#Extended Entity Context
##Parent Entity Context
##Truncate Data
You just have to use the tag @truncate-data, it's faster than reset-schema that drop and re-create the schema of db. Truncate-data will only delete datas and not schema.
Feature: My feature
Given the following users:
| firstname | lastname | infos |
| George | Abitbol | eyes : blue, hat: of course |
Given the following users:
| firstname | lastname |
| George | Abitbol |
| José | Abitbol |
Then I should find 1 User like:
| firstname |
| José |
Then I should find 2 Users like:
| lastname |
| Abitbol |
Then I should not find 3 User like:
| firsname |
| José |
Then I should not find any User like:
| firsname |
| Michel |