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File metadata and controls

90 lines (76 loc) · 4.59 KB

Below can be found a list of data manulipation scripts that help make this work posible. Both R and Python were used. Python for the data collection and manuliption. R for the analysis and paper generation.


All scripts have been tested on Python 3.8.5. The external modules that were used can be found in the requirments.txt file along with their versions. Note: not all modules are required for all scripts. If any of the modules are not alreasy installed the normal pip install -r requirments.txt process should be followed.


Below is a brief summary of each of the scripts. In order to fully regenerate the results run the scripts in the order listed. Any folder result will be deleted, including subfolders, then recreated. Any file result will first be overwritten. The pathing can be changed to any desired location. Some script results need to be stored in the ~/results folder in order for the code written in R to be run without path updates. When this is the case, the script will note as such. These paths can still be changed, but the R code will need to be adjusted internally.

  1. This script will get the list of votes from Congress. The script needs to know which congress (I.E. 101st)
    python -O -out d:/temp/list_of_votes -c 101
  2. This script converts the raw HTML downloaded in step 1 into an easy to consume CSV. This is a core result. It needs to be stored in the ~/results folder for further processing. It needs to be compressed and uploaded to releases.
    python -O -in d:/temp/list_of_votes -out d:/temp/list_of_votes.csv
  3. This script will get the details of each vote from based on the prior result.
    python -O -in d:/temp/list_of_votes.csv -out d:/temp/vote_details
  4. This script combines the raw CSV downloaded in step 3 into a single easy to consume CSV. This is a core result. It needs to be stored in the ~/results folder for further processing. It needs to be compressed and uploaded to releases.
    python -O -in d:/temp/vote_details -out d:/temp/vote_details.csv
  5. This script will get the plain text of measure voted upon from based on the prior result.
    python -O -in d:/temp/list_of_votes.csv -out d:/temp/vote_details


All scripts have been tested on R/R Studio 3.6.2/1.2.5019. The below packages are needed to run the scripts. The scripts were tested on the noted versions, so YMMV. Note: not all packages are required for all scripts. If this it the first time running the scripts, the packages will need to be installed. They can be installed using the below code then re-starting RStudio.

  • dplyr 0.8.5
  • ggpubr 0.2.5
install.packages(c('dplyr', 'ggpubr'))

Core Results

Some scripts produce data that is considered temporary while others produce core features of the dataset. When the result is a core result, the result needs copied to the ~/results folder as well as compressed and uploaded to GitHub for long term storage. This two part aproach is taken because GitHub has some issues when dealing with large files. The recomended method for dealing with large files is to store them in releases. You can find the gzip'ed versions of the below there. Any of the steps above can be skipped by downloading the correct file and proceding from that point forward.

The below list represents the core results in this dataset.

  1. List of Votes
    • Download to the ~/results folder and extract in place
  2. Vote Details
    • Download to the ~/results folder and extract in place
  3. Bill text