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Homepage |
- 01/10/2017 - Slides of the talks are now available on the program page.
- 01/09/2017 - The DBPL 2017 proceedings are available through the ACM Digital Library.
- 13/08/2017 - We are delignted to announce the DBPL 2017 program!
- 13/08/2017 - Oracle and SAP are official sponsors of DBPL 2017.
- 10/05/2017 - We extended the submission deadlines by one week.
- 14/04/2017 - Our Submission Page is now online.
- 13/03/2017 - We're happy to announce the members of our Program Committee.
DBPL is a biennial symposium that aims to foster exchange of ideas and discussion about current trends and open problems between the data management and the programming languages research communities.
For over 30 years, DBPL has established itself as the principal venue for publishing and discussing new ideas and problems at the intersection of data management and programming languages. Many key contributions relevant to the formal foundations, design, implementation, and evaluation of query languages (e.g., for object-oriented, nested, or semi-structured data) were first announced at DBPL.
DBPL 2017 solicits theoretical and practical papers in all areas of Data-Centric Programming. Please see the Call for Papers for more detailed information.
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Workshop Chairs
- Tiark Rompf, Purdue University, USA (contact:
- Alexander Alexandrov, TU Berlin, Germany (contact:
Steering Committee
- Torsten Grust, Universität Tübingen, Germany
- James Cheney, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Thomas Neumann, TU München, Germany
Program Committee
- Peter Alvaro, UC Santa Cruz, USA
- Nada Amin, EPFL, Switzerland
- Sebastian Breß, TU Berlin, Germany
- Hassan Chafi, Oracle, USA
- Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Mohammad Sadoghi, Purdue University, USA
- Ce Zhang, ETH, Switzerland
- Danica Porobic, Oracle, USA
- Alvin Cheung, University of Washington, USA
![Oracle][oracle] ![SAP SE][sap]
[oracle]: {{ site.baseurl }}/img/oracle.svg "Oracle Logo" [sap]: {{ site.baseurl }}/img/sap.svg "SAP SE Logo"