React web app hosted on AWS EC2 that allows users to dynamically populate 3d rendering of playlists as a solar system. Song metadata determines factors of the planet like size, speed, and rotation. Users can click on planets to hear 30 second snippets of the song that planet represents. Employs computer vision to map album art palette to planet color gradient. Utilizes Docker to host the backend, frontend, and NGINX.

Website URL:
For rendering jsx elements and creating UINpm
Package management and frontend server managementReactThree.js
Rendering and manipulating geometric objects in ReactDocker
Containerization of frontend, backend, and NGINXSKLearn
Machine learning appliation used to target prominent colors used to alter image dataAWS EC2
Cloud hosting of web applciationGoDaddy
Hosting for our domainNGINX
Reverse proxy manager to route traffice from port 80 to docker containersMultiThreading
Ran multiple threads for processing large amounts of image dataFastAPI
Python api for querying spotify api and returning data to the frontendSpotify
We used their API to recieve meta data about playlists for planet manipulation
- Our frontend makes a fetch to the API
const res = await fetch(
- First, we have to use our Spotify developer account to retrieve an authorization token that allows for access to the spotify API
def generate_authorization_token(self) -> str:
""" """
url = ""
payload = {
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": self.CLIENT_ID,
"client_secret": self.CLIENT_SECRET,
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception if there's an HTTP error
self.access_token = response.json().get("access_token")
return self.access_token
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error making request: {e}")
return None
- After we are authenticated, we can query Spotify and retrieve back the playlist data"/api/spotify/playlist")
async def get_playlist(request: Request):
res = await request.json()
assert res.get("url")
url = res.get("url")
ID ="/playlist/([^?]+)", url.get("query"))
if ID:
ID =
bearer_token = f"Bearer {spotify.auth.access_token}"
headers = {"Authorization": bearer_token}
playlist = Endpoints.PLAYLIST.value
playlist = f"{playlist.PLAYLIST.value}/{ID}"
res = requests.get(playlist, headers=headers)
t = Transformer(res.json())
return {"items": t.tracklist}
return {"message": "Error parsing tracks."}
- We then transform that data and map it to a planet, along with other transformations not shown
track_as_dict = {
"id": i,
"size": size,
"speed": speed,
"name": name,
"artists": artist_name,
"textureMap": textureMap,
"rotationSpeed": (random.randrange(15000, 25000) / 1000000),
"offset": random.randint(0, 100),
"xRadius": (i * 4) + 6,
"is_explicit": is_explicit,
"population": population,
"preview": preview,
"image_url": album_img,
"album": album,
We saw a project that procedurally generated a topographical map based on bit data from Spotify. Instead, we thought a song representing each celestial body would be more theme-driven.
It allows the user to input a Spotify playlist URL to dynamically populate a solar system based on the songs' metadata. Each planet varies in speed, color, size, texture, and rotational speed. Songs that are more popular produce larger planets for example.
We have a React frontend and a Python FastAPI backend. The frontend sends the playlist URL to the backend via fetch. Then the backend makes a call to Spotify API. The data is returned to the backend where the data is processed and organized into a planet data set with characteristics unique to the Spotify metadata. We use ReactThree.js to render 3d models in the react app. We hosted the microservices for our web app on AWS in an Ubuntu runner via Docker containers. NGINX was used to reverse proxy to route traffic from port 80 into our webapp container. We acquired a domain from GoDaddy to route to our public IP for the EC2 container.