- 1.0.0 - initial module version (moved out to a separate module from PowerTools module).
- 1.0.3 - fixed LDAP filters to search for users, not users and contacts.
- 1.0.4 - added -AllProperties switch.
- 1.0.5 - added -Displayname search switch for Get-ADUserDetails.
- 1.1.0 - added Get-ADUserLastLogon command.
- 1.1.1 - added progress bar for Get-ADUserLastLogon - can be slow in large environments.
- 1.2.0 - added Get-ADSites command.
- 1.2.1 - added -SiteName parameter to only query DCs from a specific AD site.
- 1.2.2 - changed all functions not to default to wildcard searches. User must now include the '*' in search parameters.
- 1.2.3 - updated Get-AdObjectGroupmembership to return multiple matches
- 1.2.4 - updated Get-AdGroupMembers to support matches for multiple groups (wildcard matches). Results grouped by Group.
- 1.2.5 - removed account lockout status from Get-ADUserDetails as it's only populated for AD pre 2003. - updated view to highlight disabled & expired account attributes in red if expired (Get-ADUserDetails)
- 1.2.6 - Changed view of Get-ADObjectGroupMemebership to group results by user
- 1.2.7 - Updated results use [PSCustomObject]. No functional changes.
- 1.2.8 - Added account lockout status to Get-ADUserDetails
- 1.3.0 - Added Get-ADUserLockoutStatus command to report on AD account lockouts
- 1.3.1 - Updated Get-ADUserLastLogon to report the site associated with each DC
- 1.3.2 - Updated Get-ADObjectGroupMembership to wriete warning of no objects found, or the object is not a member of any groups
- 1.3.3 - Remove 'LDAP://' prefix from DistinguishedName for Find-ADGroup function.
- 1.3.4 - Get-ADUserLastLogon: removed last domain controller checked from results if no logons recorded for user.
- 1.3.5 - added 'samAccountName' alias to all 'Identity' parameters (better support for piping between cmdlets in this module)
- 1.3.6 - Fixed warning to report correct user when no groups found by Get-ADObjectGroupMembership if multiple users searched (via wildcard).
- 1.3.7 - Attempted to detect cases where user does not have rights to query the relevant AD attributes.
- 1.3.8 - Get-ADUserDetails: Changed values to 'Unknown' if a users does not have rights to query attributes
- 1.3.9 - Updated error message in Get-ADObjectGroupMembership to confirm the object type used for the search (if no match found)
- 1.3.10 - Fixed issue were powershell was converting June 30 dates to Jan 7 (1/7/yyyy rendered as 7/1/yyyy) when the date was formatted in the ps1xml file.
- 1.3.11 - Get-ADUserLastLogon & Get-ADUserLogoutStatus: LDAP calls changes to be async, with shorter timeout. Reduces delays if DCs are offline or network access is blocked.
- 1.3.12 - Account expiry dates now formatted in yellow if less than 30 days away
- 1.3.13 - Allow Get-ADUserDetails to search on primary email address.
- 1.3.14 - Added givename and surname to standard fields retrieved (but s till hidden by view applied). Use '| format-table givenname, surname' to view.
- 1.3.15 - Added company and Department details (not included in default views, but still available as result properties - simmilar to givename and surname)