An in-game debug console for godot. It does one thing, and it does it well. It tracks and displays debug logs, and is dead simple to use.
its easily emplimentable into any project.
- Copy the "Debug" folder to the top level directoryof any godot project.
- Add and DebugView.tscn to the auto load list in godot project settings.
now you're ready to start logging things in your code.
## ../ ...
var debug : Debug.Data # allocate debug data instance
### var debug = Debug.New("id") # Does NOT currently work when run
# outside a function or in _init_
func ready():
debug = Debug.New("Example Bug") # instance debug data object
debug.Log("_ready()", "Hello World") # create a log in our debug object
note the uppercase 'N' in Debug.New("")
, this function is not the same as
The debug ui will be shown by default when running a scene. Pressing BACKSPACE
will toggle the debug ui on and off. To change the size of the debug panel click and drag at the edge of the panel.
to safely remove the debug console in release versions of your game without having to search and reomve debug statements in your code, remove "DebugView.tscn" from the auto load list in project settings.