The prerequisites can readily be installed using the conda
package manager:
conda create -n ncvis -c conda-forge wxwidgets libnetcdf
conda activate ncvis
Work is presently underway to put ncvis on conda-forge, and is expected for our second release.
Issues have been reported with ncvis segfaulting when compiled with GNU g++
version 4.8.5. A compiled executable with GNU g++ version 10 or later does
not seem to suffer from this issue. To ensure a modern version of the GNU
compiler is used, you may wish to add cxx-compiler
to the conda
Some have reported issues with missing libraries in their build environment during build (e.g., #14). This may mean additional libraries need to be added via conda:
conda install -c anaconda libxxf86vm-cos6-x86_64
Often Googling for the name of the warning message will provide instructions on the name of the package needed to address the issue. At this point no general solution is known.
A cmake based build infrastructure has been included to assist with
configuring the build. To build ncvis in this manner, in the ncvis
run commands:
cmake .
make all
The executable can also be built by running sh ./
. The script
has some configurable flags, such as the install prefix. By default the
install is created in the root directory.
On NCAR's Cheyenne supercomputer, by default several modules prevent static linking with HDF5 and other dependencies when building with the netcdf library. To complete the build on Cheyenne the following commands should be run prior to compilation:
module load gnu/12.1.0
module unload ncarenv
module unload ncarcompilers
module unload netcdf
Resources needed by ncvis
for execution are normally found in the resources
folder, which is assumed to be in the same folder as the ncvis
If an alternate resource folder location is needed, the environment variable
should be set to the resources path.