We welcome contributions to sra-pylib! Whether you want to report a bug, suggest an enhancement, or submit code changes, we appreciate your input.
If you encounter a bug in sra-pylib, please open an issue on our GitHub repository. Be sure to include as much detail as possible about the bug, including:
- A description of what you were doing when the bug occurred
- The error message you received (if applicable)
- Steps to reproduce the bug
- Any other relevant information
Reporting bugs is highly appreciated as it helps us improve the library.
If you have an idea for how to improve sra-pylib, please open an issue on our GitHub repository. Be sure to include a detailed description of your suggestion and any relevant information.
If you want to contribute code to sra-pylib, please follow these steps:
- Fork the sra-pylib repository on GitHub.
- Clone your fork of the repository to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and test them locally.
- Push your changes to your fork of the repository.
- Create a pull request to merge your changes into the main repository.
Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your code follows our coding style and that all tests pass.
We follow the Python Style Guide for our Python code. Please ensure that your code follows this style guide before submitting a pull request.
We expect all contributors to adhere to our Code of Conduct. Please read it before contributing.
Thank you for contributing to sra-pylib!