- add a movie
- view all the movies
- add movie details
- delete a movie
- rate a movie
- get all the users who rated a movie
- get the overall movie rate
- add a movie to user's faviourites
- add a movie to a user watched list
- get all users who watched a movie
- get how many minutes a user watched a certain movie
- addMovie() // adds a movie with whatever details you decide to add
- deleteMovie() // deletes a movie
- getMovie() // gets a movie with its detials
- getMovies() // get all movies
- rateMovie() // rates a movie
Notes to consider:-
- The app must use redux to manage the state of the app.
- Add your custom Redux implementation. Don't use the library
- HTML & vanilla javascript only allowed. No framework or any library or bundler like webpack should be used.
- The app should run in browser console.
- The above examples just for demonestrations, pick any suitable name, pass any parameters that fit your needs.
app.addUser => adds a user. //adding movie before user or admin cause movies to return undefined.