuration
Manager wherever practical.
Typically, this is most important for drivers, and the location clearly
ties the driver to a given device.
The SOFTWARE\Khronos\Vulkan\Drivers
location is the older method for locating
drivers, but is the primary location for software based drivers.
See the Driver Manifest File Format section for more details.
On Linux, the Vulkan loader will scan for Driver Manifest files using environment variables or corresponding fallback values if the corresponding environment variable is not defined:
Search Order | Directory/Environment Variable | Fallback | Additional Notes |
1 | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME | $HOME/.config | This path is ignored when running with elevated privileges such as
setuid, setgid, or filesystem capabilities. This is done because under these scenarios it is not safe to trust that the environment variables are non-malicious. See Elevated Privilege Caveats for more information. |
1 | $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS | /etc/xdg | |
2 | SYSCONFDIR | /etc | Compile-time option set to possible location of drivers installed from non-Linux-distribution-provided packages. |
3 | EXTRASYSCONFDIR | /etc | Compile-time option set to possible location of drivers installed from non-Linux-distribution-provided packages. Typically only set if SYSCONFDIR is set to something other than /etc |
4 | $XDG_DATA_HOME | $HOME/.local/share | This path is ignored when running with elevated privileges such as
setuid, setgid, or filesystem capabilities. This is done because under these scenarios it is not safe to trust that the environment variables are non-malicious. See Elevated Privilege Caveats for more information. |
5 | $XDG_DATA_DIRS | /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/ |
The directory lists are concatenated together using the standard platform path separator (:). The loader then selects each path, and applies the "/vulkan/icd.d" suffix onto each and looks in that specific folder for manifest files.
The Vulkan loader will open each manifest file found to obtain the name or pathname of a driver's shared library (".dylib") file.
NOTE While the order of folders searched for manifest files is well defined, the order contents are read by the loader in each directory is random due to the behavior of readdir.
See the Driver Manifest File Format section for more details.
It is also important to note that while VK_DRIVER_FILES
will point the loader
to finding the manifest files, it does not guarantee the library files mentioned
by the manifest will immediately be found.
Often, the Driver Manifest file will point to the library file using a
relative or absolute path.
When a relative or absolute path is used, the loader can typically find the
library file without querying the operating system.
However, if a library is listed only by name, the loader may not find it,
unless the driver is installed placing the library in an operating system
searchable default location.
If problems occur finding a library file associated with a driver, try updating
environment variable to point at the location of the
corresponding .so
For a fictional user "me" the Driver Manifest search path might look like the following:
On Fuchsia, the Vulkan loader will scan for manifest files using environment variables or corresponding fallback values if the corresponding environment variable is not defined in the same way as Linux. The only difference is that Fuchsia does not allow fallback values for $XDG_DATA_DIRS or $XDG_HOME_DIRS.
On macOS, the Vulkan loader will scan for Driver Manifest files using
the application resource folder as well as environment variables or
corresponding fallback values if the corresponding environment variable is not
The order is similar to the search path on Linux with the exception that
the application's bundle resources are searched first:
System installed drivers will be ignored if drivers are found inside of the app
This is because there is not a standard mechanism in which to distinguish drivers
that happen to be duplicates.
For example, MoltenVK is commonly placed inside application bundles.
If there exists a system installed MoltenVK, the loader will load both the app
bundled and the system installed MoltenVK, leading to potential issues or crashes.
Drivers found through environment variables, such as VK_DRIVER_FILES
, will be
used regardless of whether there are bundled drivers present or not.
For a fictional user "Me" the Driver Manifest search path might look like the following:
Sometimes, the driver may encounter issues when loading.
A useful option may be to enable the LD_BIND_NOW
environment variable
to debug the issue.
This forces every dynamic library's symbols to be fully resolved on load.
If there is a problem with a driver missing symbols on the current system, this
will expose it and cause the Vulkan loader to fail on loading the driver.
It is recommended that LD_BIND_NOW
along with VK_LOADER_DEBUG=error,warn
to expose any issues.
The VK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading
extension allows for applications to
provide a driver or drivers to the Loader during vkCreateInstance.
This allows drivers to be included with an application without requiring
installation and is capable of being used in any execution environment, such as
a process running with elevated privileges.
When calling vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices
with the
extension enabled, the VkPhysicalDevice
from system installed drivers and environment variable specified drivers will
appear before any VkPhysicalDevice
s that originate from drivers from the
To use this extension, it must first be enabled on the VkInstance.
This requires enabling the VK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading
extension through
the enabledExtensionCount
and ppEnabledExtensionNames
members of
const char* extensions[] = {VK_LUNARG_DIRECT_DRIVER_LOADING_EXTENSION_NAME, <other extensions>};
VkInstanceCreateInfo instance_create_info = {};
instance_create_info.enabledExtensionCount = <size of extension list>;
instance_create_info.ppEnabledExtensionNames = extensions;
The VkDirectDriverLoadingInfoLUNARG
structure contains a
member (reserved for future use) and a
member which provides the loader with the
function pointer for the driver's vkGetInstanceProcAddr
The VkDirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG
structure contains a count and pointer
members which provide the size of and pointer to an application provided array of
Creating those structures looks like the following
VkDirectDriverLoadingInfoLUNARG direct_loading_info = {};
direct_loading_info.pfnGetInstanceProcAddr = <put the PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr of the driver here>
VkDirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG direct_driver_list = {};
direct_driver_list.driverCount = 1;
direct_driver_list.pDrivers = &direct_loading_info; // can include multiple drivers here if so desired
The VkDirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG
structure contains the enum
There are two modes:
- specifies that the only drivers to be loaded will come from theVkDirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG
- specifies that drivers from theVkDirectDriverLoadingModeLUNARG
structure will be used in addition to any system installed drivers and environment variable specified drivers.
Then, the VkDirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG
structure must be appended to the
chain of VkInstanceCreateInfo
instance_create_info.pNext = (const void*)&direct_driver_list;
Finally, create the instance like normal.
mode is specified in the
structure, then no system installed drivers
are loaded.
This applies equally to all platforms.
Additionally, the following environment variables have no effect:
Exclusive mode will also disable MacOS bundle manifest discovery of drivers.
Because VkDirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG
is provided to the loader at instance
creation, there is no mechanism for the loader to query the list of instance
extensions that originate from VkDirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG
drivers during
Applications can instead manually load the vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties
function pointer directly from the drivers the application provides to the loader
using the pfnGetInstanceProcAddrLUNARG
for each driver.
Then the application can call each driver's
and append non-duplicate entriees to the
list from the loader's vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties
to get the full
list of supported instance extensions.
Alternatively, because the Application is providing drivers, it is reasonable for
the application to already know which instance extensions are available with the
provided drivers, preventing the need to manually query them.
However, there are limitations.
If there are any active implicit layers which intercept
to remove unsupported extensions, then
those layers will not be able to remove unsupported extensions from drivers that
are provided by the application.
This is due to vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties
not having a mechanism
to extend it.
Both software and pre-production ICDs can use an alternative mechanism to detect their drivers. Independent Hardware Vendor (IHV) may not want to fully install a pre-production ICD and so it can't be found in the standard location. For example, a pre-production ICD may simply be a shared library in the developer's build tree. In this case, there should be a way to allow developers to point to such an ICD without modifying the system-installed ICD(s) on their system.
This need is met with the use of the VK_DRIVER_FILES
environment variable,
which will override the mechanism used for finding system-installed
In other words, only the drivers listed in VK_DRIVER_FILES
will be
See Overriding the Default Driver Discovery for more information on this.
The Android loader lives in the system library folder.
The location cannot be changed.
The loader will load the driver via hw_get_module
with the ID of "vulkan".
Due to security policies in Android, none of this can be modified under
normal use.
The following section discusses the details of the Driver Manifest JSON file format. The JSON file itself does not have any requirements for naming. The only requirement is that the extension suffix of the file is ".json".
Here is an example driver JSON Manifest file:
"file_format_version": "1.0.1",
"ICD": {
"library_path": "path to driver library",
"api_version": "1.2.205",
"library_arch" : "64",
"is_portability_driver": false
Field Name | Field Value |
"file_format_version" | The JSON format major.minor.patch version number of this file. Supported versions are: 1.0.0 and 1.0.1. |
"ICD" | The identifier used to group all driver information together.
NOTE: Even though this is labelled ICD it is historical and just as accurate to use for other drivers. |
"library_path" | The "library_path" specifies either a filename, a relative pathname, or
a full pathname to a driver shared library file. If "library_path" specifies a relative pathname, it is relative to the path of the JSON manifest file. If "library_path" specifies a filename, the library must live in the system's shared object search path. There are no rules about the name of the driver's shared library file other than it should end with the appropriate suffix (".DLL" on Windows, ".so" on Linux and ".dylib" on macOS). |
"library_arch" | Optional field which specifies the architecture of the binary associated
with "library_path". Allows the loader to quickly determine if the architecture of the driver matches that of the running application. The only valid values are "32" and "64". |
"api_version" | The major.minor.patch version number of the maximum Vulkan API supported
by the driver.
However, just because the driver supports the specific Vulkan API
version, it does not guarantee that the hardware on a user's system can
support that version.
Information on what the underlying physical device can support must be
queried by the user using the vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties API
call. For example: 1.0.33. |
"is_portability_driver" | Defines whether the driver contains any VkPhysicalDevices which
implement the VK_KHR_portability_subset extension. |
NOTE: If the same driver shared library supports multiple, incompatible versions of text manifest file format versions, it must have separate JSON files for each (all of which may point to the same shared library).
The current highest supported Layer Manifest file format supported is 1.0.1. Information about each version is detailed in the following sub-sections:
The initial version of the Driver Manifest file specified the basic format and fields of a layer JSON file. The fields supported in version 1.0.0 of the file format include:
- "file_format_version"
- "ICD"
- "library_path"
- "api_version"
Added the is_portability_driver
boolean field for drivers to self report that
they contain VkPhysicalDevices which support the VK_KHR_portability_subset
extension. This is an optional field. Omitting the field has the same effect as
setting the field to false
Added the "library_arch" field to the driver manifest to allow the loader to quickly determine if the driver matches the architecture of the current running application. This field is optional.
The Vulkan symbols exported by a driver must not clash with the loader's exported Vulkan symbols. Because of this, all drivers must export the following function that is used for discovery of driver Vulkan entry-points. This entry-point is not a part of the Vulkan API itself, only a private interface between the loader and drivers for version 1 and higher interfaces.
VkInstance instance,
const char* pName);
This function has very similar semantics to vkGetInstanceProcAddr
returns valid function pointers for all the
global-level and instance-level Vulkan functions, and also for
Global-level functions are those which contain no dispatchable object as the
first parameter, such as vkCreateInstance
The driver must support querying global-level entry points by calling
with a NULL VkInstance
Instance-level functions are those that have either VkInstance
, or
as the first parameter dispatchable object.
Both core entry points and any instance extension entry points the
driver supports should be available via vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
Future Vulkan instance extensions may define and use new instance-level
dispatchable objects other than VkInstance
and VkPhysicalDevice
, in which
case extension entry points using these newly defined dispatchable objects must
be queryable via vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
All other Vulkan entry points must either:
- NOT be exported directly from the driver library
- or NOT use the official Vulkan function names if they are exported
This requirement is for driver libraries that include other functionality (such as OpenGL) and thus could be loaded by the application prior to when the Vulkan loader library is loaded by the application.
Beware of interposing by dynamic OS library loaders if the official Vulkan
names are used.
On Linux, if official names are used, the driver library must be linked with
When an application calls vkCreateInstance
, it can optionally include a
struct, which includes an apiVersion
A Vulkan 1.0 driver was required to return VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
if it
did not support the API version that the user passed.
Beginning with Vulkan 1.1, drivers are not allowed to return this error
for any value of apiVersion
This creates a problem when working with multiple drivers, where one is
a 1.0 driver and another is newer.
A loader that is newer than 1.0 will always give the version it supports when
the application calls vkEnumerateInstanceVersion
, regardless of the API
version supported by the drivers on the system.
This means that when the application calls vkCreateInstance
, the loader will
be forced to pass a copy of the VkApplicationInfo
struct where apiVersion
1.0 to any 1.0 drivers in order to prevent an error.
To determine if this must be done, the loader will perform the following steps:
- Check the driver's JSON manifest file for the "api_version" field.
- If the JSON version is greater than or equal to 1.1, Load the driver's dynamic library
- Call the driver's
command to get a pointer tovkEnumerateInstanceVersion
- If the pointer to
is notNULL
, it will be called to get the driver's supported API version
The driver will be treated as a 1.0 driver if any of the following conditions are met:
- The JSON manifest's "api_version" field is less that version 1.1
- The function pointer to
- The version returned by
is less than 1.1 vkEnumerateInstanceVersion
returns anything other thanVK_SUCCESS
If the driver only supports Vulkan 1.0, the loader will ensure that any
struct that is passed to the driver will have an
field set to Vulkan 1.0.
Otherwise, the loader will pass the struct to the driver without any
On a system with more than one driver, a special case can arise. Some drivers may expose an instance extension that the loader is already aware of. Other drivers on that same system may not support the same instance extension.
In that scenario, the loader has some additional responsibilities:
During a call to vkCreateInstance
, the list of requested instance extensions
is passed down to each driver.
Since the driver may not support one or more of these instance extensions, the
loader will filter out any instance extensions that are not supported by the
This is done per driver since different drivers may support different instance
In the same scenario, the loader must emulate the instance extension entry-points, to the best of its ability, for each driver that does not support an instance extension directly. This must work correctly when combined with calling into the other drivers which do support the extension natively. In this fashion, the application will be unaware of what drivers are missing support for this extension.
Drivers that implement entrypoints which take a VkPhysicalDevice
as the first
parameter should support vk_icdGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr
This function is added to the Loader and Driver Driver Interface Version 4,
allowing the loader to distinguish between entrypoints which take VkDevice
and VkPhysicalDevice
as the first parameter.
This allows the loader to properly support entrypoints that are unknown to it
This entry point is not a part of the Vulkan API itself, only a private
interface between the loader and drivers.
Note: Loader and Driver Interface Version 7 makes exporting
Instead, drivers must expose it through vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
VkInstance instance,
const char* pName);
This function behaves similar to vkGetInstanceProcAddr
except it should only return values for physical device
extension entry points.
In this way, it compares "pName" to every physical device function supported in
the driver.
Implementations of the function should have the following behavior:
- If
is the name of a Vulkan API entrypoint that takes aVkPhysicalDevice
as its primary dispatch handle, and the driver supports the entrypoint, then the driver must return the valid function pointer to the driver's implementation of that entrypoint. - If
is the name of a Vulkan API entrypoint that takes something other than aVkPhysicalDevice
as its primary dispatch handle, then the driver must returnNULL
. - If the driver is unaware of any entrypoint with the name
, it must returnNULL
If a driver intends to support functions that take VkPhysicalDevice as the
dispatchable parameter, then the driver should support
. This is because if these functions aren't
known to the loader, such as those from unreleased extensions or because
the loader is an older build thus doesn't know about them yet, the loader
won't be able to distinguish whether this is a device or physical device
If a driver does implement this support, it must export the function from the
driver library using the name vk_icdGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr
so that the
symbol can be located through the platform's dynamic linking utilities, or if
the driver supports Loader and Driver Interface Version 7, exposed through
The behavior of the loader's vkGetInstanceProcAddr
with support for the
function is as follows:
- Check if core function:
- If it is, return the function pointer
- Check if known instance or device extension function:
- If it is, return the function pointer
- Call the layer/driver
- If it returns
, return a trampoline to a generic physical device function, and set up a generic terminator which will pass it to the proper driver.
- If it returns
- Call down using
- If it returns non-NULL, treat it as an unknown logical device command.
This means setting up a generic trampoline function that takes in a
as the first parameter and adjusting the dispatch table to call the driver/layer's function after getting the dispatch table from theVkDevice
. Then, return the pointer to the corresponding trampoline function.
- If it returns non-NULL, treat it as an unknown logical device command.
This means setting up a generic trampoline function that takes in a
- Return
The result is that if the command gets promoted to Vulkan core later, it will no
longer be set up using vk_icdGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr
Additionally, if the loader adds direct support for the extension, it will no
longer get to step 3, because step 2 will return a valid function pointer.
However, the driver should continue to support the command query via
, until at least a Vulkan version bump, because
an older loader may still be attempting to use the commands.
Originally, when the loader's vkGetInstanceProcAddr
was called, it would
result in the following behavior:
- The loader would check if it was a core function:
- If so, it would return the function pointer
- The loader would check if it was a known extension function:
- If so, it would return the function pointer
- If the loader knew nothing about it, it would call down using
- If it returned
, treat it as an unknown logical device command. - This meant setting up a generic trampoline function that takes in a
VkDevice as the first parameter and adjusting the dispatch table to call the
driver/layer's function after getting the dispatch table from the
- If it returned
- If all the above failed, the loader would return
to the application.
This caused problems when a driver attempted to expose new physical device
extensions the loader knew nothing about, but an application was aware of.
Because the loader knew nothing about it, the loader would get to step 3 in the
above process and would treat the function as an unknown logical device command.
The problem is, this would create a generic VkDevice
trampoline function
which, on the first call, would attempt to dereference the VkPhysicalDevice as a
This would lead to a crash or corruption.
When an application selects a GPU to use, it must enumerate physical devices or physical device groups. These API functions do not specify which order the physical devices or physical device groups will be presented in. On Windows, the loader will attempt to sort these objects so that the system preference will be listed first. This mechanism does not force an application to use any particular GPU — it merely changes the order in which they are presented.
This mechanism requires that a driver provide The Loader and Driver Interface
Version 6.
This version defines a new exported function, vk_icdEnumerateAdapterPhysicalDevices
detailed below, that Drivers may provide on Windows.
This entry point is not a part of the Vulkan API itself, only a private
interface between the loader and drivers.
Note: Loader and Driver Interface Version 7 makes exporting
Instead, drivers must expose it through vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
VkInstance instance,
LUID adapterLUID,
uint32_t* pPhysicalDeviceCount,
VkPhysicalDevice* pPhysicalDevices);
This function takes an adapter LUID as input, and enumerates all Vulkan physical
devices that are associated with that LUID.
This works in the same way as other Vulkan enumerations — if
, then the count will be provided.
Otherwise, the physical devices associated with the queried adapter will be
The function must provide multiple physical devices when the LUID refers to a
linked adapter.
This allows the loader to translate the adapter into Vulkan physical device
While the loader attempts to match the system's preference for GPU ordering, there are some limitations. Because this feature requires a new driver interface, only physical devices from drivers that support this function will be sorted. All unsorted physical devices will be listed at the end of the list, in an indeterminate order. Furthermore, only physical devices that correspond to an adapter may be sorted. This means that a software driver would likely not be sorted. Finally, this API only applies to Windows systems and will only work on versions of Windows 10 that support GPU selection through the OS. Other platforms may be included in the future, but they will require separate platform-specific interfaces.
A requirement of vk_icdEnumerateAdapterPhysicalDevices
is that it must
return the same VkPhysicalDevice
handle values for the same physical
devices that are returned by vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices
This is because the loader calls both functions on the driver then
de-duplicates the physical devices using the VkPhysicalDevice
Since not all physical devices in a driver will have a LUID, such as for
software implementations, this step is necessary to allow drivers to
enumerate all available physical devices.
As previously covered, the loader requires dispatch tables to be accessible
within Vulkan dispatchable objects, such as: VkInstance
, VkPhysicalDevice
, VkQueue
, and VkCommandBuffer
The specific requirements on all dispatchable objects created by drivers
are as follows:
- All dispatchable objects created by a driver can be cast to void **
- The loader will replace the first entry with a pointer to the dispatch table
which is owned by the loader.
This implies three things for drivers:
- The driver must return a pointer for the opaque dispatchable object handle
- This pointer points to a regular C structure with the first entry being a pointer.
- NOTE: For any C++ drivers that implement VK objects directly
as C++ classes:
- The C++ compiler may put a vtable at offset zero if the class is non-POD due to the use of a virtual function.
- In this case use a regular C structure (see below).
- The loader checks for a magic value (ICD_LOADER_MAGIC) in all the created
dispatchable objects, as follows (see
#include "vk_icd.h"
uintptr loadermagic;
void * loaderData;
vkObj *newObj = alloc_obj();
// Initialize pointer to loader's dispatch table with ICD_LOADER_MAGIC
return newObj;
Normally, drivers handle object creation and destruction for various Vulkan
The WSI surface extensions for Linux, Windows, macOS, and QNX
("VK_KHR_win32_surface", "VK_KHR_xcb_surface", "VK_KHR_xlib_surface",
"VK_KHR_wayland_surface", "VK_MVK_macos_surface",
"VK_QNX_screen_surface" and "VK_KHR_surface") are handled differently.
For these extensions, the VkSurfaceKHR
object creation and destruction may be
handled by either the loader or a driver.
If the loader handles the management of the VkSurfaceKHR
- The loader will handle the calls to
functions without involving the drivers.- Where XXX stands for the Windowing System name:
- Wayland
- Xlib
- Windows
- Android
- MacOS (
) - QNX (
- Where XXX stands for the Windowing System name:
- The loader creates a
object for the correspondingvkCreateXXXSurfaceKHR
call.- The
structures are defined ininclude/vulkan/vk_icd.h
- The
- Drivers can cast any
object to a pointer to the appropriateVkIcdSurfaceXXX
structure. - The first field of all the
structures is aVkIcdSurfaceBase
enumerant that indicates whether the surface object is Win32, XCB, Xlib, Wayland, or Screen.
The driver may choose to handle VkSurfaceKHR
object creation instead.
If a driver desires to handle creating and destroying it must do the following:
- Support Loader and Driver Interface Version 3 or newer.
- Expose and handle all functions that take in a
object, including:vkCreateXXXSurfaceKHR
Because the VkSurfaceKHR
object is an instance-level object, one object can be
associated with multiple drivers.
Therefore, when the loader receives the vkCreateXXXSurfaceKHR
call, it still
creates an internal VkSurfaceIcdXXX
This object acts as a container for each driver's version of the
If a driver does not support the creation of its own VkSurfaceKHR
object, the
loader's container stores a NULL for that driver.
On the other hand, if the driver does support VkSurfaceKHR
creation, the
loader will make the appropriate vkCreateXXXSurfaceKHR
call to the
driver, and store the returned pointer in its container object.
The loader then returns the VkSurfaceIcdXXX
as a VkSurfaceKHR
object back up
the call chain.
Finally, when the loader receives the vkDestroySurfaceKHR
call, it
subsequently calls vkDestroySurfaceKHR
for each driver whose internal
object is not NULL.
Then the loader destroys the container object before returning.
Generally, for functions issued by an application, the loader can be viewed as a pass through. That is, the loader generally doesn't modify the functions or their parameters, but simply calls the driver's entry point for that function. There are specific additional interface requirements a driver needs to comply with that are not part of any requirements from the Vulkan specification. These additional requirements are versioned to allow flexibility in the future.
All drivers supporting Loader and Driver Interface Version 2 or higher must
export the following function that is used for determination of the interface
version that will be used.
This entry point is not a part of the Vulkan API itself, only a private
interface between the loader and drivers.
Note: Loader and Driver Interface Version 7 makes exporting
Instead, drivers must expose it through vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
uint32_t* pSupportedVersion);
This function allows the loader and driver to agree on an interface version to
The "pSupportedVersion" parameter is both an input and output parameter.
"pSupportedVersion" is filled in by the loader with the desired latest interface
version supported by the loader (typically the latest).
The driver receives this and returns back the version it desires in the same
Because it is setting up the interface version between the loader and
driver, this should be the first call made by a loader to the driver (even prior
to any calls to vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
If the driver receiving the call no longer supports the interface version
provided by the loader (due to deprecation), then it should report a
Otherwise it sets the value pointed by "pSupportedVersion" to the latest
interface version supported by both the driver and the loader and returns
The driver should report VK_SUCCESS
in case the loader-provided interface
version is newer than that supported by the driver, as it's the loader's
responsibility to determine whether it can support the older interface version
supported by the driver.
The driver should also report VK_SUCCESS
in the case its interface version is
greater than the loader's, but return the loader's version.
Thus, upon return of VK_SUCCESS
the "pSupportedVersion" will contain the
desired interface version to be used by the driver.
If the loader receives an interface version from the driver that the loader no
longer supports (due to deprecation), or it receives a
error instead of VK_SUCCESS
, then the loader
will treat the driver as incompatible and will not load it for use.
In this case, the application will not see the driver's vkPhysicalDevice
during enumeration.
If a loader sees that a driver does not export or expose the
function, then the loader assumes the
corresponding driver only supports either interface version 0 or 1.
From the other side of the interface, if a driver sees a call to
before a call to
, then the loader is either a legacy
loader with only support for interface version 0 or 1, or the loader is using
interface version 7 or newer.
If the first call to vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
is to query for
, then that means the loader is using
interface version 7.
This only occurs when the driver does not export
Drivers which export vk_icdNegotiateLoaderICDInterfaceVersion
will have it
called first.
If the first call to vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
is not querying for
, then loader is a legacy loader only
which supports version 0 or 1.
In this case, if the loader calls vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
first, it supports
at least interface version 1.
Otherwise, the loader only supports version 0.
Version 7 relaxes the requirement that Loader and Driver Interface functions
must be exported.
Instead, it only requires that those functions be queryable through
The functions are:
(Windows only)
These functions are considered global for the purposes of retrieval, so the
parameter of vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
will be NULL.
While exporting these functions is no longer a requirement, drivers may still
export them for compatibility with older loaders.
The changes in this version allow drivers provided through the
extension to support the entire Loader and
Driver Interface.
Version 6 provides a mechanism to allow the loader to sort physical devices.
The loader will only attempt to sort physical devices on a driver if version 6
of the interface is supported.
This version provides the vk_icdEnumerateAdapterPhysicalDevices
defined earlier in this document.
This interface version has no changes to the actual interface.
If the loader requests interface version 5 or greater, it is simply
an indication to drivers that the loader is now evaluating whether the API
Version info passed into vkCreateInstance is a valid version for the loader.
If it is not, the loader will catch this during vkCreateInstance and fail with a
On the other hand, if version 5 or newer is not requested by the loader, then it
indicates to the driver that the loader is ignorant of the API version being
Because of this, it falls on the driver to validate that the API Version is not
greater than major = 1 and minor = 0.
If it is, then the driver should automatically fail with a
error since the loader is a 1.0 loader, and is
unaware of the version.
Here is a table of the expected behaviors:
Loader Supports I/f Version | Driver Supports I/f Version | Result |
4 or Earlier | Any Version | Driver must fail with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
for all vkCreateInstance calls with apiVersion set to > Vulkan 1.0
because the loader is still at interface version <= 4. Otherwise, the driver should behave as normal. |
5 or Newer | 4 or Earlier | Loader must fail with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER if it
can't handle the apiVersion.
Driver may pass for all apiVersions, but since its interface is
<= 4, it is best if it assumes it needs to do the work of rejecting
anything > Vulkan 1.0 and fail with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER.
Otherwise, the driver should behave as normal. |
5 or Newer | 5 or Newer | Loader must fail with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER if it
can't handle the apiVersion, and drivers should fail with
VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER only if they can not support
the specified apiVersion. Otherwise, the driver should behave as normal. |
The major change to version 4 of this interface version is the support of
Unknown Physical Device Extensions
using the vk_icdGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr
This function is purely optional.
However, if a driver supports a physical device extension, it must provide a
Otherwise, the loader will continue to treat any unknown functions as VkDevice
functions and cause invalid behavior.
The primary change that occurred in this interface version is to allow a driver
to handle creation and destruction of their own KHR_surfaces.
Up until this point, the loader created a surface object that was used by all
However, some drivers may want to provide their own surface handles.
If a driver chooses to enable this support, it must support Loader and Driver
Interface Version 3, as well as any Vulkan function that uses a VkSurfaceKHR
handle, such as:
(where XXX is the platform-specific identifier [i.e.vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR
for Windows])vkDestroySurfaceKHR
A driver which does not participate in this functionality can opt out by
simply not exposing the above vkCreateXXXSurfaceKHR
Interface Version 2 requires that drivers export
For more information, see Version Negotiation Between Loader and Drivers.
Additional, version 2 requires that Vulkan dispatchable objects created by drivers must be created in accordance to the Driver Dispatchable Object Creation section.
Version 1 of the interface added the driver-specific entry-point
Since this is before the creation of the
entry-point, the loader has no
negotiation process for determine what interface version the driver
Because of this, the loader detects support for version 1 of the interface
by the absence of the negotiate function, but the presence of the
No other entry-points need to be exported by the driver as the loader will query
the appropriate function pointers using that.
Version 0 does not support either vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr
Because of this, the loader will assume the driver supports only version 0 of
the interface unless one of those functions exists.
Additionally, for Version 0, the driver must expose at least the following core Vulkan entry-points so the loader may build up the interface to the driver:
- The function
must be exported in the driver library and returns valid function pointers for all the Vulkan API entry points. vkCreateInstance
must be exported by the driver library.vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties
must be exported by the driver library.
- The loader will filter out extensions requested in
before calling into the driver; filtering will be of extensions advertised by entities (e.g. layers) different from the driver in question. - The loader will not call the driver for
as layer properties are obtained from the layer libraries and layer JSON files. - If a driver library author wants to implement a layer, it can do so by having the appropriate layer JSON manifest file refer to the driver library file.
- The loader will not call the driver for
if "pLayerName" is not equal toNULL
. - Drivers creating new dispatchable objects via device extensions need to initialize the created dispatchable object. The loader has generic trampoline code for unknown device extensions. This generic trampoline code doesn't initialize the dispatch table within the newly created object. See the Driver Dispatchable Object Creation section for more information on how to initialize created dispatchable objects for extensions non known by the loader.
The Android loader uses the same protocol for initializing the dispatch table as described above. The only difference is that the Android loader queries layer and extension information directly from the respective libraries and does not use the JSON manifest files used by the Windows, Linux and macOS loaders.
The loader implements the VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
instance extension,
which filters out any drivers that report support for the portability subset
device extension. Unless the application explicitly requests enumeration of
portability devices by setting the
bit in the
VkInstanceCreateInfo::flags, the loader does not load any drivers that declare
themselves to be portability drivers.
Drivers declare whether they are portability drivers or not in the Driver
Manifest Json file, with the is_portability_driver
boolean field.
More information here
The initial support for this extension only reported errors when an application did not enable the portability enumeration feature. It did not filter out portability drivers. This was done to give a grace period for applications to update their instance creation logic without outright breaking the application.
This section is intended to define proper behavior expected between the loader and drivers. Much of this section is additive to the Vulkan spec, and necessary for maintaining consistency across platforms. In fact, much of the language can be found throughout this document, but is summarized here for convenience. Additionally, there should be a way to identify bad or non-conformant behavior in a driver and remedy it as soon as possible. Therefore, a policy numbering system is provided to clearly identify each policy statement in a unique way.
Finally, based on the goal of making the loader efficient and performant, some of these policy statements defining proper driver behavior may not be testable (and therefore aren't enforceable by the loader). However, that should not detract from the requirement in order to provide the best experience to end-users and developers.
Loader and Driver policy items start with the prefix LDP_
(short for
Loader and Driver Policy) which is followed by an identifier based on what
component the policy is targeted against.
In this case there are only two possible components:
- Drivers: which will have the string
as part of the policy number. - The Loader: which will have the string
as part of the policy number.
As stated before, the Android Loader is actually separate from the Khronos Loader. Because of this and other platform requirements, not all of these policy statements apply to Android. Each table also has a column titled "Applicable to Android?" which indicates which policy statements apply to drivers that are focused only on Android support. Further information on the Android loader can be found in the Android Vulkan documentation.
Requirement Number | Requirement Description | Result of Non-Compliance | Applicable to Android? | Enforceable by Loader? | Reference Section |
LDP_DRIVER_1 | A driver must not cause other drivers to fail, crash, or otherwise misbehave. | The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | Yes | No | N/A |
LDP_DRIVER_2 | A driver must not crash if it detects that there are no supported
Vulkan Physical Devices (VkPhysicalDevice) on the system when a
call to that driver is made using any Vulkan instance of physical device
API. This is because some devices can be hot-plugged. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | Yes | No The loader has no direct knowledge of what devices (virtual or physical) may be supported by a given driver. |
N/A |
LDP_DRIVER_3 | A driver must be able to negotiate a supported version of the Loader and Driver Interface with the loader in accordance with the stated negotiation process. | The driver will not be loaded. | No | Yes | Interface Negotiation |
LDP_DRIVER_4 | A driver must have a valid JSON manifest file for the loader to process that ends with the ".json" suffix. | The driver will not be loaded. | No | Yes | Manifest File Format |
LDP_DRIVER_5 | A driver must pass conformance with the results submitted,
verified, and approved by Khronos before reporting a conformance version
through any mechanism provided by Vulkan (examples include inside the
VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Properties and the
VkPhysicalDeviceDriverProperties structs). Otherwise, when such a structure containing a conformance version is encountered, the driver must return a conformance version of to indicate it hasn't been so verified and approved. |
Yes | No | The loader and/or the application may make assumptions about the capabilities of the driver resulting in undefined behavior possibly including crashes or corruption. | Vulkan CTS Documentation |
LDP_DRIVER_6 | Removed - See Removed Driver Policies | - | - | - | - |
LDP_DRIVER_7 | If a driver desires to support Vulkan API 1.1 or newer, it must expose support for Loader and Driver Interface Version 5 or newer. | The driver will be used when it shouldn't be and will cause undefined behavior possibly including crashes or corruption. | No | Yes | Version 5 Interface Requirements |
LDP_DRIVER_8 | If a driver wishes to handle its own VkSurfaceKHR object creation, it must implement the Loader and Driver Interface Version 3 or newer and support querying all the relevant surface functions via vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr. | The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | No | Yes | Handling KHR Surface Objects |
LDP_DRIVER_9 | If version negotiation results in a driver using the Loader
and Driver Interface Version 4 or earlier, the driver must verify
that the Vulkan API version passed into vkCreateInstance (through
VkInstanceCreateInfo’s VkApplicationInfo's
apiVersion) is supported.
If the requested Vulkan API version can not be supported by the driver,
it must return VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER. This is not required if the interface version is 5 or newer because the loader is responsible for this check. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | No | No | Version 5 Interface Requirements |
LDP_DRIVER_10 | If version negotiation results in a driver using the Loader and Driver Interface Version 5 or newer, the driver must not return VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER if the Vulkan API version passed into vkCreateInstance (through VkInstanceCreateInfo’s VkApplicationInfo's apiVersion) is not supported by the driver. This check is performed by the loader on the drivers behalf. | The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | No | No | Version 5 Interface Requirements |
LDP_DRIVER_11 | A driver must remove all Manifest files and references to those
files (i.e. Registry entries on Windows) when uninstalling.
Similarly, on updating the driver files, the old files must be all updated or removed. |
If an old file is left pointing to an incorrect library, it will result in undefined behavior which may include crashes or corruption. | No | No The loader has no idea what driver files are new, old, or incorrect. Any type of driver file verification would quickly become very complex since it would require the loader to maintain an internal database tracking badly behaving drivers based on the driver vendor, driver version, targeted platform(s), and possibly other criteria. |
N/A |
LDP_DRIVER_12 | To work properly with the public Khronos Loader, a driver
must not expose platform interface extensions without first
publishing them with Khronos. Platforms under development may use modified versions of the Khronos Loader until the design because stable and/or public. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | Yes (specifically for Android extensions) | No | N/A |
These policies were in the loader source at some point but later removed. They are documented here for reference.
Requirement Number | Requirement Description | Removal Reason |
LDP_DRIVER_6 | A driver supporting Loader and Driver Interface Version 1 or newer must
not directly export standard Vulkan entry-points.
Instead, it must export only the loader interface functions required by the interface versions it does support (for example vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr). This is because the dynamic linking on some platforms has been problematic in the past and incorrectly links to exported functions from the wrong dynamic library at times. NOTE: This is actually true for all exports. When in doubt, don't export any items from a driver that could cause conflicts in other libraries. |
This policy has been removed due to there being valid circumstances for drivers to export core entrypoints. Additionally, it was not found that dynamic linking would cause many issues in practice. |
Requirement Number | Requirement Description | Result of Non-Compliance | Applicable to Android? | Reference Section |
LDP_LOADER_1 | A loader must return VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER if it fails to find and load a valid Vulkan driver on the system. | The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | Yes | N/A |
LDP_LOADER_2 | A loader must attempt to load any driver's Manifest file it
discovers and determines is formatted in accordance with this document.
The only exception is on platforms which determines driver location and functionality through some other mechanism. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | Yes | Driver Discovery |
LDP_LOADER_3 | A loader must support a mechanism to load driver in one or more
non-standard locations. This is to allow support for fully software drivers as well as evaluating in-development ICDs. The only exception to this rule is if the OS does not wish to support this due to security policies. |
It will be more difficult to use a Vulkan loader by certain tools and driver developers. | No | Pre-Production ICDs or SW |
LDP_LOADER_4 | A loader must not load a Vulkan driver which defines an API version that is incompatible with itself. | The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | Yes | Driver Discovery |
LDP_LOADER_5 | A loader must ignore any driver for which a compatible Loader and Driver Interface Version can not be negotiated. | The loader would load a driver improperly resulting in undefined behavior possibly including crashes or corruption. | No | Interface Negotiation |
LDP_LOADER_6 | If a driver negotiation results in the loader using Loader and Driver
Interface Version 5 or newer, a loader must verify that the Vulkan
API version passed into vkCreateInstance (through
VkInstanceCreateInfo’s VkApplicationInfo's
apiVersion) is supported by at least one driver.
If the requested Vulkan API version can not be supported by any
driver, the loader must return
VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER. This is not required if the Loader and Driver Interface Version is 4 or earlier because the responsibility for this check falls on the drivers. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | No | Version 5 Interface Requirements |
LDP_LOADER_7 | If there exist more than one driver on a system, and some of those
drivers support only Vulkan API version 1.0 while other drivers
support a newer Vulkan API version, then a loader must adjust
the apiVersion field of the VkInstanceCreateInfo’s
VkApplicationInfo to version 1.0 for all the drivers that are
only aware of Vulkan API version 1.0. Otherwise, the drivers that support Vulkan API version 1.0 will return VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER during vkCreateInstance since 1.0 drivers were not aware of future versions. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | No | Driver API Version |
LDP_LOADER_8 | If more than one driver is present, and at least one driver does not support instance-level functionality that other drivers support; then a loader must support the instance-level functionality in some fashion for the non-supporting drivers. | The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | No | Loader Instance Extension Emulation Support |
LDP_LOADER_9 | A loader must filter out instance extensions from the
VkInstanceCreateInfo structure's ppEnabledExtensionNames
field that the driver does not support during a call to the driver's
vkCreateInstance. This is because the application has no way of knowing which drivers support which extensions. This ties in directly with LDP_LOADER_8 above. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | No | Filtering Out Instance Extension Names |
LDP_LOADER_10 | A loader must support creating VkSurfaceKHR handles that may be shared by all underlying drivers. | The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | Yes | Handling KHR Surface Objects |
LDP_LOADER_11 | If a driver exposes the appropriate VkSurfaceKHR
creation/handling entry-points, a loader must support creating
the driver-specific surface object handle and provide it, and not the
shared VkSurfaceKHR handle, back to that driver when requested.
Otherwise, a loader must provide the loader created VkSurfaceKHR handle. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | No | Handling KHR Surface Objects |
LDP_LOADER_12 | A loader must not call any vkEnumerate*ExtensionProperties entry-points in a driver if pLayerName is not NULL. | The behavior is undefined and may result in crashes or corruption. | Yes | Additional Interface Notes |
LDP_LOADER_13 | A loader must not load from user-defined paths (including the
VK_ADD_DRIVER_FILES environment variables) when running elevated
(Administrator/Super-user) applications. This is for security reasons. |
The behavior is undefined and may result in computer security lapses, crashes or corruption. | No | Exception for Administrator and Super-User mode |
Return to the top-level LoaderInterfaceArchitecture.md file.