The Swiss Interest Group Histamine Intolerance (SIGHI) publishes a simplified histamine elimination diet for histamine intolerance. The diet is for people with a DAO degradation disorder who have to avoid histamine, other biogenic amines and DAO inhibitors in their diet.
Mast cell activation disorders are often mistaken for histamine intolerance. In case of histamine sensitivity due to mast cell activation disorders (MCAD) this dietary guideline is not sufficient. See the detailed list, which additionally takes histamine liberators into consideration as completely as possible.
Everybody has to find out by trial and error what he/she can tolerate in what quantities. Always read the list of ingredients to find out whether a food contains incompatible ingredients. Freshness is important.
Compatibility is highly dependent on the individual sensitivity and the amount consumed. It is temporarily affected by stress, hormones, and many other factors.