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NodeBB WebView App

Welcome to the documentation for the Android or actually NodeBB WebView App.

  1. Download and install Android Studio (JDK 7 or higher are required) , just like Android SDK Platform 22.

  2. Open Android Studio and select to import an existing project. Now simply select the unpacked folder.

  3. This is it. You have successfully opened the code in Android Studio and are now ready to edit the code.

Code Structure:

Basically the code itself is very simple. You can find the main code in /app/src/main/java/com.webview.nodebb.

Here a little explanation for all java files:

  • Creates a Google Analytics & Parse instance.

  • Is what the end user sees. It calls all other java files and creates the actual application.

The drawer has been locked in this release. To disable it go to line 176 and remove it!

  • Almost self-explaining. Allows you to enable or disable specific elements, like Google Analytics, AdMob or Parse.

  • drawer/ Declares the functions of the drawer.

  • fragment/ Actual WebView file.

  • fragment/ “Loads” site and handles callbacks.

  • utility/ Download manager.

  • utility/ Gets file paths.

  • utility/ Checks the network type.

  • view/ Define view state.

Basically this is everything the code is built upon. As you can see it is basically extremely simple, but therefore also relatively easy to advance.

Let’s take a look at the XML files, at least the ones we should care about.

They can be found in app/src/main/res.

For us only the folder “values” matters.


Enter AdMob ad ID and test device ID, if wished.


Defines navigation elements. To add a new one simply create a new . Samples can be found in the file itself. To add icons simply right click on the res folder and select “Image Asset”. Now you can import your pictures/icons. Be sure to select “Action Bar and Tab Icons”.


Defines app name and text to return on an error.


Defines the different themes.

That’s basically everything you need to know about the files.


Q.: How do I change the package name?

A.: Right click on the java folder > Create Package. Now simply drag and drop the files to the new folder and also edit package name in the AndroidManifest.xml. Also clean/rebuild the project because of possible “R” errors.

Q.: How do I change the theme?

A.: Open the AndroidManifest.xml and change “android:theme”.

Q.: How do I change the Launcher Icon?

A.: Same way as you added an app icon, however, this time make sure it is a “Launcher Icon”.

Q.: How do I get an APK?

A.: First of all, you need to create a keystore by running: keytool -genkey -v -keystore webapp.keystore -alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 36500

Then enter the alias and the password into

Now run “gradlew assemble”. The APK can be found at app/build/outputs.