Checkout new branch based on the develop branch
$ git checkout -b mybranch origin/develop
(Optional) push local branch to GitHub for collaboration
$ git push --set-upstream origin mybranch
Code feature, add file to be commited
$ git add myfileIchanged.js
Commit to branch as needed
$ git commit -m 'added foo'
(Not required if single commit already) Squash commits into one commit when ready for pull request with 4 easy steps
Checkout develop branch and pull the latest changes
$ git checkout develop && git pull
Checkout your branch again, and merge the develop branch into it
$ git checkout mybranch && git merge develop
Soft reset to the last commit from the develop branch (this leaves your changes ready to commit again)
$ git reset --soft origin/develop
Make a final commit that will be used for the pull request
$ git commit -m 'my actual commit' $ git push --set-upstream origin mybranch
NoteIf you have already pushed your branch to GitHub before resetting the branch, you may have to use a force push (If anyone else is using the branch, they will need to pull before making any other changes)
$ git push -f
Submit a pull request for your branch
TipTo submit a pull request in GitHub-
On the GitHub project page, click New pull request
Select "develop" for the base branch, and "your branch" for the compare branch
Enter useful comments, reference the story being worked on or general bug fix
Click Create pull request
Once the pull request has been reviewed, merge pull request to develop branch
In the pull request, click Merge pull request, then click Close pull request
NoteAny commits to the develop branch will kick off a Wercker job that will deploy the application to a PCF development environment
When features are ready to go to production, merge develop to master
Option 1 - Create pull request in GitHub to merge develop into master
On the GitHub project page, click New pull request
Select "develop" for the base branch, and "your branch" for the compare branch
Enter useful comments, reference the story being worked on or general bug fix
Click Create pull request
Option 2 - use CLI to merge develop into master
$ git checkout develop && git pull $ git checkout master && git pull $ git merge develop && git push
NoteAny commits to the master branch will kick off a Wercker job that will deploy the application to Production in a PCF environment