This application is a simple phone book developed in Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) in Python. The user interface of this project has been implemented by tkinter. No specific database is used in this project and the information is stored in a text file.
The features of this application are:
- Add new contact
- Update contact
- Delete contact
- Search in contact name
- Sending SMS via SMS system web service
When you run the software, the contact list opens like this.
To define a new contact, click the New Contact button to receive the first name, last name, and phone number. Click the Submit button to add a new contact to the contact list.
To update a contact, select the desired contact and click the update Contact button to open the edit form. It is possible to change the first name, last name, and phone number in this form. By selecting the Submit button, the changes are applied to the list.
To delete a contact, select the desired contact and click the Delete Contact button. Contact will be deleted from the list.
To Search a contact, enter the term in search bar and click the Search button . The list of contacts be filtered.
To send a text message to a contact, select the desired contact and click the SMS button to open the send SMS form. It is necessary to enter URL، Line Number, API Key and Message. The phone number will be filled in automatically.