0.3.0 - 2024-11-27
- New sub GUI 2DInv in NUCLEUSinv for 2D T1-T2 inversion (works so far for HELIOS, DART and JAVELIN (Vista Clara) and RockCoreAnalyzer (Magritek) data)
- New import routines in NUCLEUSinv for the NMR Dart Logging tool
- New Extra menu entry in NUCLEUSinv to find duplicate NMR signals in the file list
- New fitting options in the PhaseView sub GUI of NUCLEUSinv
- Unified the appearance along several sub GUIs for consistency
- Updated the wait bar increments for very long batch runs
- When HELIOS data is imported, the user can now decide if several files should be stacked together
- Fixed a bug when importing data and the Statistics Toolbox is not available
0.2.1 - 2024-02-11
- Added uncertainty data do Excel export in NUCLEUSinv
- Added uncertainty calculation to batch mode in NUCLEUSinv
- Added a new flag to the Extra menu of NUCLEUSinv that allows to set all relaxation times < TE/5 to zero when
is used for the RTD inversion
- Changed the default settings for NMR signal calculation in NUCLEUSmod (more realistic echo time TE of 200µs and the first echo within the time vector is actually TE or TE/2 and not 0)
- Fixed an issue when exporting data from UncertView GUI to NUCLEUSinv main GUI
- Re-factored a few of the uncertainty calculation functions
- More seamless integration of UncertView GUI
0.2.0 - 2024-02-01
- New functionality to estimate the uncertainty of relaxation time distributions (RTDs) by using a simple bootstrapping method
- New sub GUI UncertView in NUCLEUSinv to process and evaluate the uncertainty data
- Fixed an issue when importing NUCLEUSinv session files older than version v.0.1.14 (there is a new general T field for mono and N free exp. (2-5) inversion results which was not initialized)
- Several minor improvements in GUI handling, usability and visualization.
0.1.14 - 2023-09-27
- New optional sub GUI FixedTimeView in NUCLEUSinv that allows to fix relaxation times (up to five) if the N free exp. (2-5) option for inversion is chosen and thus only the corresponding amplitudes are fitted
- New import routine in NUCLEUSinv for the LIAG core scanner (several NMR measurements along a core)
- Changed the import routines in NUCLEUSinv for BGR devices (Mouse and Helios) due to device software updates
0.1.13 - 2022-08-11
- Changed the way the uncertainty region is displayed when the Multi modal fitting option in NUCLEUSinv is used (now it is
[mean-2*std mean+2*std]
before it was[min max]
- Fixed an issue in NUCLEUSmod when calculating forward NMR data for single capillaries with corners (right angular and polygon)
- Fixed an issue in the NUCLEUSmod example scripts (Tdiff was not initialized)
- Fixed an issue in NUCLEUSinv regarding the fitting routine
in combination with the Optimization Toolbox in Matlab Versions newer than R2019b
0.1.12 - 2022-02-17
- New SNR-option in NUCLEUSmod to set the noise of the forward modelled NMR data either by noise level or signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
- New Multi modal fitting option in NUCLEUSinv (only in Expert mode) with built-in uncertainty estimation for the final RTD
- New import routines to NUCLEUSinv for BGR devices (Mouse and Helios)
- Difussion relaxation time Tdiff is now considered in NUCLEUSmod (NMR panel) and NUCLEUSinv (Petro Parameter panel)
- Added an
file to the repository.
- Changed the default export path and file name for graphics files in NUCLEUSinv to the current import path and data file
- Changed the visualization of the imaginary part of the raw data (if available)
- Minor internal changes
- Fixed an issue regarding the import of T1 data without noise (noise is now estimated on-the-fly via a fit with five free exponents)
0.1.11 - 2021-03-12
- New ConductView figure in NUCLEUSinv and NUCLEUSmod that shows the hydraulic conductivity and permeability
- New import routines to NUCLEUSinv for IBAC institute
- New parameter file values in NUCLEUSinv for the BAM TOM import
- Changed the behavior of the number of echoes per gate field. Zero is no longer allowed and will be automatically set to 1
- Rearrangement of some menues regarding the ConductView implementation
- Restructured the import menu of NUCLEUSinv so that the GGE and IBAC institute are now in RWTH
- The y-axis label of the RTD and PSD plots in NUCLEUSinv now only shows water content [vol %] if the porosity is not 1. This is much more intuitive
- Fixed two import bugs for LIAG single/project data in NUCLEUSinv (time scale conversion and background signal treatment)
- Fixed output data when using the LU inversion in NUCLEUSinv (before the wrong kernel matrix was stored)
- Fixed an internal data managment bug when activating/deactivating the joint inversion options
- Fixed an issue regarding the use of only a single signal for the joint inversion and the inversion-geometry exhibits corners
0.1.10 - 2020-09-10
- Added an updated
file to the repository. - Added a new Dart import routine. NUCLEUSinv
- Added a complete status bar to NUCLEUSmod
- Restructured the menus of both GUIs to be more precise and consistent and with less sub-menu levels
- Removed the complete iterative χ2 inversion option because it never worked as reliable as I would have liked it. NUCLEUSinv
- Shortened the Info-field numbers to fit into the output window. NUCLEUSinv
- Fixed a nasty minimize / maximize bug for the panels in NUCLEUSmod
0.1.9 - 2019-10-30
- A last export entry added to the export menu. It always shows the last chosen export routine (speeds up exporting when handling a lot of data). NUCLEUSinv
- Session files from an older NUCLEUSinv version can now be imported (starting from v.0.1.8). NUCLEUSinv
- Within the context menu of the signal list the entry all was renamed to batch. Now it indicates what it is actually doing - batch processing of multiple files. NUCLEUSinv
- Renamed the InvLaplace inversion option to LU (LU-decomposition) to resolve the confusion with a real inverse Laplace transform. NUCLEUSinv
- Fixed typos and several minor improvements.
0.1.8 - 2019-07-09
- Added a new color theme: black
- Adjusted the dark color theme to new darker background colors
- Extended the BAM NMR tomograph import filter to take care of background measurements. NUCLEUSinv
- The Matlab internal
is now the default multi-exponential LSQ option even if the Optimization Toolbox is available. NUCLEUSinv - If the Optimization Toolbox is available the user can now choose between
was not working properly (default settings adjusted). NUCLEUSinv- Fixed the tool tip update when changing the solver or regularization option. NUCLEUSinv
- Several minor improvements.
0.1.7 - 2019-06-27
- Extended the BAM NMR tomograph import routine to handle data files that do not belong to a lift-set (i.e. do not have a z-position defined in the par-file). NUCLEUSinv
- When importing a LIAG project where the calibration file is already inverted, and hence, automatically imported, the relaxation time is now used as Tbulk time for the sample. NUCLEUSinv
0.1.6 - 2019-06-24
- Added a new PhaseView subGUI to view and change the phase between real and imaginary part of a T2 signal. NUCLEUSinv
- Added a new import filter for the BAM NMR tomograph. NUCLEUSinv
- Added an export feature that allows to save T2 raw data into a csv-file (e.g. LIAG format); during save it is possible to overwrite the imaginary part with zeros. NUCLEUSinv
- If a T2 signal is imported it is automatically rotated to minimize its imaginary part (the fit incorporates real and imag. part of the signal). NUCLEUSinv
- The FitStatistics window layout is now in line with the PhaseView layout for consistency reasons. NUCLEUSinv
- If a signal is already inverted and the user changes one of the petro settings, these settings are now stored in the inverted data set too. NUCLEUSinv
- Many minor improvements mainly regarding a consistent usage experience.
0.1.5 - 2019-03-27
- Restructured the Process panel and added an additional edit field to set the maximum numbers of echoes per time gate (if gating is activated). NUCLEUSinv
- Added an option (Extra-Settings-Joint Inversion-menu) to set the inversion bounds for the surface relaxivity (only possible within the joint inversion). NUCLEUSinv
- Added an option to plot AMP vs TLGM to the Extra-Figures-menu. NUCLEUSinv
- Globally renamed rectangular to right angular to avoid any confusion.
- Restructured the Extra menu to comply with the menu structure of NUCLEUSinv. NUCLEUSmod
- When importing ASCII or EXCEL data the ini-file gets now updated. NUCLEUSinv
- Export menu now also works for joint inversion data. NUCLEUSinv
- When switching Expert Mode on / off the availability of the Optimization toolbox is now properly checked and accounted for. NUCLEUSinv
- Many minor improvements mainly regarding a consistent usage experience. NUCLEUSinv
- Color theme switching now works (but default theme is used at every startup). NUCLEUSmod
0.1.4 - 2019-03-08
- Added error weights to the free exp. inversion (new routine
- Due to the new error weights there is no default gating method anymore for the free exp. inversion. NUCLEUSinv
- T1 inversion recovery factor (1 or 2 depending on inversion or saturation recovery) was missing in free exp. inversion and free joint inversion (in Jacobian calculation for angular pores). NUCLEUSinv
0.1.3 - 2019-02-22
- Added a water content column to the csv-export of the LIAG archive-option NUCLEUSinv
- Also importing porosity and surface relaxivity information when importing NUCLEUSmod data into NUCLEUSinv. NUCLEUSinv
- Changed the y-label of all RTD and PSD axes to volumetric water content [vol %] NUCLEUSinv
- When using NUCLEUSmod data in NUCLEUSinv and performing a joint inversion, the forward and inverted PSDs are now rescaled to the correct water content to be comparable (added a second rescaling after rescaling by the integral of individual PSDs). NUCLEUSinv
- Noise is now handled as absolute value instead of percentage. NUCLEUSmod
- Noise and porosity scaling get handled now within the same routine during forward NMR signal calculation (
- The error vector e is now correctly scaled at the beginning of the joint inversion routine
, therefore accounting for noise and porosity / water content. NUCLEUSinv
0.1.2 - 2019-02-12
- Added a residual (error) axes to the joint inversion signal axes panel. NUCLEUSinv
- Added myui information to the session file (this is needed in the future for backward compatibility). NUCLEUSinv
- When a session file with joint inversion data is imported, the GUI is now correctly updated (this check was missing before). NUCLEUSinv
- When importing a session file, the axes context menus get activated now. NUCLEUSinv
- When selecting a NMR signal, the joint inversion plots did not get updated when there was already inverted data (fixed in
). NUCLEUSinv - When exporting joint inversion plots the legends were not shown correctly (fixed in
0.1.1 - 2019-02-12
- Some vector sizes did not match in
. NUCLEUSinv - Heavy typo fixing within comments. NUCLEUSinv
0.1.0 - 2019-02-12
Initial Version