Releases: ZooRoyal/coding-standard
Releases · ZooRoyal/coding-standard
Git branch comparison stabilized
DEV-2095 alias bug (#21) * DEV-2095 changes comparison of branches from string to hash
Minor changes to Javascript Coding-Standard
Minor changes to Javascript Coding-Standard
Compatibility to PHPCS 3.3.0 and Bugfixes
- Compatibility to PHPCS. Moved to Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions
- Ignore parameter for PHPCS did not work with . in path
- Coding-standard will not use tags to identify local branch anymore
Timeout for NPM-Install increased
1.5.3 Timeout for NPM increased
Performance and submodule support
- deduping of blacklist entries for performance risons
- adding directoies with .git files to blacklist to ignore submodules
Small Fixes
- Fixes detection of git submodules
- Fixes ignore-Pattern of ESLint
- -t parameter takes a whole commit-ish now
- fixed searching for commits in own branch
Port all scripts to php
Porting all scripts to php for stability and maintainability purpusses. Please note that everything is accessed by vendor/bin/coding-standard now.
Polishing Sniffs regarding comments
- Fixing sniffs counting @throws annotations. They will only enforce a lower bound for found exceptions
- Changing DocComment sniff to be more compatible with PHPStorm
Eslint and Stylelint
Eslint and Stylelint were added to the static code analysis tools.
Bugfix Release
Fixed Bug:
DEV-2079 - Local Branch could not be found if checked out commit is detached