We're thrilled that you're interested in contributing to Commit Sage! This document provides guidelines for contributing to the project.
- Fork the repository
- Clone your fork:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/CommitSage.git
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create a branch for your changes:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
- Make your changes
- Test your changes:
npm run test
- Build the extension:
npm run build
- Push your changes to your fork
- Submit a pull request to the main Commit Sage repository.
- Follow the existing code style
- Include tests for new features
- Update documentation as needed
- Keep changes focused and atomic
- Describe your changes in detail
- Use TypeScript
- Follow ESLint rules
- Write clear commit messages
- Add JSDoc comments for public APIs
- Write unit tests for new features
- Ensure all tests pass before submitting
- Test your changes in VS Code
- Update README.md for user-facing changes
- Add JSDoc comments for new functions
- Keep documentation clear and concise
- Join our Telegram Group
- Ask questions in GitHub Issues
Thank you for contributing to Commit Sage!