Do not do any of these until you have completed level 500!
Here are some ideas for consideration for further work:
- Add cast listing to your show listing,
- Add cast listing to your episode listing,
- Allow clicking a cast member to present a view of all shows the person has appeared in
- Linking those back into your episodes view of each show.
- Truncate long summaries and provide a "... read more..." control to reveal more.
- Allow the user to choose to have the show list sorted by rating (highest rated shows first)
- Have your search support start-of-word search, or other search types.
- Make the browser's back and forward buttons navigate through your changed views (see History.pushState()).
- Allow user to mark "favourite" shows
- Allow user to store notes on each episode
- Use local storage to cache the above, and perhaps also to cache episode lists
- Paginate through results with a "load more" button - don't load 100s of episodes at a time.
- Experiment with infinite scroll
- Responsive design
- Style your page to fit the theme of the show (colours, typography, background images, etc). Commit to one show to do this.