Before the MISP RPM can be created, the following dependencies must be built (in this order)
- php
- php-pear
- php-pear-CommandLine
- php-pear-Crypt_GPG
- php-redis
- python-cybox
- python-stix
- python-mixbox
- python-pydeep
- python-pymisp
- python-lief (my current version doesn't work correctly, work in progress)
- misp
Building the misp modules is even trickier, as a lot of dependencies must be built before the misp-modules RPM can be created. MISP modules rely on python3, so you can use the python 3.4 provided py CentOS or any newer python version.
- python36-pip
- python36-setuptools
- misp-stix-converter
- python36-libtaxii
- python36-lxml
- python36-six
- python36-python_dateutil
- python36-ordered_set
- python36-mixbox
- python36-cybox
- python36-stix
- python36-backports_abc
- python36-tornado
- python36-dnspython
- python36-chardet
- python36-nose
- python36-jsonschema
- python36-rdflib
- python36-beautifulsoup4
- python36-colorlog
- python36-argparse
- python36-pytz
- python36-isodate
- python36-pyparsing
- python36-redis
- python36-pygeoip
- python36-idna
- python36-urllib3
- python36-certifi
- python36-requests_cache
- python36-url_normalize
- python36-pillow
- python36-urlachriver
- python36-ez_setup
- python36-asnhistory
- python36-cabby
- python36-dateutils
- python36-furl
- python36-domaintools_api
- python36-ipasn_redis
- python36-orderedmultidict
- python36-passivetotal
- python36-olefile
- python36-pyaml
- python36-pypdns
- python36-pyeupi
- python36-pypssl
- python36-pytesseract
- python36-SPARQLWrapper
- python36-PyYAML
- python36-uwhois
- python36-shodan
- python36-XlsxWriter
- python36-colorama
- python36-click
- python36-click_plugins
- python36-future
- python36-requests
- python36-pymisp
- misp-modules