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I wrote you a letter a bout a year ago about the fact that alot of folks done got hurt in California! I claimed you as my wife bc I was told to call ppl i know my wife by Muna in some distorted Kidnap Message. NBAYOUNGBOY girl got kidnapped too! Do you read 2600_Magazine? Likely not its kinda hard to come across, began reading whenI was at Savannah Tech at the Old Mall Barnes an Noble there was a lot of high powered computer science students at the local military base. Now that Im in Los Angeles with you! Did you know that Nasa is our local military? #Smartcities. If you mad i called you my wife just cross out my graffiti next time i tag on a Hollywood curb. Here are some impotant tweets that can affect you, Coral is still missing an @Normani is Manessa from FamilyServices like yall got intersecting lives professionally in my personal life and vice versa. Im super clean shawtay!
innocent dance411 people
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