Z-Wave-Protocol-Controller is a Linux application to control Z-Wave networks with a Silicon Labs NCP, It has grown as part of Unify SDK project and is now maintained as an external project.
- NEWS.md lists important information regarding zpc "split release".
- applications/zpc/release_notes.md
Please refer to online documentation at:
Or relevant sources pages, to get started head to:
The project is CMake based, to prepare the environment, have a look at ./helper.mk's details for needed steps to setup developer system before using CMake normally.
At the moment stable version of Debian (12) is supported, so it should work also in relatives projects (Ubuntu, RaspiOS, WSL2 etc) and should be easy to adapt to other distributions.
sudo apt-get install -y sudo make git
git clone https://github.com/SiliconLabsSoftware/z-wave-protocol-controller
cd z-wave-protocol-controller
./helper.mk help
./helper.mk setup # To setup developer system (once)
./helper.mk VERBOSE=1 # Default build tasks verbosely (depends on setup)"
./helper.mk run # Run entry-point application
It should print zpc's help.
To use it, a Silicon Labs' Z-Wave NCP should be plugged in USB port to verify you can check firmware version:
serial=$(ls /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs* | head -n1)
./helper.mk all run run_args="--zpc.serial=${serial} --zpc.ncp_version"
# <i> [zpc_ncp_update] chip_serial_api_version: 7.23.1
Then let's interact with ZPC's inbuilt shell without installing it.
serial=$(ls /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs* | head -n1)
run_args="$run_args --mapdir=${mapdir}"
run_args="$run_args --zpc.datastore_file=${datastore_file}"
run_args="$run_args --zpc.ota.cache_path=${cache_path}"
sudo apt install -y mosquitto # Is a strong runtime dependency
mkdir -p ${cache_path}
./helper.mk run run_args="$run_args"
Unify Command line interface Help:
exit :Exit the application
zwave_home_id Print Z-Wave Home ID
zwave_add_node :Add a Z-Wave node to the network
zwave_set_default Reset Z-Wave network
ZPC> zwave_home_id
Z-Wave Home ID:
ZPC> zwave_add_node
How to use a z-wave controller with ZPC running in WSL2 ?
You can use this script.
Start by installing the usbipd service as described at: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/connect-usb
# You can list devices using:
(Powershell)$ ./wslusb.ps1 -List
# Get the BUSID of the device you want to mount
(Powershell)$ ./wslusb.ps1 -Attach <busid>
# Check that the device is correctly mounted into WSL2
(WSL2)$ lsusb # you should see your device here
# Detach the device with
(Powershell)$ ./wslusb.ps1 -Detach <busid>
The fastest (less than 20min) way to build z-wave-protocol-controller from scratch is to delegate all tasks to docker.
docker build https://github.com/SiliconLabsSoftware/z-wave-protocol-controller.git#ver_1.7.0
This one-liner will do download latest release, setup environment, build, test, package...
Also a docker-compose file is provided to start zpc and use it along a mqtt client.
Power users might prefer to work in sources tree in a native GNU/Linux environment as explained above.
Refer to ./doc for more (using MQTT, WebApp etc).
- https://SiliconLabs.github.io/UnifySDK/
- https://github.com/SiliconLabs/UnifySDK/
- https://docs.silabs.com/z-wave/
- https://www.silabs.com/
- https://z-wavealliance.org/
- https://github.com/Z-Wave-Alliance/z-wave-stack/wiki/ZPC
Copyright 2021 Silicon Laboratories Inc. www.silabs.com
The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc. Your use of this software is governed by the terms of Silicon Labs Master Software License Agreement (MSLA) available at www.silabs.com/about-us/legal/master-software-license-agreement. This software is distributed to you in Source Code format and is governed by the sections of the MSLA applicable to Source Code.