- MIDI input & revert MIDI out of course
- score helpers also utilized for musicxml import:
- fold (simplify) ties & rests
- append another melody to score
- clean code if objections will not occur:
- when right mouse button is not used: TexamExacutor and TexecutorSupply
- ...
- migrate on preferred 48000 Hz sample rate (ogg files and audio methods). DO NOT forget to resize output samples length
- download particular instrument samples file on demand - to save installers size
- storing custom tuning named by user. Import/export tuning in XML files
- undo/redo for score modifications
- add rests option for random melodies in exams
- ear training as a kind of an instrument with bunch of apparent exercises
- playing with metronome under Android - possible migration to Oboe library
- implement play what you listened to kind of exercise for melodies
- adding set of rhythm patterns for melodies generated from random notes (similar to melody list)
- time stamps in question/answer units - to better track exam progress
- adding actually edited score melody to current level
- editing melody from currently selected/composed level
- add violin support and revert pitch accuracy check. It has less usage for currently supported instruments, but for violin can be perfect
- support for triplets
- support for pickup (anacrusis) measures
- exams control melody tempo, either fixed value from melody or random from declared range (or increased every question).. so far, user can play whatever tempo he likes
- playing melodies in charts and single notes as well
- option for randomizing timbre (instrument sound) in every dictation melody
- add QML control for displaying single note using Bravura texts/glyphs system (to use in chart and question tips)
- add Italian names of tempo to tempo menu
- read-only levels - password protected, when teacher doesn't want user to see melodies inside
- TexamExacutor checkAnswerAct hint -> remove %1
- TscoreKeySignature to KeySignature
left hand guitar (do we really need this?)
question mark during exam/exercises
no intonation gradients
There is no right mouse button to check/ask question - do we need that???
revert exam times (if we really need that):
next question delay
correction preview
- add minimal zoom value depends on screen resolution
- average effectiveness line in chart
- settings for keyboard shortcuts
- intervals: creating melody with set of available intervals only
- intervals: questions related to them in exam/exercises
- recognizing melodies from *.ogg and *.wav files
- support for (octavation marks) - octave drop/rise (8-va, 15-va)
- preview of questions in Level Creator (list, on the guitar, in the score)
- comparing exams (charts)
- keep exam file in /tmp and restore it when crash or so
- add sound during wizard and About dialog (???)
- options for adjusting pitch detection range to 1.score, 2. instrument scale (???)
- think about hide octave in note name format when octaves are not required in answers.
Also for questions in "hint" - don't show octave when only name is required