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- Handling, cleaning, and preparing data.
- Selecting and engineering features.
- Learning by fitting a model to data.
- Optimizing a cost function.
- Selecting a model and tuning hyperparameters using cross-validation.
- Underfitting and overfitting (the bias/variance tradeoff).
- Unsupervised learning techniques: clustering, density estimation and anomaly detection.
- Algorithms: Linear and Polynomial Regression, Logistic Regression, k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Ensemble methods.
# pivot_table() vs groupby(), the below lines are the samepd.pivot_table(df, index=["a"], columns=["b"], values=["c"], aggfunc=np.sum)
# Aggregate using one or more operations over the specified axis# agg()-can be applied to multiple groups togetherdf.agg(['sum', 'min'])
df_all.groupby(['Sex', 'Pclass']).agg(lambdax:x.value_counts().index[0])['Embarked']
# Apply a function along an axis of the DataFrame# apply()-cannot be applied to multiple groups together df.apply(np.sqrt)
df_all['Deck'] =df_all['Cabin'].apply(lambdas: s[0] ifpd.notnull(s) else'M')
housing.dropna(subset=["total_bedrooms"]) # Get rid of the corresponding districtshousing.drop("total_bedrooms", axis=1) # Get rid of the whole attributemedian=housing["total_bedrooms"].median() # Set the values to some value (zero, mean, median)housing["total_bedrooms"].fillna(median, inplace=True)
'''SimpleImputer, filling with the missing numerical attributes with the "median"'''fromsklearn.imputeimportSimpleImputerimputer=SimpleImputer(strategy="median")
housing_num=housing.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]) # just numerical # "trained" inputer, now it is ready to transform the training set by replacing missing values with the learned mediansimputer.statistics_# same as "housing_num.median().values"X=imputer.transform(housing_num)
housing_tr=pd.DataFrame(X, columns=housing_num.columns,
index=housing.index) # new dataframe
'''Save the model'''importjoblibjoblib.dump(my_model, "my_model.pkl") # to save modelmy_model_loaded=joblib.load("my_model.pkl") # to load model
Fine-tune Models
Grid Search
fromsklearn.model_selectionimportGridSearchCVparam_grid= [
# try 12 (3Γ4) combinations of hyperparameters
{'n_estimators': [3, 10, 30], 'max_features': [2, 4, 6, 8]},
# then try 6 (2Γ3) combinations with bootstrap set as False
{'bootstrap': [False], 'n_estimators': [3, 10], 'max_features': [2, 3, 4]},
# train across 5 folds, that's a total of (12+6)*5=90 rounds of training grid_search=GridSearchCV(forest_reg, param_grid, cv=5,
return_train_score=True), housing_labels)
grid_search.best_params_# the best hyperparametersgrid_search.best_estimator_# look at the score of each hyperparameter combination tested during the grid search:cvres=grid_search.cv_results_formean_score, paramsinzip(cvres["mean_test_score"], cvres["params"]):
print(np.sqrt(-mean_score), params)
Randomized Search
fromsklearn.model_selectionimportRandomizedSearchCVfromscipy.statsimportrandintparam_distribs= {
'n_estimators': randint(low=1, high=200),
'max_features': randint(low=1, high=8),
rnd_search=RandomizedSearchCV(forest_reg, param_distributions=param_distribs,
n_iter=10, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', random_state=42), housing_labels)
# looking at the scores during trainingcvres=rnd_search.cv_results_formean_score, paramsinzip(cvres["mean_test_score"], cvres["params"]):
print(np.sqrt(-mean_score), params)