1] Gathering all the Accessories:-
We gathered all the Accessories mentioned above from the local market and collected 2GB Developer kit.
2] Preparing for Setup:-
-connect SD card to PC/Laptop
-Download SD card Image (For 2 GB kit)
-Download SD Card Formatter & Install it.
-Quick format the SD card
-Download , Install & Launch ETCHER
-Select Downloaded image, select target device as Memory card then flash ( takes more than 10 min)
3] Setting up Kit:-
Insert the SD card in kit
Attach the Accessories in slots of kit as shown below
- Turn On power supply & wait for system to boot
- When you boot the first time, the developer kit will take you through some initial setup, including:
- Review and accept NVIDIA Jetson software EULA
- Select system language, keyboard layout, and time zone
- Create username, password, and computer name
- Optionally configure wireless networking
- Select APP partition size. It is recommended to use the max size suggested
- Create a swap file. It is recommended to create a swap file
- Review and accept NVIDIA Jetson software EULA
4] Downloading Jetson Inference with Docker Container:-
Open Terminal and type following command
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dusty-nv/jetson-inference
Wait until it downloads the container( May take 10-15 mins on slow connection)
Change Directory to jetson-inference using below command
cd jetson-inference
Run the Docker container command, It will ask for the password of your kit. Enter password(in Linux the password you type is not shown) and press enter
It may take time in First time running the docker command and ask for models that you want to download. Download default models and presss ok
5] Now download the Project.rar file from here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PgXG13vUNIofIlw480FAM_Y8ybLxdo66/view?usp=drive_web
6]Extract the folder you'll get data & Models folder. Replace these folders at below location
7]Directly test the project
use this command to test cancer model
imagenet --model=models/ct-scan/resnet18.onnx --input_blob=input_0 --output_blob=output_0 --labels=data/ct-scan/labels.txt data/Project/Test01/Input/mix data/Project/Test01/Output
Use this command to test x-ray model
imagenet --model=models/xray/resnet18.onnx --input_blob=input_0 --output_blob=output_0 --labels=data/xray/labels.txt data/Project/Test02/Input/mix data/Project/Test02/Output
For live detection
cancer model
imagenet --model=models/ct-scan/resnet18.onnx --input_blob=input_0 --output_blob=output_0 --labels=data/ct-scan/labels.txt /dev/video0
X-ray model
imagenet --model=models/xray/resnet18.onnx --input_blob=input_0 --output_blob=output_0 --labels=data/xray/labels.txt /dev/video0