In the previous exercise, you've defined and implemented various actions (see Exercise 7).
In this exercise, you will implement the determinations defined for the travel BO entity and the booking BO entity in Exercise 3:
to set the default values of travel and booking entities respectively.calculateTotalPrice
to trigger the recalculation of the total price of a travel instance when needed.
- 8.1: Implement the Determinations of the Travel BO entity
- 8.2: Implement the Determinations of the Booking BO entity
- 8.3: Preview and Test the Enhanced Travel App
- Summary
Reminder: Do not forget to replace the suffix placeholder
with your choosen or assigned assigned suffix in the exercise steps below.
Click to expand!
A determination is an optional part of the business object behavior that modifies instances of business objects based on trigger conditions. A determination is implicitly invoked by the RAP framework if the trigger condition of the determination is fulfilled. Trigger conditions can be modify operations and modified fields.
Further reading: Determinations.
Implement the determinations
for the travel BO entity defined in Exercise 3.5.
🔵 Click to expand!
Implement the determination behavior in the local handler method
of the behavior pool of the travel entity.
🟣 Click to expand!
Go to the method
of the local handler classlhc_travel
in the behavior implementation classZRAP110_BP_TRAVELTP_###
and replace the empty method implementation with the code provide below.Replace all occurences of the placeholder
with your assigned suffix.************************************************************************** * determination setInitialTravelValues: BeginDate, EndDate ************************************************************************** METHOD setInitialTravelValues. READ ENTITIES OF ZRAP110_R_TravelTP_### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Travel FIELDS ( BeginDate EndDate CurrencyCode OverallStatus ) WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys ) RESULT DATA(travels). DATA: update TYPE TABLE FOR UPDATE zrap110_r_traveltp_###\\Travel. update = CORRESPONDING #( travels ). DELETE update WHERE BeginDate IS NOT INITIAL AND EndDate IS NOT INITIAL AND CurrencyCode IS NOT INITIAL AND OverallStatus IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT update ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<update>). IF <update>-BeginDate IS INITIAL. <update>-BeginDate = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ) + 1. <update>-%control-BeginDate = if_abap_behv=>mk-on. ENDIF. IF <update>-EndDate IS INITIAL. <update>-EndDate = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ) + 15. <update>-%control-EndDate = if_abap_behv=>mk-on. ENDIF. IF <update>-CurrencyCode IS INITIAL. <update>-CurrencyCode = 'EUR'. <update>-%control-CurrencyCode = if_abap_behv=>mk-on. ENDIF. IF <update>-OverallStatus IS INITIAL. <update>-OverallStatus = travel_status-open. <update>-%control-OverallStatus = if_abap_behv=>mk-on. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF update IS NOT INITIAL. MODIFY ENTITIES OF ZRAP110_R_TravelTP_### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Travel UPDATE FROM update. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD.
Implement the determination behavior in the local handler method
of the behavior pool of the travel entity. It is used to enable the call of the internal actionreCalcTotalPrice
of the Travel BO entity at specific trigger points.
🟣 Click to expand!
Go to the method
of the local handler classlhc_travel
in the behavior implementation classZRAP110_BP_TRAVELTP_###
and replace the empty method implementation with the code provide below.Replace all occurences of the placeholder
with your assigned suffix.************************************************************************** * determination calculateTotalPrice ************************************************************************** METHOD calculateTotalPrice. MODIFY ENTITIES OF ZRAP110_R_TravelTP_### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Travel EXECUTE reCalcTotalPrice FROM CORRESPONDING #( keys ). ENDMETHOD.
Implement the determinations
for the booking BO entity defined in Exercise 3.5.
🔵 Click to expand!
Implement the determination behavior in the local handler method
of the behavior pool of the booking entity.
🟣 Click to expand!
Go to the method
of the local handler classlhc_booking
in the behavior implementation classZRAP110_BP_BOOKINGTP_###
and replace the empty method implementation with the code provide below.Replace all occurences of the placeholder
with your assigned suffix.************************************************************************** * Determination setInitialBookingValues: * Set initial values for BookingDate, BookingStatus, and CustomerID ************************************************************************** METHOD setInitialBookingValues. "Read all travels for the requested bookings " If multiple bookings of the same travel are requested, the travel is returned only once. READ ENTITIES OF ZRAP110_R_TravelTP_### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Booking BY \_Travel FIELDS ( CustomerID ) WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys ) RESULT DATA(travels) LINK DATA(booking_to_travel). "Read all bookings READ ENTITIES OF ZRAP110_R_TravelTP_### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Booking FIELDS ( TravelID CustomerID BookingDate ) WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys ) RESULT DATA(bookings). DATA: update TYPE TABLE FOR UPDATE zrap110_r_traveltp_###\\Booking. update = CORRESPONDING #( bookings ). DELETE update WHERE CustomerID IS NOT INITIAL AND BookingDate IS NOT INITIAL AND BookingStatus IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT update ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<update>). IF <update>-CustomerID IS INITIAL. <update>-CustomerID = travels[ KEY id %tky = booking_to_travel[ KEY id source-%tky = <update>-%tky ]-target-%tky ]-CustomerID. <update>-%control-CustomerID = if_abap_behv=>mk-on. ENDIF. IF <update>-BookingDate IS INITIAL. <update>-BookingDate = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ). <update>-%control-BookingDate = if_abap_behv=>mk-on. ENDIF. IF <update>-BookingStatus IS INITIAL. <update>-BookingStatus = booking_status-new. <update>-%control-BookingStatus = if_abap_behv=>mk-on. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF update IS NOT INITIAL. MODIFY ENTITIES OF ZRAP110_R_TravelTP_### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Booking UPDATE FROM update. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD.
Implement the determination behavior in the local handler method
of the behavior pool of the booking entity. It is used to enable the call of the internal actionreCalcTotalPrice
of the Travel parent BO entity at specific trigger points.
🟣 Click to expand!
Go to the method
of the local handler classlhc_booking
in the behavior implementation classZRAP110_BP_BOOKINGTP_###
and replace the empty method implementation with the code provide below.Replace all occurences of the placeholder
with your assigned suffix.************************************************************************** * Determination calculateTotalPrice ************************************************************************** METHOD calculateTotalPrice. " Read all parent IDs READ ENTITIES OF ZRAP110_R_TravelTP_### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Booking BY \_Travel FIELDS ( TravelID ) WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys ) RESULT DATA(travels). " Trigger Re-Calculation on Root Node MODIFY ENTITIES OF ZRAP110_R_TravelTP_### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Travel EXECUTE reCalcTotalPrice FROM CORRESPONDING #( travels ). ENDMETHOD.
You can test the enhanced SAP Fiori elements app can be tested.
🔵 Click to expand!
You can either refresh your application in the browser using F5 if the browser is still open - or go to your service binding
and start the Fiori elements App preview for theTravel
entity set. -
Play around with the app. For example,...
- Create or Edit an existing entry to check the calculation of the total price.
- Create a new booking instance.
Now that you've...
- Implemented the various determinations,
- called an internal action from a determination, and
- previewed your enhanced travel App
you can continue with the next exercise – Exercise 9: Enhance the BO Behavior with Side Effects